Lost 24 of 27 DOTA games


New member
Feb 3, 2010
After playing roughly 100 wins 100 losses through 200 odd games, I'm suddenly in a death spiral. 23 losses through 26 games. One of the three wins was a 5 minute disconnect fest that somehow got credited to us.

Each loss is worst than the last. My team gets more and more dysfunctional, with YOLO carries, or five melees during the pick, or mid game disconnects, or AFKs, or deliberate feeders. Enemy teams range from marginally competent (all that's needed) to crack squads of highly organized players.

I haven't played well. I've had some good games that we lost, and some terrible games that we lost. I've been the goat once or twice. But I've had worse periods of play...by far...and seen better results.

However, I am perfectly willing to accept "the problem is me". Maybe my ability evaporated overnight, and now I'm the shittiest player in shittown. That's fine, I accept that. What I don't understand is WHY am I not being shoved so far down the rankings that wins are inevitable? I've had 7, 8, 9 game win streaks before, and the reward is always a CRUSHING losing streak to balance the scales. But this losing streak...all that happens is more losing. It's getting quite hilarious. Loss 23, which would be the 9th in a row since the last win...was 17-2 at the 8 minute mark. The enemy Pudge was 9-1 and our mid was 0-5.

What. The Fuck. Is Going. On.


New member
Feb 3, 2010
Futurehero said:
Do what I do in League of Legends:

1)Realize that all the retards are spread evenly, on both your team and the other.

2)Insta-mute everyone, every time. Both Lol, and I think Dota2 have a good ping system to get your point across.

3)Always play the same, small number of heroes/champions, so your mechanical skill gets better and better.

4)Keep a excel file open with YOUR performance in every game, and spend a good 5 minutes after every match assessing your skill. Not only does it help calm you, since it's basically a break after every game, but it forces you to think about your own play, rather than your idiot team's.

5)Avoid playing roles/champions that need team-play to function. I avoid support like the plague in League, unless I'm playing with a friend.

6)Realize when it's time to give up. There are games that are flat out unwinnable, and going super try-hard to try and force a win will leave you sapped. Realize when it's time to call it a loss, and adjust your own play style. Don't afk, or rage , just accept the loss and keep your willpower/sanity/patience for the next game.

7)Identify the time when all the dumb kids are playing, and avoid playing at that time. For me , I never play after lunch, since all the kids come back from school and the number of bad players SHARPLY increases.
It's all fine advice, but I'm not new to the game. I know the heroes, I know the builds, I know the items. I'm no pro, far from it. But through 200 games, I made a reasonable accounting of myself. I played well in most of the wins, and made a fair accounting of myself in most of the losses. I had my disaster games, usually when breaking in an unfamiliar hero, but I had my heroic moments as well. The game puttered along, feeding me 2 wins here, 2 losses there, with the occasional longer streak reaching up to 7-10 games, but only rarely. As expected from ELO, win/loss hovered around 50%.

Now, it feels broken. Not only do I lose and lose and lose and lose, but with each consecutive loss I get worse and worse teammates, and face stiffer and stiffer competition, as if I was on a long winning streak. When you're on an 8 game losing streak how on EARTH does the ELO feed you a team SO bad they're down 17-2 at the 8 minute mark?

It's 24 of my last 27 now, btw. Lost again.


New member
May 5, 2010
Quit feeding.

I kid, feeding is my role! This is why I generally do not enjoy team PvP in any game. (CoD team deathmatch doesn't count, that's really just free for all with half the potential targets spoken for.) I hate doing my best to push the team along and the rest sitting there with their fingers up their noses. The only PvP stuff I like doing is the free-for-all/solo stuff, or the team stuff so big that your individual contribution doesn't matter that much so you can just go nuts. Any team pvp where one or two people can make or break it is my no-no zone.


Reinventing the Spiel
Feb 2, 2012
Statistically that can be easily put down to bad luck, perhaps you're looking for big problems with yourself when there's little there and nothing that would result in you suddenly winning as the situation was out of your hands?

Speaking of hands I play(ed) a fair bit of cash poker and I've lost heads up all in blind with AA for something like seven times in a row (Holdem). This is a hand with about 9/10 on the odds front in that situation. A DOTA game will certainly provide much worse so it's easily conceivable of someone having a hideously bad streak of hundreds of back to back losses and there's nothing they could do.

Play through the downswing as you seem confident in your abilities and things very much might turn around. Try to eliminate as many random factors as you can, including who you play with and inconsistently performing friends. Or just play a better competitive game such as QL or chill in a single player story focused affair for a break.



Reinventing the Spiel
Feb 2, 2012
Just read your last post too, look up "tilting" - which essentially means not playing your usual game due to a change in your mindset, for good or bad, which will then have a negative impact on your overall success.

Not saying that's the case, but it might be a good thing to be aware of when chance takes a giant shit on you.

Jimmy T. Malice

New member
Dec 28, 2010
You could always try Captain's Mode - that seems to have better players in general, although there are a fair few that rage-quit when their favourite hero gets banned.


