

New member
Feb 21, 2008
How is it? How well does it copy WoW while doing it's own thing? I've had me eye on it for while but I don't know any player's opinions.


New member
Aug 7, 2008
My friend who got me into WoW had LOTRO and hated it. And seeing as he has no life outside of his computer I would say his opinion counts for something. But I dunno as I hear that you can be a Hobbit Minstrel, and well I would be willing to try any game that has class/race's that strange.

Lvl 64 Klutz

Apr 8, 2008
needausername post=9.71076.712580 said:
My friend who got me into WoW had LOTRO and hated it. And seeing as he has no life outside of his computer I would say his opinion counts for something. But I dunno as I hear that you can be a Hobbit Minstrel, and well I would be willing to try any game that has class/race's that strange.
I find most people who went from WoW to LotRO didn't like the more serious community, and quit blaming the game. Not insulting your friend, just saying that LotRO initially attracted a different audience, and that audience has become the main player base.

On that note, though, I don't play anymore because the game lacks anything to make it dynamic, there are no events exciting enough to make you feel like you "have to play today," and there's NOWHERE TO GO. Seriously, one of the major factors that made me finally decide to quit is that the starting landscape is extremely small compared to most MMO's, and then when they announce an expansion pack, it's just adding the Mines of Moria. I understand that they're working with a license and don't want to run out of content to add with future expansions, but they're being WAYY too conservative because of it.


New member
Dec 24, 2007
I rather liked the game, nice graphic side, a pleasant(albeit scattered and hard to reach) community and most of all; the quests generally felt integrated in the world.

After a few months of play I realized I couldn't stand the setting and stopped playing.


New member
Sep 9, 2008
I played the game when it first released and when it added DX10 graphics and let tell you that it blows WoW out of the water in terms of graphics. The problem is there's something missing which i can't quite put my finger on that makes gamers loose interest.

Rooster Cogburn

New member
May 24, 2008
I tried both WoW and Lotro, and liked the later more. I liked everything better in Lotro: the setting, the graphics, the classes, the dungeons, and especially the PvP (it's not a PvP focused game but still blows WoW out of the water).

One thing I like about Lotro is that you are more motivated to explore and reach new areas. The first time I walked my character through the passes and got my first glimpse of the Valley of Rivendell: it was nothing short of stunning.


New member
Mar 24, 2009
lotro has been amazing so far not sure what i was thinking taking so long to switch over from wow


New member
Mar 24, 2009
I played WoW and had a level 70 warlock when I stopped. It was largely due to the WoW community. The majority of players struck me as immature and condescending if you veered off a script while in a group. The LOTRO community, on average, tends to be more mature. Granted, this is a sweeping generailty and there are exceptions in both games but, given my experiences, I prefer LOTRO.


New member
Mar 24, 2009
TomNook said:
How is it? How well does it copy WoW while doing it's own thing? I've had me eye on it for while but I don't know any player's opinions.
I wrote this review on another thread ... but hope it helps you ...


Fallout three was really nifty game ... but no where near as good as MASS EFFECT ... maybe since I finished Mass Effect right before starting Fallout 3 it had a bearing in my decision of what an aweomse RPG feels like ... but like I said Fallout 3 was fun just not GREAT...

On the MMO side .. I have played them All ... starting with Ultima online many years ago ... and text based muds before that

DDO ... I did not care for it much at all ...... with that said however LOTRO is another story .....

Lotro may be one of the most Unique MMO's I have ever played ... I signed up for a trail accoutn early on and was like meh its alright ... but I gave it another try about 6 months later and took a char up to level 20 ... I began to see how awesome the game really was ...

The Epic books story quest are an incredible adventure all by themselves !

everything else is gravy

it has a music system to play all sorts of instruments and add abc notations into your folder and play your fav songs in game on tons of different instruments! you can even sync up with other toons and play as a band ... pretty darn neat ... heh yestersay me and a guy played Dueling banjos and it was awesome ... even been rocking out on lutes and drums to def leapard tunes ... its unreal fun ...

the crafting is actually quite fun compared to a lot of games but still nto as detailed as I would prefer ...

