Lightsabers and Colour


Better Red than Dead
Aug 5, 2009
Hey guys...

So I don't get to see the new Solar Skirmish film until the 22nd but I'm being bombarded by the associated media.

Made me think about Lightsabers. And colours.


What's your favorite colour?

What colour would your lightsaber be?

Its the bare minimum of a thread but all my friends are going on about lightsabers right now so there you go.


New member
Dec 13, 2015
Crimson/Red will never cease to be my favorite lightsaber. As much as everyone thinks we would be Jedi, a good chunk of us would fall to the Dark Side quickly. Human response is fight or flight, AKA Anger/Passionate response or Fear. Which means you literally have to suppress self preservation instincts to be a Jedi. Thinking about it, that is probably the reason they all went out like punks in Episode 3. No no, I would be a Grey Jedi or a peaceful Sith.

Now corruption comes from abuse of the Dark Side, not only use, even Dooku for his fist years as a Sith remained for the most part charitable. The fact that most Jedi who fall can come back, like Juhani or Qui Gonn, proves its not as black and white as the Lucas films show later on. It's more of a different method of the same thing. Oh and the final nail in the coffin is the fact that Sith was once a race that was destroyed by the Old Republic and the Jedi, the remaining are just followers. I theorize that's the reason behind the "Revenge".

Grey Jedi can wield Dark and Light side powers without corruption or loss of survival instinct. They can also outdo a Sith or Jedi.

Kolby Jack

Come at me scrublord, I'm ripped
Apr 29, 2011
HybridChangeling said:
Crimson/Red will never cease to be my favorite lightsaber. As much as everyone thinks we would be Jedi, a good chunk of us would fall to the Dark Side quickly. Human response is fight or flight, AKA Anger/Passionate response or Fear. Which means you literally have to suppress self preservation instincts to be a Jedi. Thinking about it, that is probably the reason they all went out like punks in Episode 3. No no, I would be a Grey Jedi or a peaceful Sith.

Now corruption comes from abuse of the Dark Side, not only use, even Dooku for his fist years as a Sith remained for the most part charitable. The fact that most Jedi who fall can come back, like Juhani or Qui Gonn, proves its not as black and white as the Lucas films show later on. It's more of a different method of the same thing. Oh and the final nail in the coffin is the fact that Sith was once a race that was destroyed by the Old Republic and the Jedi, the remaining are just followers. I theorize that's the reason behind the "Revenge".

Grey Jedi can wield Dark and Light side powers without corruption or loss of survival instinct. They can also outdo a Sith or Jedi.
"Gray Jedi" don't exist in the canon anymore. They were always kind of bullshit, anyway. A cop-out for people who wanted all the cool Jedi powers but none of the responsibility or discipline. The dark side is corrupting; drawing upon any of it will only bring you closer to it. It's not something anyone can just experience without consequence. That's what makes it dark and why the Jedi adamantly oppose it. I'd recommend checking out the Mortis arc in the Clone Wars. It's a neat *canon* representation of what the force is, although it does have some dumb parts (like Anakin learning he'll become Vader, then having his memory erased).

Basically, the three beings on the planet are like the force incarnate, with the Father (neutral) having sired the Daughter (embodying the light side) and the Son (embodying the dark). The Daughter is content to do her Father's bidding (to test Anakin as the chosen one) but otherwise do no harm, whereas the Son uses the Jedi (through his inherent corrupting ability) to further his own selfish goal of escaping the planet. In the end, the son's actions result in the death of the Daughter (which the Son did not want), and his own death, leaving the Father to weep his two lost children. So though there is a "balance" needed between light and dark, the dark side actively tries to upset the balance, which only destroys the force, while the light is content to preserve it.

OT: My favorite color is blue, so I'd probably just go with a blue lightsaber even though those are so common. Obi-Wan is my favorite Jedi and his saber was blue too.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Something too IR or UV for the enemy to see, though that'd likely be a risk to myself.


New member
Dec 13, 2015
Kolby Jack said:
"Gray Jedi" don't exist in the canon anymore. They were always kind of bullshit.
Gah, don't start a discussion, don't get in trouble, remember your training Hybrid... Anyway Gray Jedi were cool, just never used the right way, with the exception of a few. Having only Sith and Jedi makes the story bland and basic, but having a spectrum makes a more defined and realistic(within the realm of a person). Also, technically gray Jedi do exist in the canon. Qui Gonn is said to have delved in the Dark Side in the past. Also the story you told from Clone Wars is B canon, since having Asohka as a padawan undermines Anakins anger in not being a Jedi Master, the Vader arc undermines his confusion, and I cannot believe your making me defend the prequels.

Basically all things about the Force I like come from non canon sources, since it's not pure simplified black and white shown in the movies. The whole "ultimate corruption" feels like an excuse to destroy them without moral thought or contemplation. Plus I'll throw another Qui Gonn reference there, as he didn't get ultimately corrupted. For the legends canon, you have Kreia, who is evil but treads the line. Jolee Bindo, who takes the Gray Jedi ideals of not getting involved in the endless war and is a great well rounded character.

