In case you guys missed it, there was a live stream from Square Enix/Crystal Dynamic today which was 2nd one concerning the upcoming Avengers game. Here's the link which skips all the usual countdowns and pointless stuff,
If you are don't have time to watch the whole thing, here's the TL;DR version:

Overall, I think the game keeps looking better and better, but I still can't get over their default designs. The graphics don't look all that impressive, the microtransaction is still there, and I am still worried about Thor doing the floss dance.
If you are don't have time to watch the whole thing, here's the TL;DR version:
- Beta will allow you to play the opening mission yourself, this is when you get to try out all the heroes. From there, few more missions will be available where you can play as either Kamala Kahn or Hulk. After that, 4-player missions open up where you can pick from the two previously mentioned heroes, as well as Black Widow and Iron man
- The four player co-op will featuere three modes; harm rooms are challenge missions which features the typical wave after waves of enemies. War zones and drop zones are more objective missions, but the difference is that drop zones are more of one of those
- There will be three skill trees for each hero for you to try out your own build
- New hero post-launch! It's Hawkeye! He will be part of avengers initiative updates.
- After the game's launch, there will be events called avengers initiative, which to feature new contents such as new missions and heroes. All will be free content updates.
- Finally, the beta dates are the following if you haven't been following
- August 7th for PS4 pre-orders
- August 14th for open beta on PS4 and pre-orders on XB1 and PC
- August 21st for open beta on all platforms.
Overall, I think the game keeps looking better and better, but I still can't get over their default designs. The graphics don't look all that impressive, the microtransaction is still there, and I am still worried about Thor doing the floss dance.