If your into heavy raiding the game is nto for you though ... it des have hiugh end raids just not a lot becuase this game more about path to to the end not getting to the end which is a neat concept for a game for a change ... there is still plenty to do though after reaching max level ... the amount of quests and deeds and traits to acquire is mindboggling!

GRAPHICS on DX10 ultra high .. are insane good ... prolly best in industry HANDS DOWN no contest ...

hobiies could use a lot more work ... fishing is alright but not reeally satisying

I highly suggest anyone that has not tried it in awhile to give the free trial a go ... its really a lot of fun ... It also has one of the most helpful and friendly communities of any MMO ive played ....

PvP I cannot comment on ... i just dont do it very often at all ... a lot do though ... its based on players vs . monsters ... you can roll monsters to play in the game as well and switch to play those chars and fight the player chars in the game which is kinda cool and a lot of people do it ... just not my thing

just as any mmo ... it has its irritations sometimes but overall it really is a well designed game ... Ill prolly play it til 2010 when the new Star Wars MMO comes ... but even then Ill prolly split my time between the two ... I bought a Lifetime membership to LOTRO which means i can play until I die or the game dies and never pay another dime ... which is really cool for a MMO!

Anywoo I obviously am voting for turbine although I did enjoy Fallout 3 ... it is just not in the same league of fun factor as LOTRO ... IMHO of course

P.S. I noticed several people refernce DDO and LOTRO as WOW clones ... There could be nothign further from the truth ... they are totally and extremely different games than wow ... not even close .... and as someone that has been in the MMO community since Text based MUDS ( look up what they were heh ) WoW borrowed heavily from EQ that borrowed from Ultimate online that borrowed from Text based Muds ... Wow was nto really that original ... it just has bad graphics that lets it play on almost anymachine .. which lets them get the unreal subscription numbers out of asia ... and others with systems that could not handle modern MMOS


New member
Apr 30, 2008
I got the game at release, quit after a month and tried it again a few times and quit for the same reason

The game is just unrewarding. The UI and combat is just a wow knock off, the quests are better written then wows but still the same, run into town collect all the quests run out and kill 10 boars, 6 bears, etc. Equipment had an unnoticeable effect so doing some quest chain or saving up for what looks like a good item became pointless as it didn't do anything.

then there was the screaming sound effect. Ware some of the classes use a scream sound when you use an ability. So every 5 seconds you hear AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH repeatedly it was also 3-4x louder then any other sound with no way to turn it off other then to turn off sound altogether. it was like trying to play with a crying baby next to me


New member
Mar 20, 2009
Squarewave said:
I got the game at release, quit after a month and tried it again a few times and quit for the same reason

The game is just unrewarding. The UI and combat is just a wow knock off, the quests are better written then wows but still the same, run into town collect all the quests run out and kill 10 boars, 6 bears, etc. Equipment had an unnoticeable effect so doing some quest chain or saving up for what looks like a good item became pointless as it didn't do anything.

then there was the screaming sound effect. Ware some of the classes use a scream sound when you use an ability. So every 5 seconds you hear AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH repeatedly it was also 3-4x louder then any other sound with no way to turn it off other then to turn off sound altogether. it was like trying to play with a crying baby next to me
you should try DDO, then.


New member
Mar 20, 2009
No PvP. Alot of ex-WoW players don't get. Both LotRO and DDO are team based games. They encourage grouping and socializing.


New member
Jan 7, 2008
I have a friend who played it off and on for a while; while not really the game for me, I can certainly say positive things about it.


New member
Nov 14, 2008
I tried that game for an hour on a free trial before I deleted it. That is the fastest I have ever deleted a new game from my computer. I won't go into detail but it just didn't appeal to me. I couldn't keep comparing the game to WOW. I was actually on hiatus from WOW, but LOTRO had me running back to the Horde.