I see the Gray Jedi as the kind of people who saw the hopelessness the perpetual war and saw the devastation it wreaked, and decided they needed to step back, not the "best OC evarr" enabling group people see them as. Ever read Robots in Disguise series of Transformers comics? One of my favorites. Basically there were a bunch of neutral Transformers that hid away due to the war and saw the devastation the war wreaked, check it out.

Back on topic: On contemplation, I would probably be a Sith, since I am so hardwired to fear.


Your friendly local nihilist
Dec 6, 2010
Lightsaber thread and no mention of favorite type of lightsaber? Dude, come on.

I gotta go with the tried and true blue color lightsaber. Favorite color and the coolest Jedi got it. Obi-Wan, Plo Koon, and... and other people. Of course it'd be on the end of a fucking staff with four blades sticking out of it.


Kolby Jack

Come at me scrublord, I'm ripped
Apr 29, 2011
HybridChangeling said:
Having a Padawan actually does help Anakin's arc. One of the big conflicts in Episode III was the fact that though he was granted a seat on the council, he was not made a master. By the end of the Clone Wars, Ahsoka had earned the right to become a Jedi Knight but turned it down and left the order. Successfully training a padawan is one of the most common ways for a Knight to become a Master, so Anakin was a hair's breadth away from attaining the rank of Master already. Having been denied the rank twice due to technicalities makes his anger over the lack of respect he gets more justifiable.

And there is no "b" canon anymore. The movies, the shows, and the new EU are all one level of canon. Supposedly they have a "canon team" whose job is solely to make sure the canon stays as clean and intact as possible now.

Gray Jedi as you identify them (a Jedi who has dabbled in the Dark Side) exist, but they aren't called Gray Jedi. They're just Jedi... who have experienced the Dark Side at some point. Qui-Gon was no less Jedi than any other, even if his views were often different from the Order's. Hell, LUKE dabbled in the Dark Side and he ultimately came out of it more gooder than goody good good. Jolee Bindo was not gray, he was light side but disliked the order. I know what his alignment bar looked like but alignment bars are stupid. His actions were unequivocally good, he just grew to dislike the politics. Kreia was SUPER evil, she never "toed the line" as you say. She wanted the force to die, which means she wanted ALL LIFE IN THE GALAXY to die. Just because she ended up caring a bit for the Exile doesn't mean her goals or actions were any less abhorrent.

I think you make the same mistake a lot of people make when it comes to how they view the Jedi. The Jedi's warmongering ways were predominately seen IN THE OLD EU. They were often written as such by ding-dongs who didn't seem to get one of the key plot point of the prequels: Yes, the Jedi took on the role of generals and soldiers during the Clone Wars, but they did so very reluctantly (they decided against creating a standing army until it was revealed one was already made) and they paid DEARLY for it. Say what you will about the prequels, because yeah, the writing is shit, but the idea that the Jedi were warmongering anti-dark-side light-nazis is one I'm getting pretty sick of hearing.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
I know my would be blue and I would be a Jedi.

I still remember sketching out what my ideal lightsaber would be but sadly I haven't keep the scan image.

The design is kinda splt diagonally (so that from the side it look like two triangle) which the front would have more of an grip for the fingers and the top part kinda expand to the back so it kinda look like a hilt/ crossguard.


Not So Defunct Now
Mar 30, 2010
Well, I played SW:TOR as a Sith Inquisitor. And my lightsaber color was...



My favorite color is actually orange though.


New member
Dec 13, 2008
People already brought up grey Jedi? That's what's known as having your cake and eating it. Suck it up and pick a side.

Personally I'd like a deep, dark green lightsaber, with a long hilt and a slightly extended blade, like a hand-and-a-half sword. I'd have to be a Jedi, being a Dudeist and all it fits that I follow another set of beliefs awkwardly cobbled together out of Taoism.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Cliche, but blue. But blue's always been my favorite colour anyway.

No Monty Python, it's not yellow.


New member
Jun 16, 2010
black core green lightsaber as id be more or less a reven, not light or dark and certainly not grey but something more.

peace is a lie, passion gets you killed, only through understanding ones self and having resolve to act can one achieve true strength.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Kolby Jack said:
Say what you will about the prequels, because yeah, the writing is shit, but the idea that the Jedi were warmongering anti-dark-side light-nazis is one I'm getting pretty sick of hearing.
You referring to Karen Travis by any chance?

If so, welcome to the club.


New member
Dec 7, 2007
Crimson curve hilt lightsaber; I would master Makashi, Niman, Ataru, and Juyo. I'd definitely follow the code of the Sith, but I wouldn't imitate their practices. My personal philosophy would be closer to Kreia than an extreme like Bane or Yoda.

