Marines Advertising on The Escapist


New member
Oct 22, 2008
Volkov said:
Andothul said:
Romidude said:
Hm, seems they're running out of people to go shoot children for fun. Occasionally doing something right. (Before critisizing, check internets.)
Grow the hell up dude. Really there is no need for that.

You can criticize the military all you want but don't disrespect them
In fairness, while he may be misinformed, if there are strong reasons to criticize something, those same reasons are also, sometimes, reasons for not extending it the honor of respect. So it just seems weird that it's OK to criticize, but not OK to disrespect.
But what he's doing is on a wholly separate level. It'd be like someone taking the information from the Columbine shootings and applying that stigma to everyone who identifies as a Gamer: there IS no value in that kind of behavior.


New member
Mar 13, 2009
Vanguard_Ex said:
I think people on the whole are intelligent enough to decide for themselves. If your willpower is that weak then let's face it, you're doomed anyway.
Seriously. It's going to take more than $60 to convince us to take a few tests for Science, right guys?


Damn you, Cave Johnson!


New member
Dec 4, 2010
WolfEdge said:
Volkov said:
Andothul said:
Romidude said:
Hm, seems they're running out of people to go shoot children for fun. Occasionally doing something right. (Before critisizing, check internets.)
Grow the hell up dude. Really there is no need for that.

You can criticize the military all you want but don't disrespect them
In fairness, while he may be misinformed, if there are strong reasons to criticize something, those same reasons are also, sometimes, reasons for not extending it the honor of respect. So it just seems weird that it's OK to criticize, but not OK to disrespect.
But what he's doing is on a wholly separate level. It'd be like someone taking the information from the Columbine shootings and applying that stigma to everyone who identifies as a Gamer: there IS no value in that kind of behavior.
Correct. In other words, it would be equally wrong to CRITICIZE and to DISRESPECT gamers based on such pitifully faulty evidence. Versus Andothul said that one is more OK than the other (and also didn't mention anything about the quality of reasons), and that confused me.


Thread killer
Nov 20, 2009
And seemingly a lot of bragging for adblock.. which last I heard, the mods were not real fond of.


Elite Member
Nov 8, 2008
Marines kill people. Killing people is bad. Advertising to help people kill people is bad.


Sane among the insane.
Sep 12, 2010
Rylot said:
I'm not against the Marines advertising here, it just seems kinda weird. A huge chunk of the users aren't even American. Seems like a poor choice of product placement imho, but whatever.
Pretty much this!
Romidude said:
Kortney said:
Romidude said:
Hm, seems they're running out of people to go shoot children for fun. Occasionally doing something right. (Before critisizing, check internets.)
Wow. Nice job completely disrespecting and devaluing an entire group of people.
btw, the "Kill Team" cut the fingers off of the people they killed and used them as trophies

Also as a fun fact, 230,000 bullets are fired for every insurgent killed.
First off, Go away.

Second, from what I've heard, that's pretty accurate. Read somewhere (I can't remember where as it was a while back) that in WWII, there were something like 1,000 bullets or more fired for everyone killed. That's because most gunfire is used as suppressing fire. Despite all your vast experience with weapons, in an actual war, people aren't shooting face to face all that often. Coupled with the fact that even most trained soldiers have trouble actually shooting a person, its no surprise. And yes, you read that right. Your average soldier will aim away from an enemy because they don't actually want to shoot them.

Kortney said:
Romidude said:
The bullets thing was there just as a representation of the "effectiveness" of the war in Afghanistan. And ever heard of a "bad apple"? This time, it's the whole orchard. Also, sorry that I can't be a millitary buff.
That is actually quite effective considering how warfare is fought in Afghanistan. Trust me, these men are excellent shots and if they have a clear line of sight - they'll hit you. They just seldom do have a clear line of sight. These guys are hit from kilometres away and all they have to go by is sound and vague human instinct.

Oh, and your evidence for the "whole orchard" being bad is....what? We are just supposed to take your word for it? You clearly don't even understand how firefights work, so why should any of us believe you?

For every biased, sensationalist article you can dig up about a US serviceman killing innocent people I can dig up a hundred more about US soldiers displaying incredibly acts of bravery and compassion. What the fuck do you think happens over there when innocents are in trouble? A fairy comes in and cleans everything up? No. Soldiers go in and clean up the mess. They do a job and they do it damn well most of the time. Yes there are mistakes. Yes, there are horrible losses of life. It's a war.

The fact you can dig up an article about a marine killing an innocent person clearly because of a mental illness or PTSD (which is what the members of the kill team had) means nothing mate. Absolutely nothing. All you are saying is "these few people are messed up and do incredibly evil things". Thanks Captain Obvious!

I can show you articles of Firefighters killing innocent people. Of school teachers molesting their students. Does this blatant and shameless sensationalism in any way reflect the real work that most firefighters and teachers do everyday? Would it then be fair of me to say that firefighters, by nature, kill innocent people? Or that all teachers do all day is sit around and molest kids?

No. All that would do is make me look like a bastard.

My two brothers are soldiers and because of this, I know many soldiers quite well. They are just the same as any other profession. There are some bad eggs, but most of them are incredibly nice people who go above and behind every single day. They do their bit. To imply that all they do is "shoot innocent children" because you read a horribly biased article in the Rolling Stone with a clear political agenda does not give you the right to disrespect everyone within their profession.

