Looking for a good furry comic


New member
Jul 28, 2010
shameduser said:
Some asshole once linked me to a furry comic. That shit is nasty. When ever I hear the word 'furry' used in any context I get a cold shudder down my spine. "What has been seen cannot by unseen" is all to true.
Well im not looking for furry pron's
Im just looking for a fairly story driven comic that just happens to involve furries
Thats not THAT bad is it?

Logan Cochrane

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May 12, 2011
The_Puppy_Prince said:
Logan Cochrane said:
Twokinds.com if your looking for story, unfortunately it only updates on Wednesdays
laslindas.katbox.net if your looking for more of a pandering
Twokinds.com's domain died so idk about that Ouo
Sorry, it was recently changed to twokinds.keenspot.com. My apologies.


New member
Jul 28, 2010
Logan Cochrane said:
The_Puppy_Prince said:
Logan Cochrane said:
Twokinds.com if your looking for story, unfortunately it only updates on Wednesdays
laslindas.katbox.net if your looking for more of a pandering
Twokinds.com's domain died so idk about that Ouo
Sorry, it was recently changed to twokinds.keenspot.com. My apologies.
There we go

A Weary Exile

New member
Aug 24, 2009
I'm not really a furry myself (Unless Bronydom counts as some sort of furry fandom off-shoot, then I guess I would be. :p) but I have read parts of Better Days and Original Life, didn't care much for it. I hated that it jammed conservatism and patriotism down the reader's throat, but I didn't really hate the story which could be legitimately interesting at times, that is when Naylor wasn't Ad Homeniming the Christ out of liberals.

I had a friend mention a serious furry comic to me in a chat session on Steam, when he gets on next I can PM you the name of it if you'd like.

trollnystan said:
I'm currently reading [link]http://www.lackadaisycats.com/[/link]. I guess that could be considered a "furry" comic? (I'm not "hip" with the terminology, youngster.) The drawing style is superb, I'm fascinated by the era, and everyone is a cat. Cats are awesome.
That actually does look pretty interesting. May give it a look. :l

Apparently some people still don't understand that furry =/= animal porn. How many multi-page threads have we had on this exact subject? Yet this misconception remains...


New member
Jul 28, 2010
A Weary Exile said:
I'm not really a furry myself (Unless Bronydom counts as some sort of furry fandom off-shoot, then I guess I would be. :p) but I have read parts of Better Days and Original Life, didn't care much for it. I hated that it jammed conservatism and patriotism down the reader's throat, but I didn't really hate the story which could be legitimately interesting at times, that is when Naylor wasn't Ad Homeniming the Christ out of liberals.

I had a friend mention a serious furry comic to me in a chat session on Steam, when he gets on next I can PM you the name of it if you'd like.
Yea i kinda saw that too but i still found it quite good as a whole
And sure,why not


I'm back, baby, & still dancing!
Dec 27, 2010
The_Puppy_Prince said:
trollnystan said:
I'm currently reading [link]http://www.lackadaisycats.com/[/link]. I guess that could be considered a "furry" comic? (I'm not "hip" with the terminology, youngster.) The drawing style is superb, I'm fascinated by the era, and everyone is a cat. Cats are awesome.
I took one look at the home page and knew this one would be intresting XD
I'm glad =) It's a quality story too. Wish I could draw like that, sigh...


Hmm.. what's this button do?
Nov 2, 2009
I thought this was kind of light hearted and entertaining.

House Pets [http://www.housepetscomic.com/2008/06/02/when-boredom-strikes/]


New member
Jul 6, 2010
Logan Cochrane said:
Twokinds.com if your looking for story, unfortunately it only updates on Wednesdays
laslindas.katbox.net if your looking for more of a pandering
BAH. Ninja'd. You bastard.

The_Puppy_Prince said:
Ok so i spent about a entire day reading Jay Naylor's "Better days" and im gonna start "Original Life" soon
So i was wondering if any of you Escapists knew of any furry comics that youd might recommend?
Otherwise I'd have to suggest some things that aren't quite what you might call furry, but they're not human either. >_> These being [a href="http://kalduras.comicgenesis.com/"]Tales of Kalduras[/a], and [a href"http://www.webcomicsnation.com/korybing/skindeep/series.php"]Skindeep[/a].

However, a true furry comic is [a href="http://catenamanor.com/"]Catena Manor[/a]. Very amusing, I personally love it. Not very plot driven, though.

EDIT: Hmm. There's a comic, [a href="http://tainted.comicgenesis.com/"]Tainted[/a], that has people who have the ability to transform halfway or fully into animals. But it's mostly humans, so I don't know.

EDIT2: Here's an idea, just go questing on Comic Genesis. It's an awesome place to find what you want.


