Marvel's Avengers: War table round 2


Elite Member
Jun 8, 2015
Seattle, WA
In case you guys missed it, there was a live stream from Square Enix/Crystal Dynamic today which was 2nd one concerning the upcoming Avengers game. Here's the link which skips all the usual countdowns and pointless stuff,

If you are don't have time to watch the whole thing, here's the TL;DR version:
  • Beta will allow you to play the opening mission yourself, this is when you get to try out all the heroes. From there, few more missions will be available where you can play as either Kamala Kahn or Hulk. After that, 4-player missions open up where you can pick from the two previously mentioned heroes, as well as Black Widow and Iron man
  • The four player co-op will featuere three modes; harm rooms are challenge missions which features the typical wave after waves of enemies. War zones and drop zones are more objective missions, but the difference is that drop zones are more of one of those
  • There will be three skill trees for each hero for you to try out your own build
  • New hero post-launch! It's Hawkeye! He will be part of avengers initiative updates.
  • After the game's launch, there will be events called avengers initiative, which to feature new contents such as new missions and heroes. All will be free content updates.
  • Finally, the beta dates are the following if you haven't been following
    • August 7th for PS4 pre-orders
    • August 14th for open beta on PS4 and pre-orders on XB1 and PC
    • August 21st for open beta on all platforms.
The only thing that I didn't cover is the fortnite content that will feauters avengers items, but no one cares about that :cautious:

Overall, I think the game keeps looking better and better, but I still can't get over their default designs. The graphics don't look all that impressive, the microtransaction is still there, and I am still worried about Thor doing the floss dance.


Malapropic Homophone
Jun 24, 2010
I'm not sure what the extensive beta is for. Is this a heavily multiplayer focused game?


Elite Member
Apr 29, 2020
United States
The more I hear about this game, the less interested I become.

I was never an Avengers fan growing up. Didn't really become one with the movies. So I get this is not for me.

Kamala Khan was the right direction. It should have been the New Avengers freeing the Original. I'm just not the target demographic for this. Can we hear from some Avengers fans?


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I rather just play Spider-Man (both of them), UMVC3, or Ultimate Alliance 3. I tried, but there are so many other interesting games at this point.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
and I am still worried about Thor doing the floss dance.
Eh, considering how much comedy and jolliness they let Thor develop post Ragnarok (due to Chris Hemsworth being incredibly good at being a funny guy), I really don't have problems with the idea that Thor would do the floss. I mean we see him canonically playing Fortnite in Endgame, so the idea, that Thor, in a moment of goofy stupidity and manicness (because I don't think he's totally over his depression/mental issues), decides "fuck it, I'm going to dance to just annoy my enemies, and because it amuses me." I'm honestly fine with it. Especially since he is last seen going off with Starlord and the Guardians. And if anyone can justify dancing mid combat, it's Starlord.

Besides, the Norse were kind of famous for mixing up fighting and partying and fucking historically, so I don't think it's that strange, that as a victory act, Thor decides to dance. "We've won!! Time to PARTY!!" Seems totally reasonable to me as a Thor response.

OT: Eh, I'm fairly neutral on the game itself, I really enjoyed the trailer about Ms. Marvel, as I liked seeing her doing stretchy parkour across a cityscape. But I'm not really holding my breath for this one. I'll check it out when it's released.


Scrolling through forums, instead of playing games
Oct 25, 2009
You know, when this game first got shown off, I thought it looked awful.

Then they did the War Table event last time, and I was still bothered by how the game looked.

Now, I actually think that the game looks pretty fun.

A lot of my contempt for the game definitely came from the character designs, with them all looking like bargain basement versions of the way the characters look in the MCU movies, and that sentiment really hasn't changed, but I think that I have just gotten over it, because I am trying my hardest to look at the game, outside of the way these characters look.

And you know, it looks pretty good. So long as each character has a good amount of build variety, and enough abilities to keep them interesting, honestly, I think it could really be a good time.

I'll definitely be looking at this game a lot more.


~ just another dread messenger ~
Apr 29, 2020
They said it's playable offline, so I at least don't outright hate it. But microstransactions. Live-services. The overbearing inevitable grind they'll implement to encourage in-game purchases from the impatient or "FOMO-sensitive" customers kinda heavily outweighs the annoyance at the character models all looking like an Aunts 'n Uncles embarrassing cosplay party.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
the annoyance at the character models all looking like an Aunts 'n Uncles embarrassing cosplay party.
I'm pretty sure they were stuck with a unique problem, of simultaneously wanting to convey imagery from the MCU so that the largest fanbase will identify with the characters and want to play them, and thus buy the game. While also having to NOT have them actually look like the characters from the MCU, as those images are real people, and using their likeness in a game like this would mean they'd have to pay them money for the usage, and they don't want to do that.

