Happyninja42 said:
To all the suggestions for Saboteur, thanks, I think I'll give that a try. It does seem to have that AC level of mobility, which is what I'm looking for, but just not an ancient civilization setting.
Admittedly, it's a bit of an acquired taste for a number of reasons, but if you just think of it as being set in an alternate universe, it's fine. Since, if you're after a historically accurate game, don't play it, 'cos it'll rustle your jimmies like there's no tomorrow (the map, for one thing, the Wulf tank and zeppelins (who'da thunk it... zeppelin farming could be a thing)). Treat it as a chaos-is-a-ladder situation that has story elements/story background that strongly resemble WWII France and you'll have fun.
Hell, I avoided playing it purely on the strength of ZP's review way back when, but when I played it, I both agreed, but still found it an enjoyable ride. The aesthetic is pretty unique too, especially the final mission (or penultimate, can't quite remember).