Think. Please.

I'm sorry if this comes across as a bit aggressive of insulting, but I don't like to see an entire group of people generalised and labelled because of 0.1% of them who do fucked up things.

edit: Could some of the veterans on the Escapist come to my aid here and explain to this person what common sense is?
And you, my good sir, are exactly right. For every example of bad apples, there are plenty good ones that you don't hear about. This is largely due to our sensationalized news and the fact that bad news tends to sell better. Your average person is more shocked by the worst that humanity has to offer. If we assumed everyone was like the worst members of their group, we'd all be in bad shape. Not every Arab or Muslim is a terrorist, and not every soldier is a cold-blooded killer.
[sub]Hope that helps some[/sub]


New member
Nov 17, 2008
I had every division of the military call me, and the army and marines waiting in the parking lot and lunch rooms of my high school back in the day. Let's not forget the game Americas Army, ads on this site? That's small time.


New member
May 24, 2010
They can buy ad space just the same as anyone else.

So, I don't get why THIS became an issue when I could bring up a ton of other ads that have been displayed here before, and make claims about those.

Midnight Crossroads

New member
Jul 17, 2010
You're allowed to enlist in the US military without being a US citizen. I'm pretty sure you can even be commissioned as an officer. There's a cadet in my battalion on course to becoming an officer who's a citizen of South Korea, and another one is from Bucharest.

Advertisements like this work under a shotgun mindset. They just throw as much out there so that maybe one or two guys on this site a year think about enlisting. They would probably get better numbers if they advertised ROTC programs as a lot of people on this site are probably either in college or going to college in a few years. Although, I'm not sure how badly the Navy and Marines need officers.


New member
Aug 25, 2009
Romidude said:
It's people like you that make me wish we still had a draft. :)
And on top of that, my brother just came back from Afghanistan... And there are things he wants to say that I can't post without getting the hammer from the Mods.

Bravo 21

New member
May 11, 2010
Snotnarok said:
I had every division of the military call me, and the army and marines waiting in the parking lot and lunch rooms of my high school back in the day. Let's not forget the game Americas Army, ads on this site? That's small time.
I remember when I played the AA games, It really solidified my choice of not joining the military,largely because standing behind a wall, and then being shot as soon as I look out from cover is not something I want to take part in IRL, however, for those of you who do enlist, more power to you, and well best wishes, for those currently or formerly in the military, much respect for what you do, risking your lives for your country and all.


New member
Nov 17, 2008
Bravo 21 said:
Snotnarok said:
I had every division of the military call me, and the army and marines waiting in the parking lot and lunch rooms of my high school back in the day. Let's not forget the game Americas Army, ads on this site? That's small time.
I remember when I played the AA games, It really solidified my choice of not joining the military,largely because standing behind a wall, and then being shot as soon as I look out from cover is not something I want to take part in IRL, however, for those of you who do enlist, more power to you, and well best wishes, for those currently or formerly in the military, much respect for what you do, risking your lives for your country and all.
Very true, I support the military and grateful for what they do (Not the enlisters so much) but they do things I'd never ever want to do. I'm an artist, not a fighter.

Smooth Operator

New member
Oct 5, 2010
Come on now, we have all seen the future, the entire male population turns into brick shithouse space marine, so sign up early and get one chainsaw assault rifle for free (once they get invented).
Be part of the solution!


New member
Aug 10, 2009
Hello community. I have no claims. I have no disrespect for the armed forces. I was curious what is on the minds of opinionated people from around the world.


New member
Jan 8, 2011
Yes, as a few people have pointed out you do NOT need to be a citizen to join the armed forces (any branch) and indeed they will help you with citizenship if you so desire. I had plenty of people in both Basic and AIT that were not Americans (but were becoming Americans to serve) so it's an interesting way to meet people from other countries.

As for advertising here it does make sense. Every branch has numerous technical positions that need to be filled. Radio and satillite operators, intel, and networking. Remember that the armed forces have two private internets they have to keep up and running all the time. This is easier to train to people that come in with a background in ....well....using the internet a lot! That's us. Gamers.

Of course, take that with a grain of salt. Advertising had no effect on my choice to join up. I did so over a year ago and for reasons that are totally unrelated to anything I read on a pop-up window. But from the perspective of the people in charge of these ads they still got what they wanted, someone willing to sign up and has technical skills that can be put to good use.

A quick aside, there have been some pretty...passionate comments made by some users in this thread. I'd like to mention that as a soldier I defend their right to say those things. Dont judge them too harsh for thier opinions, be they real feelings or just their 'internet mask' to hid behind for laughs. There will always be those who think that armed conflict can always be avoided (but unless you're from Gallifray you probally can't stop it) so let them talk...I'll be getting on a plane as they do.


New member
Apr 29, 2010
Never seen these ads. COuld be I'm Canadian, could be I'm not really Marine material. They can post ads where ever they like, its a free country, and they are a big reason why it still is.


New member
Jul 17, 2010
I'm only honestly curious if the ads are localized or not, cause i think it would be hilarious if someone in Bangladesh got an ad about the US marines


Oka, I should post more on topic, and that felt slightly disrespectful. Shorts answer of what to think, I dont know. Its... what it is, I guess. Theres a small percentage of Americans on here in comparison to other countries (this is a British based site from what I've heard) but they are part of the age demographic.

and military service is always a good way to get into the country.