Logan Cochrane said:
Twokinds.com if your looking for story, unfortunately it only updates on Wednesdays
laslindas.katbox.net if your looking for more of a pandering
BAH. Ninja'd. You bastard.
The_Puppy_Prince said:
Ok so i spent about a entire day reading Jay Naylor's "Better days" and im gonna start "Original Life" soon
So i was wondering if any of you Escapists knew of any furry comics that youd might recommend?
Otherwise I'd have to suggest some things that aren't quite what you might call furry, but they're not human either. >_> These being [a href="http://kalduras.comicgenesis.com/"]Tales of Kalduras[/a], and [a href"http://www.webcomicsnation.com/korybing/skindeep/series.php"]Skindeep[/a].
However, a true furry comic is [a href="http://catenamanor.com/"]Catena Manor[/a]. Very amusing, I personally love it. Not very plot driven, though.
EDIT: Hmm. There's a comic, [a href="http://tainted.comicgenesis.com/"]Tainted[/a], that has people who have the ability to transform halfway or fully into animals. But it's mostly humans, so I don't know.
EDIT2: Here's an idea, just go questing on Comic Genesis. It's an awesome place to find what you want.