London Opens Bus Stop Made Entirely of LEGO


Geekdad News Writer
Jan 5, 2013
London Opens Bus Stop Made Entirely of LEGO

A fully functional bus stop has been built on London's Regent Street using more than 100,000 LEGO brick's.

Have you ever had one of those moments where you find yourself looking at the world and thinking "lord do I wish this was all made of LEGO?" Of course you have, because as <a href=>countless past <a href=>occasions have proven, everything is better when built with LEGO. Case in point, the city of London has recently opened a new bus stop made up almost entirely of LEGO bricks.

The stop, which was built in front of Hamley's toy store on London's Regent Street, was constructed by the street furniture company Trueform. Not skimping on any detail, the company used more than 100,000 LEGO bricks to ensure that it was built accurately and to the specifications of Transport for London, which manages most of the city's transit systems. This included clear LEGO bricks to replace the glass, bricks for the seating and even LEGO route signs. The only thing not made of LEGO were more complex maps which were applied after the fact with a spray on adhesive.


The bus stop was constructed as part of an effort to celebrate 200 years of London bus services, and is currently serving as a fully functional bus stop. Unfortunately, it's already been confirmed that the unique stop is only going to be temporary, meaning that die hard LEGO fans may want to catch a bus to London at some point in the near future, or risk missing out on one of the niftiest builds in the world.

Source: <a href=>Gizmodo



Note to self: Prooof reed posts
Sep 4, 2013
Pretty neat, but probably for the best that this remains temporary. I can see this easily falling prey to vandalism or at least unable to withstand the elements for more than a year.

Also that seat can't be too cosy.


~ Struck by a Smooth Criminal ~
Mar 28, 2011
I imagine someone just walking to the stop with a hammer, whistling a fine tune, and just decimating the whole thing with said hammer. Pieces will fly in every direction, causing countless tire punctures and blocked traffic for hours on end. All the pedestrians on their way to work puncture their feet from the landfill of lego now on the ground, permanently ruining their day.

Just think of the possibilities...


Plop plop plop
Sep 28, 2009
Finally, something from the "great society" Cameron was talking about that people will actually say is good: A single bus stop made of Lego.

Let's look at the scoreboard, shall we?

Great Society
Good ideas: 1

Bad ideas: everything else


New member
Apr 12, 2011
StewShearer said:
a toy store
A Toy Store? It's Hamley's, one of the oldest, and largest, Toy Stores in the world. As a facebook commenter rightfully put it, It's 'a Mecca for children everywhere.'

That aside, finally the Big Society has yielded something of actual interest that isn't throttling my education.


New member
May 25, 2011
neonsword13-ops said:
I imagine someone just walking to the stop with a hammer, whistling a fine tune, and just decimating the whole thing with said hammer. Pieces will fly in every direction, causing countless tire punctures and blocked traffic for hours on end. All the pedestrians on their way to work puncture their feet from the landfill of lego now on the ground, permanently ruining their day.
In other words, exactly the same thing that happens to every other bus stop, just with the pieces made of plastic instead of glass.


Geekdad News Writer
Jan 5, 2013
Shiftygiant said:
StewShearer said:
a toy store
A Toy Store? It's Hamley's, one of the oldest, and largest, Toy Stores in the world. As a facebook commenter rightfully put it, It's 'a Mecca for children everywhere.'

That aside, finally the Big Society has yielded something of actual interest that isn't throttling my education.
Thanks for pointing this detail out. I've popped it in there.


New member
Nov 2, 2009
Shiftygiant said:
StewShearer said:
a toy store
A Toy Store? It's Hamley's, one of the oldest, and largest, Toy Stores in the world. As a facebook commenter rightfully put it, It's 'a Mecca for children everywhere.'

That aside, finally the Big Society has yielded something of actual interest that isn't throttling my education.
I'm glad someone else spotted this, calling Hamley's "a toy store" is right up with calling Big Ben "a clock tower", or The White House "a building"

They're all accurate, just very inadequate descriptions ;)


Note to self: Prooof reed posts
Sep 4, 2013
Micah Weil said:
Story said:
Also that seat can't be too cosy.
Perhaps it's an initiative to keep hobos from sleeping at the bus stop?
You may jest, but there actually are things like that these days.

We live in sad times.

If I had the choice though, I'd rather sleep on Legos than spikes.


New member
Jul 10, 2010
Plurals do not have apostrophes! Gah! It's one thing if some guy from a non english speaking country makes it. He probably just barely learned to use words.

But I'm guessing you've gone through school. Mistakes like this shouldn't be made. Why is this happening more often? It's "Bricks" not "Brick's". Come on internet!

There's only so much my inner grammar nazi can take before it goes nuts.

That bus stop is pretty awesome though.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
so, how many kids are going to get free LEGO soon and how soon will the bus stop be picked apart piece by piece?

Im betting on less than a week.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
In a thousand years we'll be building 1:1 reconstructions of the Eiffel tower in LEGO on mars.