Well, it has nothing to do with the movie though. Based on the voices and appearance, its a game from the cartoon.pimppeter2 said:I think their intimidated by the new Batman game
Woo Im looking forward to the new spidey game
What is not seen can not be unseen.Flying-Emu said:I'll believe it when I don't see it.
... See what I did there?!?!
Cynical Reply:Woem said:I wonder why they even started making crappy movie-based games in the first place?
You mean when you don't see it?Mornelithe said:Yeah, I'll believe it when I see it.
I used to think the same.HyenaThePirate said:hrrmmm...
Thing is, as I see it..
I don't think ANY company sets OUT to make a "crappy" game... In fact, I wager that all developers start out with bright exciting ideas and the intent on bringing to life the character and providing a satisfactory experience!