I would devote my time to mastering the techniques of Darth Plaguis so that I could achieve immortality.


and the Amazing Technicolour Dream Goat 🐐
Mar 31, 2010
I've always traditionally chosen a green lightsaber whenever I've had the choice, for so long that I can't even remember why I originally picked that colour. Possibly because Qui Gon used a green lightsaber, possibly simply because out of the colours Jedi tend to use I prefer green over blue or purple.


New member
Feb 11, 2011
Qui Gon is my favourite jedi, so I think I've always liked the green sabers over blue because of that. I would probably like it to be a curve hilt like dooku's, with a long, thin blade. Basically a light rapier.


New member
Apr 23, 2011
Glad to see "Gray Jedi" getting called out as the bullshit they are.

For me, I love the look of a red lightsaber, but the implications of having one would be unfortunate.

Also, the laziest captcha ever literally just asked me to click a box saying "I'm not a robot"

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
HybridChangeling said:
Crimson/Red will never cease to be my favorite lightsaber. As much as everyone thinks we would be Jedi, a good chunk of us would fall to the Dark Side quickly.
Yes, but have you seen how shitty the Jedi are? Luke got a green lightsaber during his temper tantrum phase. Pretty much the whole Jedi Council in the prequels were ruled by some emotion or another. The reality is that the idea of dispassionate Jedi who do not embrace negative emotion especially is a lie. It's an informed attribute that contradicts almost everything we see onscreen. The closest I think we actually get--Obi-Wan's sacrifice in ANH--is still something that could readily be described as an emotional decision. Especially since, in the next movie, he demonstrates that he has put his faith into Luke as his "last hope."

As such, I'm pretty sure I could make it to Jedi Master with my flawed, imperfect, snarky self. I'm pretty sure all I have to do is tick an "are you evil" box "no" on a form somewhere. The Jedi seem to rely on the honour system for this, too, so I'm pretty much safe.

"Didn't she just casually lop off the arm of that Twilek who cut her off in traffic?"
"Yeah, but her Jedi Master application clearly states 'not evil.'"
"But what about the time she used Force Lightning on Jar-Jar."
"If wanting to kill Jar-Jar was the path to the Dark Side, there would be no Jedi."
"What about that time she ran around Coruscant, humming the Imperial March, while tossing her lightsaber at random people and screaming 'I hate you?'"
"Look, what part of 'not evil' do you not understand?"

...all that said, purple is the best colour (objectively, because science), so I'd go with that. Even if I fell to the Dark Side. >.>

Elfgore said:
Of course it'd be on the end of a fucking staff with four blades sticking out of it.

Only four?



New member
Oct 29, 2009
TheRightToArmBears said:
People already brought up grey Jedi? That's what's known as having your cake and eating it. Suck it up and pick a side.

Personally I'd like a deep, dark green lightsaber, with a long hilt and a slightly extended blade, like a hand-and-a-half sword. I'd have to be a Jedi, being a Dudeist and all it fits that I follow another set of beliefs awkwardly cobbled together out of Taoism.
But both are totally stupid! Strip out most of what makes you human or become a slave to petty emotion, neither sound great to me. Part of the reason I think Jolee, Revan, Luke and Kreia are the most interesting force users in all the canon.

Anyway, loved the Silver/White Sabers in Kotor 2 the mostest.


New member
May 9, 2012
Kolby Jack said:
I think you make the same mistake a lot of people make when it comes to how they view the Jedi. The Jedi's warmongering ways were predominately seen IN THE OLD EU. They were often written as such by ding-dongs who didn't seem to get one of the key plot point of the prequels: Yes, the Jedi took on the role of generals and soldiers during the Clone Wars, but they did so very reluctantly (they decided against creating a standing army until it was revealed one was already made) and they paid DEARLY for it. Say what you will about the prequels, because yeah, the writing is shit, but the idea that the Jedi were warmongering anti-dark-side light-nazis is one I'm getting pretty sick of hearing.
But that doesn't acknowledge the fact the Sith clearly HAD been a threat before Phantom Menace: where exactly did they go? No matter what current Canon states, the only reasonable option is they were wiped out. Only reasonable answer as to who is by the Jedi. Hard as it is to hear, at some point in their history, the Jedi took a massive chunk of the Sith out. That's not to say they were warmongers of course but they did at least do that to the Sith. Hell, the Sith were a SPECIES, where are they now?

The entirety of the Prequels is the Sith getting even with the Jedi and bringing balance (because by the end of it, the universe had two Jedi and two Sith), to say the Light Side promotes balance is deeply flawed because they don't. They promote the Light. The Sith are clearly the more aggressive of the two sides but they don't really spread the Dark Side. Rule of Two precludes it. You could argue that a well thought out Sith would spare a handful of Jedi as the best means to increase their OWN power, whereas a Jedi would either convert the Sith to the light OR would kill them outright.

tl;dr, I think it's probably more complicated than just the Jedi were peaceful and good.

OT: If I had to choose, I'd have to say... Jetpack