So they have the trappings of the MCU heroes, but the off-brand look of someone else. Which I get.

Frankly I don't really care about this part, as the various characters have had so many makeovers, as different artists take control of the properties, different outfits, hairdos, etc, that it just doesn't even really blip on my radar about their look. Comics look goofy on the best of days, these models are no different really.


~ just another dread messenger ~
Apr 29, 2020
I'm pretty sure they were stuck with a unique problem, of simultaneously wanting to convey imagery from the MCU so that the largest fanbase will identify with the characters and want to play them, and thus buy the game. While also having to NOT have them actually look like the characters from the MCU, as those images are real people, and using their likeness in a game like this would mean they'd have to pay them money for the usage, and they don't want to do that.

So they have the trappings of the MCU heroes, but the off-brand look of someone else. Which I get.

Frankly I don't really care about this part, as the various characters have had so many makeovers, as different artists take control of the properties, different outfits, hairdos, etc, that it just doesn't even really blip on my radar about their look. Comics look goofy on the best of days, these models are no different really.
Yeah, I totally understand the predicament they've put themselves in there, and mayhaps my wording unintentionally made it sound like it bothered me, but it's more just something to poke a bit of lighthearted fun at really whilst stuck dog-sitting for the day. I think if they went more stylised instead, like telltale and/or that Nintendo exclusive thingy, it would've avoided the regular comparisons to the MCU characters, whereas this just looks like they're trying to have their cake and dry-hump it too. Typical squeenix decision making methinks!


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Yeah, I totally understand the predicament they've put themselves in there, and mayhaps my wording unintentionally made it sound like it bothered me, but it's more just something to poke a bit of lighthearted fun at really whilst stuck dog-sitting for the day. I think if they went more stylised instead, like telltale and/or that Nintendo exclusive thingy, it would've avoided the regular comparisons to the MCU characters, whereas this just looks like they're trying to have their cake and dry-hump it too. Typical squeenix decision making methinks!
Eh, I don't think it's a bad marketing decision, to try and make them look as much like the globally beloved, critically and financially successful incarnations of these characters. There is a not-insignificant portion of the world population, who's only real involvement with comic book stuff, is the MCU. So those are the versions they're most familiar with. And if you are trying to make a game as widely appealing as possible (which is frankly the job of marketing), then it's pretty much a no-brainer to do this. Yeah it makes it where a lot of people have that sort of Uncanny Valley reaction of their brain saying "It looks like Black Widow, but it doesn't look like Scarlet Johannsen, wtf?" But that's the price you pay for avoiding the use of an actor's likeness. I am curious though, what the legality is, of using someone's likeness, without their voice? Like, if they made these heroes look just like the actors, would that obligate them to call them in for the voice work? I know there are a lot of weird rules about likeness laws when you are talking about digital media vs real world media types. Hmm, curious.

But yeah, I usually assume you are being silly and sassy, that's your default from what I've seen in most posts. I just was pointing out what they were likely trying to do. And considering the MCU has grossed enough money to rival the GDP of some COUNTRIES, it makes perfect sense to me for them to try and model it as closely to that financial juggernaut.

Again for me personally though, I've never really minded a cosmetic shift in comics. I mean it can happen in a single run, with the same artist, if they decide to tweak their art style, or improve significantly during a run. To me, comics are so fluid in nature that it's almost always a tabula rasa what any new iteration will be. So I'm fine with them being Almost MCU But Not Exactly. Since the actors chosen, were chosen for the purpose of Almost The Comics But As Best As We Can Do With Real People, it's just full circle.


~ just another dread messenger ~
Apr 29, 2020
Eh, I don't think it's a bad marketing decision, to try and make them look as much like the globally beloved, critically and financially successful incarnations of these characters. There is a not-insignificant portion of the world population, who's only real involvement with comic book stuff, is the MCU. So those are the versions they're most familiar with. And if you are trying to make a game as widely appealing as possible (which is frankly the job of marketing), then it's pretty much a no-brainer to do this. Yeah it makes it where a lot of people have that sort of Uncanny Valley reaction of their brain saying "It looks like Black Widow, but it doesn't look like Scarlet Johannsen, wtf?" But that's the price you pay for avoiding the use of an actor's likeness. I am curious though, what the legality is, of using someone's likeness, without their voice? Like, if they made these heroes look just like the actors, would that obligate them to call them in for the voice work? I know there are a lot of weird rules about likeness laws when you are talking about digital media vs real world media types. Hmm, curious.

