Man "too fat" to be allowed to live in New Zealand


New member
Sep 20, 2010
I live in a small town in Saskatchewan (That's a province in Canada, just so you know), in a town known as "Eastend". It's actually pretty popular, believe it or not, and is a GREAT tourist hot-spot. But the town is very closely knit together, and newcomers are treated harshly, rather than warmly. Now, we had a family of Americans move in, all of them...Robust, to say the last. Quite robust. Portly, if you must, or what I like to consider "Several steps and a teleporter above chubby". Anyhow. They were given the normal "Hey, this town is getting full of people, and we don't need more people living in here" treatment. They started to say that people were giving them bad looks because of their weight problem, which they claimed was "Perfectly natural in this day and age". Don't get me wrong, I feel bad for them, but when you move into a town that has half of the population up and jogging at 7 A.M, you'll...Find yourself a bit ostracized. I myself am fat right now, 5'9" and 145 pounds, and trying to work down to either 135, or bulk up and replace that fat with muscle. This family still lives here in Eastend, but after three years they've all slimmed down and become respected members of the community. Through a balance of a healthy diet and plenty of fun exercise, they managed to improve their health, life and standard of living.

Grab some nice dark, leafy greens, some delicious fruit and berries, and perhaps some bell peppers (If you're brave!), and toss 'em into a smoothie. Drink that down, then go for a nice, twenty minute jog. Repeat again later that night, cut out excess carbs/sugars/fats/starches/sugary drinks, and boom! You're on your way to a healthy life-style.

When I see someone who's thin, I don't see someone who's "Lucky that they were born that way". I see someone who has the courage, motivation, dedication AND willpower to put themselves through harsh exercise and a healthy diet, simply to improve themselves. When I see people who are...Very "Overweight", I see someone who does not have that courage, dedication, motivation or willpower. And yes, even people with thyroid problems can lose weight, they just have to exercise a bit more. Cardio works, trust me!

A quote, from me: "Oh, LORD, who art thou in heaven, praise be to thy Name, for Thy are the One true LORD of all man and beast, fish and fowl, and thou hast brought unto us a world clean of sin and fat people!"

My apologies if I upset anyone with this. I am not trying to be racist or sexist in any way (Rather, I must beg to differ, I love people from all cultures and races!) If there's anything in the rules that states of any "Fatcism" (Is that a thing? Pray tell me that it's not, for I will truly have a heart attack!), then I will simply delete my post, and move on.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Dirty Hipsters said:
So apparently this is why universal healthcare is soo much better. If the state deems that your health is too much of a drain on their resources they just force you to move out. Instead of just being denied treatment you get denied treatment, your place to live, and your livelihood. Yes, much better.

Phew. I thought we'd get through a topic without silly comments. Thank you for bringing in border-lining irrelevant political views into this topic. Now we can have huge arguments over health systems, immigration and criminal justice system.