Diablo1099 said:
You have to admit, there was NO one who would pull off Luigi like that guy.
Personally, I know it would be a Copyright NIGHTMARE, but wouldn't it be great if we could get DLC that allowed us to get costumes based off actors like Danny Wells? Think Bad Box Art Megaman.
Things like that are going to be an increasingly touchy subject in coming years. Right now there has already been a lot of concerns over the potential rise of "Synthespians" or "Synthetic Thespians". Right now technology has gotten to the point via green screen and computer generated images that you can pretty much create an entirely fake movie that looks like it has real actors involved. Disney has used their "holograms" for decades to showcase technology a lot like this.
We're pretty much at the point know where you could take any actor who produced a reasonable body of work and recordings and put them into a movie doing whatever you wanted them to do and have it look real. Something which has apparently caused some concern with the screen actor's guild and other sources. For a while there was apparently a very real plan to use a synthespian of a young Alec Guiness to play Obi-Wan in the Star Wars prequels, but the idea was sacked early on due to not wanting to pioneer the charge especially with a movie series that was already being viewed as a developing goldmine. Especially if they wound up losing in conflicts with the estate and so on.
The point of this rambling is that as technology goes on regardless, even if it his hurdles, that yes, eventually we'll probably wind up seeing games where they sell "skins" of actors who had played well known characters, even if they clash (or perhaps because of it) with the rest of a game environment or art style. For that matter I think we'll get to the point where well known actors from the past will again be "starring" in movies, or at least their likeness will, and the company doing the video editing and such will become as big a deal, or even bigger, than a real actor. You might very well have people debating say whether so and so company's version of Marilyn Monroe is better than another one for example, not to mention potentially seeing actors who never co-existed on the stage at the same time in their prime doing scenes together based entirely on electronic reconstruction and the ability to create plausible models of how they would do things based on what is literally going to be thousands of hours of recorded audio and video.
As odd as it might sound, Danny Wells might very well wind up living forever (so to speak) because of this role, as I expect even if Nintendo collapses the Mario games will continue on as classics for centuries.
Speaking of using actors for skins, it's actually surprised me that we haven't seen anyone try and digitize actors for various games with the current technologies. On a lot of levels it failed due to both fly by night production costs and limited technology, but I've oftentimes wondered what it would look like nowadays if they just flat out ditched the mocap suits and cartoon characters and say made an old school "Mortal Kombat" where it looks like real people (using real actors) fighting it out or whatever. Not to mention the simple fact that it would be amusing to abuse current digital technology to say create a fighting game where a guy played by say a young Rick Moranis could rip out the spine of a guy played by say Hugh Jackman.