Link Trades Epona in For "The Master Cycle" in Mario Kart 8 - Update


New member
Apr 24, 2012
You know what I think I'll pass on a cyberpunk Zelda. A steampunk Zelda however, would be far more interesting. And Spirit Tracks doesn't count because I said so.


New member
Dec 30, 2009
jFr[e said:
ak93]The very thought of a cyberpunk Zelda game has me punching my computer with a wallet.

Seriously. That's two of my favourite things... in one place.

That's like ice cream covered waffles.
^ This. I have been dreaming about 'the big three' reincarnating into the future for YEARS. Link's gear all replaced with high tech equivalents (with fancy Dishonored-style animations), overarching social conflicts (because in the future, you can't just take a sword to people until someone gives you an award) and a sleek, stylin' bike... named Epona. A N.A.V.I digital shoulder mounted system, a properly open world, real people with heavy stories (not just glossy caricatures serving as opportunities to give more money or hearts) and through it all, the only unchanging thing... The Master Sword.

Heck, maybe even bring Fi back, for a Hero who doesn't know what his purpose is because all the Sages/people who normally tell him what to do have been eroded by time or the enemy's insidious reach. Have him actually refuse the call for once, or have him realise that the cycle of reincarnation won't ever end so long as he keeps doing what Zelda tells him to-

Annnnd that's getting dangerously close to fanfiction. BUT DAMMIT I WANT IT!

Except, I have no reason to believe that - if they ever *did* do it? They'd do it with any more depth than a change in visual style.

...i still want it though...

If I had an ounce of game making skill, I'd fan make this in a heartbeat.