Having been in a major where I was required to take several coding classes (I'm a C++ gal, but I dabble in Java) I can tell you that "lack of interest" isn't the only thing keeping the ladies out of tech-based fields. I was met with passive-aggressive snubbing, open hostility, and a ton of "she doesn't know what she's talking about, ignore her... oh, male classmate that comes up with the same idea half an hour later, you're brilliant! This is how it should be done!" in my coding and engineering classes. That kind of culture needs to be fixed. It's not everyone, of course. I met some great people in my time in my engineering major (3 years, so no, it wasn't that I just took a few courses and dropped it), but by and large, my classmates - and even some of my professors and one of my advisers - treated me like I shouldn't be there.The Plunk said:-gif snip-
I've said this before: On my college's computing course, how many people are girls? Not a single one! And that's out of about 60 people.
On the I.T. course the representation seems a bit fairer. It's probably about 5-10%.
I'm afraid that there are some subjects which just interest one gender more than the other, and things like programming are one of them.
Also, I'm sure that the players of games like Fable are not 45% women, so that statistic is completely useless in this situation.
Swinging back to the main topic - I'd love to see half of game developers be women. But what I'm really hoping for is for half of the creative team behind games - the character artists, the people who write the narrative, all that jazz - becoming women. (NO, I'm not advocating for a "choose women over better-qualified men" thing. That's silly.) Because with ladies on the creative teams, that's how we'll get a little less... well... "Dragon's Crown sorceress"-esque controversy, and a little more well-rounded and/or badass leading ladies to play the field with the well-rounded and/or badass leading men.
Can't say I think that - or 50/50 development gender ratio - will happen within 10 years. But who knows. I'm admittedly a bit of a pessimist.