Generally as long as the artist doing the art isn't selling them, fan art is completely legal for the most part as it falls into a grey legal area. Most companies don't care if you draw a picture of their characters provided you don't intend to make money off of it. Which is why on deviantart (where most of the pictures were stolen from) if you make fanart you aren't allowed to sell prints Most of the artists who had their work sold by this vendor only displayed it up for people to see, and weren't selling prints of it. This guy took work that was done by other artists and was selling them. So while not copyright infringement for taking the art from the original artist, it's generally falls into what is known in the art communities of the internet as "art theft", which is taking art that doesn't belong to you and using it without credit or permission, even going so far as it say it's your own work. Now, he done gone messed up selling copyrighted characters without clearing it through their respective copyright holders too, which is copyright infringement.