Making Up For Lost Times - Playstation 3


Tamer of the Coffee mug!
Feb 17, 2010
The end is near.
The end of this current generation that is.
And seeing as how I've spend most of this generation on either my pc or Xbox360, I feel like I've missed out on some games. You guessed it, Playstation 3 exclusives.

Now, currently there are some pretty good deals going on for the ps3, which has made me interested in getting one. For two simple reasons.
1) Filling some of the blanks I have missed out on.
2) Having something to do while the next generation is getting over it's starting issues.

So, this leaves me with a couple of questions.
1)Can I buy games On Demand for my ps3?
2)If so, how complete is this selection?
3)Are there any ps2 or even ps1 games on there?
4)For my fellow Dutchmen; Can I pay with IDEAL?
5)Any games you could recommend me?

Thanks in advance for taking your time!

Poppy JR.

New member
Jun 25, 2013
1. Yes, kinda. The PSN (Playstation Network) store does allow you to buy games and then download them directly to the PS3, but you can only pay with pre-payed cards or a credit card, if you link one to your account.

2. The selection is pretty good. Little Big Planet, Infamous, etc. are on there. Castlecrashers (which I highly recommend) is on there too.[footnote] Check this out for a list: [/footnote]

3. Yes, and yes. Castlevania SotN is my recommendation.

4. Can't help you there. This might help(?)

5. The above games, Resident Evil (PSone), Chrono Cross (PSone), and Twisted Metal Black (PSone)


Needs a life
Aug 20, 2010
1. Games on demand? Do you mean download the titles instantly? If so yes, although not all, the vast majority of the PS library is available on the PS store

2. Finding launch titles might be tricky buy pretty much anything from 09 onwards is on the store.

3. Yes and Yes the PS2 section is somewhat lacking compared to the PS1 one though.

4. Cant help there sorry.

5. Wow, so many to choose from. Be sure pick up Naughtydog?s games (Uncharted & The Last of Us) but apart from that you have:

thatgamecompany titles (Journey, Flower and Flow)
Demon?s Souls
Ni No Kuni
Valkyria Chronicles
Heavenly Sword
God of War series
Infamous series
Kilzone series
Resistance series
Ratchet and Clank series

Those are the titles worth playing off the top of my head, I'm sure there are some I forgot to mention.


New member
Sep 2, 2011
I was in the same position and got a PS3 for Christmas so I have also been looking for PS3 exclusives to try out, im hoping this thread gets some good replys.

From what I have seen so far...

If by games on demand you mean can you buy and download them from the PSN network then yes you can. Not all games are available but so far most I have looked at have been, at least most older games. I have seen some PS2 games on there but they seemed kinda expensive for me, unsure about PS1.
I don't know what IDEAL is nor am I a Dutchman.

A few exclusives I have tried out that I've enjoyed so far are Infamous and Infamous 2. I heard a lot about them and they lived up to the hype, both are really good games with good gameplay and a decent story. I liked the story a lot in the first one but not so much in the second, be warned they use a really black and white moral choice system.

I would also recommend if not demand you try Journey, I loved the game and thought it was one of the most best experiences I've played through in gaming. Be warned the entire game is pretty much just walking and jumping, the whole thing is to be played for the atmosphere and journey if you enjoy that kind of thing.
If you are looking for an engaging game with good gameplay then Journey won't give you that, it gives you an atmospheric journey with all of the feels however.

I have also played Killone 3 but I don't know what to say about it, it's alright but it's a MMS, sorry a Sci-fi FPS but it feels exactly like a MMS. If you have played one then you know what to expect.

I also got Sly: Thieves in time recently which I haven't finished yet but im enjoying it well enough. I would also recommend getting PS+ as you can get a bunch of free games each month until our subscription runs out, I got Bioshock infinite this month so i'd say it's a decent service.