New member
Mar 23, 2009
Gormourn said:
TomNook said:
How is it? How well does it copy WoW while doing it's own thing? I've had me eye on it for while but I don't know any player's opinions.
It's really good. Especially considering that the playerbase is often more mature and you don't get you know what spammed on trade and any other channel all the time.

All classes are fun to play and can solo well, even the primary healer class. Which is seriously one of the best at soloing, in my opinion (Hey, I've been mostly a minstrel )

I didn't do too much high end PvE but low level and mid level dungeons are somewhat more challenging and fun, and there is one awesome thing about the game - fellowship maneuvers. Some classes can stun or otherwise activate a fellowship maneuver on a target, most bosses included, which lets every person in your group choose one out of 4 icons, being able to do extremely powerful combinations if you're well coordinated, and moderatly useful things when everyone just pushes whatever they want.

BAsically, it's an awesome aspect of the game. You get to do a combo move with your whole group every few minutes in dungeons, it's fun and refreshing to see it work. And with the Xpac, one of the new classes, Warden, which is basically a tank/DPS, pretty much consists of gambit gameplay in which you use 3 attacks to make them into powerful combos. It's hard to describe, it's really awesome. Like you can stab someone and bash them with your shield and then use the gambit attack and with that combination, you kick the enemy in the gut for decent damage and a chance of a stun.

Crafting is a bit grindy for my liking but you can crit recepies which makes it fun. And back before the Xpac was released, literally some of the best weapons/gear was player made. Don't know about now.

The book quests are amazing. Good rewards, very lore-worthy and interesting.

I agree with Gormourn in the fact that Lotro is a VERY well made game-i cant really add too much more than what is posted already. In comparison to WoW, the game play on lotro is a LOT better-the graphics are better than wow's (which looks VERY cartoonish) even when the graphics settings are set to low. The strengths and weaknesses of the characters in the game make for a very interesting and exciting gameplay-especially in the high-lvl raids (Carn Dum and The Rift are my favorites). also on that note....

needausername said:
My friend who got me into WoW had LOTRO and hated it. And seeing as he has no life outside of his computer I would say his opinion counts for something. But I dunno as I hear that you can be a Hobbit Minstrel, and well I would be willing to try any game that has class/race's that strange.
although you can play Minstrels on all of the Races-i actually prefer the Hobbit because of their versatility-especially for the Minstrel (my main is a Hobbit Minstrel) one of the reasons that i like the hobbit for a healer class is because they get a Trait later on in the game that allows them to play dead. so if your in the middle of a large battle and all of your fellowship is dying you can activate this skill and any monsters that are attacking you will attack someone else-very handy when there is no one else alive to rezz the other players.


New member
Mar 24, 2009
Psychosocial said:
Trushot said:
I'm sorry but that review was just full of fanboyism and denial. That or it was truly incomplete.

You called the game "unique" but the only "unique" thing was the music stuff and the storytelling. If you consider LOTRO to be the first game with an epic story then you haven't played WoW. Neither did you tell me of ANYTHING else that made it different from WoW, yeah, you said that it was less about raiding. You think everyone who plays WoW sits all night raiding?

I'm sorry if I sound like a troll or something, but reviews like that tick me off.
wow you take gaming serious dont ya lol .. if things like this tick you off your lofe must be insanely fun to live :)

ON subject at hand ...I am a 37 year old gamer and have been 6 boxing MMOS for over a decade
... yes i have lots of disposable income .... Ive played form text based muds to meridian to EQ to WOW to DOAC to SWG through LOTRO AOC AND WAR ... ive played them all seen them all ... so I STAND BY my thoughts or what you call .."FANBOY THOUGHTS" lol ... that LOTRO is a breathe of fresh air in MMO gaming with LOADS OF UNIQUE EXPERIANCES not AVAIALBLE in other MMOS AT ALL .... i like WOW btw ... apparently just not as much as you heh