Machinarium Studio "Not Interested" in Microsoft


New member
Jul 12, 2010
omicron1 said:
Straight from the horse's mouth: Microsoft, proprietor of both Windows and Xbox systems, only cares about the Xbox and will request or require publishers to abandon Windows releases to get their games on XBLA.

You go, Amanita Design. I'm with you 100% on this one. Moneygrubbing bas...
100% agreed. Microsoft is so hypocritical about PC gaming. Until they have some sort of Xbox Live type service with a stranglehold on the PC platform that can be nickled and dimed to death, they won't give a damn about PC gaming.

Cursed Frogurt

New member
Aug 17, 2010
Onyx Oblivion said:
I'll get the PS3 version, sure.

Wait? Didn't I get this in the HIB, too?

I never did try all of the games in those bundles. Really just played Aquaria...
I got it in the HIB and finally got around to trying it but the game wouldn't load on my Mac. I got a blank screen in Flash Player. AFAIK my Flash Player works, so I don't know what the problem is.

I want to try the game since I love puzzle platfomers (Braid, Limbo, PB Winterbottom).


New member
Mar 10, 2008
Good, simple and to the point. He doesn't frolic around the bush going "Oh, well it was really fun developing for the platform, but it was really difficult to get it to the console, so we're sorry but we're not going to be going for them anymore. We do hope to continue our great situation on the PC market, so we hope you will enjoy whatever content we bring to you to whatever system you have!"

Just "Microsoft was making it difficult for us, so screw it. We'll bring it to consoles, but we'll primarily be on the PC if you need us."

Respect +2


Circuitboard Seahorse
Dec 13, 2008
Tiswas said:
Machinarium is too hardcore for the 360 crowd.
Well, isn't that quite a sweeping generalisation? Not to mention completely baseless I must say, considering the fact that the game is not being released on XBL has nothing to do with how "hardcore" the audience (as you perceive them) are and more to do with Microsofts own policy regarding this sort of thing.

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
Scrumpmonkey said:
The boxed version makes my self 20% more awesome =D. I actually got the boxed version of World of Goo too, did the US get that or not?
I'm actually in Canada, but yes, we got it and so did I. I go for retail whenever possible, even if it means waiting; World of Goo, Trine, Braid, Plants vs. Zombies, I have them all boxed. I'm just not interested in digital.


New member
Oct 13, 2010
Well... some time ago Microsoft mentioned that they are going to improve PC gaming, and now we have this! A game was rejected by Microsoft because it is not an exclusive one.


New member
Jan 1, 2011
MarsProbe said:
Tiswas said:
Machinarium is too hardcore for the 360 crowd.
Well, isn't that quite a sweeping generalisation? Not to mention completely baseless I must say, considering the fact that the game is not being released on XBL has nothing to do with how "hardcore" the audience (as you perceive them) are and more to do with Microsofts own policy regarding this sort of thing.
Dude, he said that this point-and-click adventure game is too hardcore for the XBox audience, not the other way around. He was obviously joking...


Circuitboard Seahorse
Dec 13, 2008
Raiyan 1.0 said:
Dude, he said that this point-and-click adventure game is too hardcore for the XBox audience, not the other way around. He was obviously joking...
And? That was actually the point I was picking up on. Stating that one game specifically can be deemed too "hardcore" for the entire gaming population of any format seems folly, given that it bases itself on the notion that everyone who owns that platform has exactly the same taste/preference when it comes to games.


New member
Jan 1, 2011
MarsProbe said:
Raiyan 1.0 said:
Dude, he said that this point-and-click adventure game is too hardcore for the XBox audience, not the other way around. He was obviously joking...
And? That was actually the point I was picking up on. Stating that one game specifically can be deemed too "hardcore" for the entire gaming population of any format seems folly, given that it bases itself on the notion that everyone who owns that platform has exactly the same taste/preference when it comes to games.

The attribute 'hardcore' is typically ascribed to competitive AAA games like CoD and Halo, which has a fairly large following on the XBox. On the other hand, you'll be hard-pressed to call a quaint little indie point-and-click based puzzle game 'hardcore'. And the humor lies in the ridiculousness of his assertion - he's basically stating that this puzzle game is more hardcoreI know that the notion of 'hardcore games' is silly, but I'm just working with rhetorics here. (which it is not) than the XBox gaming demographyOnce again, working with rhetorics - I understand the XBox has a wide demography as evident from the Kinect sales, but XBox's best-known killer app is Halo. (who mostly are as evident from the competitive FPS sales on that platform).

You seriously didn't get that?