MADD Decries GTA IV Drinking and Driving


New member
Apr 23, 2008
sammyfreak said:
PurpleRain said:
After playing the game I've really been influenced and started taking up drink driving myself. So far I've killed:
-two children playing
-one lady and a pram
-one old man
-and a puppy

I hope to continue and get the high score.
Did they have alchohol is the australian version? How very odd. I thought that kind of stuff is way to morally degrading for you.
According to wiki, the only thing so far noticed removed was one mission involving:


New member
Dec 2, 2007
sammyfreak said:
PurpleRain said:
After playing the game I've really been influenced and started taking up drink driving myself. So far I've killed:
-two children playing
-one lady and a pram
-one old man
-and a puppy

I hope to continue and get the high score.
Did they have alchohol is the australian version? How very odd. I thought that kind of stuff is way to morally degrading for you.
Drink is Morally degrading for Australians? Haha, the country is based on beer and barbeques.


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Jan 21, 2008
The_root_of_all_evil said:
*Yawn* Any other pressure groups want to take a bite out of Rockstar? I'm getting bored of this already.
They mean well... They just don't implement it too well...


New member
Nov 4, 2007
PurpleRain said:
sammyfreak said:
PurpleRain said:
After playing the game I've really been influenced and started taking up drink driving myself. So far I've killed:
-two children playing
-one lady and a pram
-one old man
-and a puppy

I hope to continue and get the high score.
Did they have alchohol is the australian version? How very odd. I thought that kind of stuff is way to morally degrading for you.
Drink is Morally degrading for Australians? Haha, the country is based on beer and barbeques.
I'm with Purps on this one. Beer and the better stuff is practically a social lubricant. When the party hasn't been interesting for a while, I have a drink. If I'm playing dnd I'll have a drink. And tonight at a friend's LAN I intend to get staggeringly drunk. Games are a new kind of fun that way.
In a very PoMo move, I'm considering buying GTA4 and playing the drunk driving minigame while drunk.


New member
Oct 17, 2007
The controversy surrounding this particular volume of GTA seems minimal, its as if the objectors have given up really trying and are just throwing whatever they have at it, however menial and desperate it may seem.

"Alas, the hoodlums have one. Let us recess into our posh suburban household and play bridge."

PS- isn't it a bit sexist to limit aversion to drunk driving to women? so its only the mothers who care. . . interesting.

Papaya Melancholy

New member
Apr 6, 2008
I think GTA is an absolutely terrible game... no offense to the fans. But why throw this at it? That's kinda like jumping on the bandwagon.

Fire Daemon

Quoth the Daemon
Dec 18, 2007
They make a point here, but if anything the game tells you how fucking stupid it is to Drink and Drive. Who would be fucking stupid enough that after drive into a lake 5 times in a videogame because their character was drunk off his tits they go and get pissed themselves and start driving.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
I remember years ago PETA advocating college students drink beer instead of milk, as somehow milking cows is bad for the cow, or wrong, or... it's obvious I'm no too clear on the details, but they don't matter. What does matter, as I slowly work my way towards a point, is MADD came into the mix and, needless to say, PETA's campaign stopped shortly thereafter. This is what we need in America: advocate groups with a worthwhile message nobody listens to anymore rallying against other advocate groups with a worthwhile message nobody listens to anymore. That would two AGWAWMNLTAs (new acronym probably never to be used again) out of everyones' hair so we could get back to, I don't know... the economy. Yes, that seems far more important than a game children shouldn't be playing in the first place sending said children a bad message. Then maybe the idiot parents who bought the damn game in the first place could explain that drunk driving really does impair your senses as the game suggests, and that's why it's a bad idea. Then maybe I'll hook up with a Playboy Playmate who happens to enjoy pale white gamers, old muscle cars with a low reliability of working, and that ever-predictable Chicago weather.

But enough of the heavy sarcasm. I eagerly await the PC version of GTA IV, because my consoles top out at 16 bit.


New member
Dec 2, 2007
Saskwach said:
In a very PoMo move, I'm considering buying GTA4 and playing the drunk driving minigame while drunk.
Truely amazing. Sing the national anthem with pride.

Fire Daemon

Quoth the Daemon
Dec 18, 2007
PurpleRain said:
Saskwach said:
In a very PoMo move, I'm considering buying GTA4 and playing the drunk driving minigame while drunk.
Truely amazing. Sing the national anthem with pride.
Hell he should be given Australian of the Year for that.


New member
Nov 7, 2007
I agree with what there trying to say - drink driving is abhorrent in ym book as well - but don't blame a game


New member
Nov 4, 2007
Fire Daemon said:
PurpleRain said:
Saskwach said:
In a very PoMo move, I'm considering buying GTA4 and playing the drunk driving minigame while drunk.
Truely amazing. Sing the national anthem with pride.
Hell he should be given Australian of the Year for that.
Curses, foiled by my lack of understanding as to how to get to the mini-game. Oh well, there should be another gathering in a few weeks. I'll be ready for that one.


New member
Apr 30, 2008
Just as we waited in anticipation for GTA 4 as the crown jewel kicking off summer gaming, groups such as MADD and others waited to make it the scape goat for all their fucking problems! What have they been blaming beforehand? Nothing! They had this shit mapped and dated! I agree drunk driving in reality isn't the best choice you can make but for fuck's sake! I say we form DAMM! (Drunks Against Mad Mothers) tell them to get off our joysticks and pop a squat on some drunk kid's Lancer Evo shifter!
Feb 13, 2008
Let's face it, no-one from MADD actually believes that GTA causes drink driving. GTA's focus is on making the experience realistic (I.E. You will crash and die).

But as a free advert for their cause, second to none.

Next, Fathers for Justice on Star Wars.

"*wheeze* Luke was taking away from me at an early age..."


New member
Nov 7, 2007
The_root_of_all_evil said:
Next, Fathers for Justice on Star Wars.

"*wheeze* Luke was taking away from me at an early age..."
they'd probably scale the death star or throw something at Darth Vadar.


New member
Dec 29, 2007
JakubK666 said:
Welcome to America...

Litigatio ergo Amendus - I have a right to, therefore I sue.
Welcome to Earth for that matter....sad but true.

So how is this faring out so far? Have they given up yet?


New member
Jan 8, 2008
Eh. Anyone can get a press conference these days, just so long as GTA IV is in the headline.

I'm going to launch my musical career by mentioning that I wrote one of the songs on my album between playing missions in GTA IV. Massive media coverage, I guarantee. Then Thompson can attack me for further corrupting rock-and-roll-devil-music by involving GTA. More press! Platinum album, here I come.


New member
Feb 25, 2008
If anything, I'd consider GTA IV anti-drinking propaganda, since it so grossly exaggerates the negative consequences of drinking.

One time when I had low health, I actually died immediately after going drinking with a buddy, because I lost my balance the second I was out the door and slammed my forehead into the steps.

Also, you can't drive for more than a few seconds without hearing police sirens- and its damn near impossible to get away.

I think all the beer companies should sue Rockstar for defamation.