New member
Apr 5, 2010
Although it's a good thing to look for shortcomings on your end first, as long as you aren't playing with a consistent team quite often the outcome of matches comes down to pure luck, especially in low to mid skilled pubs.
I've had it all - two digits win/lose streaks, games where my team won by the 30 min mark without any kind of assistance on my part while I played farmville in the safe lane, games where I lost against 5 carries and won with 5 supports, where I lost 4v1 and won 3v5.
All it takes is one team getting one or two tardier players than the other, which is all the more fatal when there's (almost) no communication involved.

My advice would be to stop paying attention to the win count. Make having fun and improving your primary goal instead of winning. Of course winning feels better but even in a lost game there's enjoyment to be found unless it's a complete and utter stomp. And if nothing else you can always analyse the replay for mistakes.


Social Office Corridor
Mar 31, 2010
Perhaps you should go from unwilling participant in your losses, to full-on willing instigator.

Start AFKing, pretend to let your 3 year old son play, whatever, see how other people like it.

(Have played no DotA in my life, no idea if this gets you b&)


New member
May 5, 2011
Just keep at it, everyone gets a crushing losing streak from now and then. It could just be bad luck, or you could have gone up in ratings and are finding it a lot harder.


New member
Jul 9, 2012
If you want OP, you could give me your steam name and I could watch a game or two and give you pointers. Only if you want.


New member
Nov 14, 2011
BloatedGuppy said:
After playing roughly 100 wins 100 losses through 200 odd games, I'm suddenly in a death spiral. 23 losses through 26 games. One of the three wins was a 5 minute disconnect fest that somehow got credited to us.

Each loss is worst than the last. My team gets more and more dysfunctional, with YOLO carries, or five melees during the pick, or mid game disconnects, or AFKs, or deliberate feeders. Enemy teams range from marginally competent (all that's needed) to crack squads of highly organized players.

I haven't played well. I've had some good games that we lost, and some terrible games that we lost. I've been the goat once or twice. But I've had worse periods of play...by far...and seen better results.

However, I am perfectly willing to accept "the problem is me". Maybe my ability evaporated overnight, and now I'm the shittiest player in shittown. That's fine, I accept that. What I don't understand is WHY am I not being shoved so far down the rankings that wins are inevitable? I've had 7, 8, 9 game win streaks before, and the reward is always a CRUSHING losing streak to balance the scales. But this losing streak...all that happens is more losing. It's getting quite hilarious. Loss 23, which would be the 9th in a row since the last win...was 17-2 at the 8 minute mark. The enemy Pudge was 9-1 and our mid was 0-5.

What. The Fuck. Is Going. On.
This happens to me sometimes it's really annoying :( You can't support because your carries are shit, you can't carry because your supports are shit, and if you go jungle/solo/mid then your other lanes feeds despite how much you end up owning.

Just start stacking with some friends, people who know what to do, feel free to PM me and add me if you want, I usually play support.
Dec 14, 2009
How many Russians were on your team?

Kidding aside, losing streaks suck, especially when they aren't even close matches.

Nothing sucks more than having to wait 40 minutes for your team to lose.

The only thing I can suggest is you play a different game mode, might be enough to throw you out of the fucktard pool you seem to be currently residing and into some proper games :D


New member
Nov 21, 2011
Just play and play, there's not much to it. As soon as you get some better MMR you will play better games with balanced teams, obviously there will still be the occasional fuck up teams or new players in your team. Atleast you're not one of those "ITS ALWAYS MY TEAM BLABLA" so you are already better than 90% of dota players. I personally only had 1 losing streak like 11 in a row usually it's like win 3-4 then lose 1.


Need superslick, Kupo.
Dec 7, 2009
Never solo queue. Get a group of people who know how to play, pick, adapt to unusual circumstances, and work as a team.
There's over five million DOTA 2 players. Befriend some good ones.


New member
Jun 7, 2010
I once went on a 20 something lose streak... those were bad times. I probably could've won some of those games if wasn't playing solo queue support but when you're pubbing and the rest of your team picks 4 carries then you're only making it worse if you do anything else.

It did get better though, I came back with a 20 something win streak (probably because matchmaking dropped me so low) and now most games are pretty good.

Generally though, the only way to avoid it is to party up.
If you don't have anyone to party with feel free to add me :)


New member
Jun 9, 2008
Generally, I only ever play single draft these days, kinda stops the insta-lock 4 late game hard carries crap that you see in a lot of all pick. Nothing like a Spectre, Void, AM and Clinkz on your side to make you sigh and pick Windrunner.

As is mentioned above, find some others too play with. All pick becomes a lot more viable when you can come up with a strat during draft, especially if your countering the enemy picks. Hell, my best game to date was when we got 5 of my steam friends together and we went for a weird Mirana, Dark Seer, Earth Shaker combo. Pop the Mirana invis and me (shaker) and the seer would go look for the enemy team with a Vac/Echoslam combo. Other team had a PL, soooo much rage from them XD

Failing that, if I'm having a shitty time, I'll bung myself in practice with easy bots and just slap some fools with a solo mid sniper/drow/literally any hero against easy bots.


New member
Jun 11, 2013
You just need to have fun. Seriously, all I do is solo queue and I have a great time. You will lose, and you will win. Quickly forget the last game and focus on the game at hand. But make sure you realize your mistakes or habits.

Also play whatever character you want, because seriously if you don't you will end up playing a support every game, haha.

Find a way to have fun, but that is not trolling. :)