New member
Jul 28, 2010
trollnystan said:
The_Puppy_Prince said:
trollnystan said:
I'm currently reading [link]http://www.lackadaisycats.com/[/link]. I guess that could be considered a "furry" comic? (I'm not "hip" with the terminology, youngster.) The drawing style is superb, I'm fascinated by the era, and everyone is a cat. Cats are awesome.
I took one look at the home page and knew this one would be intresting XD
I'm glad =) It's a quality story too. Wish I could draw like that, sigh...
Id go mental if i could draw like that :<


New member
Jan 1, 2011

I haven't read any, unless VG Cats counts.

[small]Seriously guys, not all furries are sick fucks... out of 1000 furries you'd probably only find one that's into the porn. Has anyone noticed that the community at FurAddifinity is better than deviantART's could ever be? :/[/small]


New member
Jul 28, 2010
AetherWolf said:

I haven't read any, unless VG Cats counts.

[small]Seriously guys, not all furries are sick fucks... out of 1000 furries you'd probably only find one that's into the porn. Has anyone noticed that the community at FurAddifinity is better than deviantART's could ever be? :/[/small]
That gave me a little hope for this community
Just a bit ><


New member
Jul 28, 2010
Averant said:
Logan Cochrane said:
Twokinds.com if your looking for story, unfortunately it only updates on Wednesdays
laslindas.katbox.net if your looking for more of a pandering
BAH. Ninja'd. You bastard.

The_Puppy_Prince said:
Ok so i spent about a entire day reading Jay Naylor's "Better days" and im gonna start "Original Life" soon
So i was wondering if any of you Escapists knew of any furry comics that youd might recommend?
Otherwise I'd have to suggest some things that aren't quite what you might call furry, but they're not human either. >_> These being [a href="http://kalduras.comicgenesis.com/"]Tales of Kalduras[/a], and [a href"http://www.webcomicsnation.com/korybing/skindeep/series.php"]Skindeep[/a].

However, a true furry comic is [a href="http://catenamanor.com/"]Catena Manor[/a]. Very amusing, I personally love it. Not very plot driven, though.

EDIT: Hmm. There's a comic, [a href="http://tainted.comicgenesis.com/"]Tainted[/a], that has people who have the ability to transform halfway or fully into animals. But it's mostly humans, so I don't know.

EDIT2: Here's an idea, just go questing on Comic Genesis. It's an awesome place to find what you want.
Never heard of comic genesis
MIght have to check it out

Logan Cochrane

New member
May 12, 2011
Averant said:
Logan Cochrane said:
Twokinds.com if your looking for story, unfortunately it only updates on Wednesdays
laslindas.katbox.net if your looking for more of a pandering
BAH. Ninja'd. You bastard.
Did i misinterpret what he wished?

The_Puppy_Prince said:
Ok so i spent about a entire day reading Jay Naylor's "Better days" and im gonna start "Original Life" soon
So i was wondering if any of you Escapists knew of any furry comics that youd might recommend?
Otherwise I'd have to suggest some things that aren't quite what you might call furry, but they're not human either. >_> These being [a href="http://kalduras.comicgenesis.com/"]Tales of Kalduras[/a], and [a href"http://www.webcomicsnation.com/korybing/skindeep/series.php"]Skindeep[/a].

However, a true furry comic is [a href="http://catenamanor.com/"]Catena Manor[/a]. Very amusing, I personally love it. Not very plot driven, though.

EDIT: Hmm. There's a comic, [a href="http://tainted.comicgenesis.com/"]Tainted[/a], that has people who have the ability to transform halfway or fully into animals. But it's mostly humans, so I don't know.

EDIT2: Here's an idea, just go questing on Comic Genesis. It's an awesome place to find what you want.[/quote]


New member
Aug 18, 2010
Well, I was going to say TwoKinds but this place is crawling with Ninja's...

Personally, I enjoy BallerinaMafia... It updates Mondays, Wednesdays, and sometimes Fridays, and I really enjoy it...

...those are the only Furry comics I read though... Sorry I couldn't be more of a help!


New member
Sep 16, 2009
When Lola died in Grim Fandango. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBtXiZFylko
Poor 11 year old me couldn't take it.

Edit: Wellp, posted that in the wrong thread. OT... Um, not much of a furry. But I read TwoKinds for a while.


New member
Jul 28, 2010
CargoHold said:
When Lola died in Grim Fandango. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBtXiZFylko
Poor 11 year old me couldn't take it.
I love Grim Fandango dont get me wrong
Random much?


New member
Sep 16, 2009
The_Puppy_Prince said:
CargoHold said:
When Lola died in Grim Fandango. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBtXiZFylko
Poor 11 year old me couldn't take it.
I love Grim Fandango dont get me wrong
Random much?

...Aw man, totally in the wrong thread, bahah.