But yeah, I usually assume you are being silly and sassy, that's your default from what I've seen in most posts. I just was pointing out what they were likely trying to do. And considering the MCU has grossed enough money to rival the GDP of some COUNTRIES, it makes perfect sense to me for them to try and model it as closely to that financial juggernaut.

Again for me personally though, I've never really minded a cosmetic shift in comics. I mean it can happen in a single run, with the same artist, if they decide to tweak their art style, or improve significantly during a run. To me, comics are so fluid in nature that it's almost always a tabula rasa what any new iteration will be. So I'm fine with them being Almost MCU But Not Exactly. Since the actors chosen, were chosen for the purpose of Almost The Comics But As Best As We Can Do With Real People, it's just full circle.
Been wondering the rules and prices involved in the realm of likeness too. With the high-profile actors involved, certainly not anything any of us could earn in a year I'd imagine.

Regardless, that voice over guy in the OP's linked video stream sounds distractingly like Kermit the frog after a year's worth of rehab.

Nick Calandra

Editor-in-Chief of The Escapist
Escapist +
Mar 13, 2020
This was the first time I've looked at this game and been mildly interested in it. Even then, it looks like generic AAA games as a service with a Marvel skin. Kids will love it, I guess.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
This was the first time I've looked at this game and been mildly interested in it. Even then, it looks like generic AAA games as a service with a Marvel skin. Kids will love it, I guess.
For me, I was honestly pretty interested when it seemed like a single player game, centered around Kamala Khan, trying to uncover AIMs involvement in the Big Event. THAT really looked fun to me. The rest of it....meh. *shrugs*


Previously known as an alleged "Feather-Rustler"
Apr 3, 2020
Corner of No and Where
Eh something just doesn't sit right with me about this game. Maybe is my fear of the inevitable micro-transactions and loot based RPG system, or maybe its the intense focus on multiplayer.
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Nick Calandra

Editor-in-Chief of The Escapist
Escapist +
Mar 13, 2020
For me, I was honestly pretty interested when it seemed like a single player game, centered around Kamala Khan, trying to uncover AIMs involvement in the Big Event. THAT really looked fun to me. The rest of it....meh. *shrugs*
Agreed. I'm interested in trying out the beta cause at least yesterday made it look like it'd be fun to play with friends, but I want to see more creative enemy and world design. All this robot stuff looks super uninteresting.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
This was the first time I've looked at this game and been mildly interested in it. Even then, it looks like generic AAA games as a service with a Marvel skin. Kids will love it, I guess.
Which is not inherently bad, but is my main problem. They're just going after people who watch the MCU and not much else. Even right down to the generic look for most of the MCU films. Say what you will about Ultimate Alliance 3, but it had color, better details, more accurate looking costumes or faces (for the comics and cartoons anyway), and you had all of the Marvel Characters; X-men included. Spiderman (PS4) and the upcoming Miles Morale have way more colors and a distinct look compared to Avengers. Another problem is Avengers looks grind heavy similar to UA3 (In fact, it can be grind heavy too as it orginally was suppose to have DLC, only to get removed at the near last second). Except now you have the standard, shitty microtransX. You're letting me down SE and Marvel.
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Nick Calandra

Editor-in-Chief of The Escapist
Escapist +
Mar 13, 2020
Which is not inherently bad, but is my main problem. They're just going after people who watch the MCU and not much else. Even right down to the generic look for most of the MCU films. Say what you will about Ultimate Alliance 3, but it had color, better details, more accurate looking costumes or faces (for the comics and cartoons anyway), and you had all of the Marvel Characters; X-men included. Spiderman (PS4) and the upcoming Miles Morale have way more colors and a distinct look compared to Avengers. Another problem is Avengers looks grind heavy similar to UA3 (In fact, it can be grind heavy too as it orginally was suppose to have DLC, only to get removed at the near last second). Except now you have the standard, shitty microtransX. You're letting me down SE and Marvel.
Yea I tweeted out a while ago I would have been infinitely more interested in this game if they didn't go with a "realistic" direction and went for something like Into the Spiderverse's style.

These gritty realistic comic games are so boring, get creative damnit lol.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
These gritty realistic comic games are so boring, get creative damnit lol.
Damn straight! Wake up SE/Disney/Marvel, it is not 2008-2013, the gritty realistic looks was not great even back then! I still feel like it's more Disney's fault in this case of playing it too safe, but Marvel & SE share responsibility as well. I know people gave the DCCU shit for the washed out look at the time, but most MCU films did not have a unique look either (for a time no one said anything until DC started doing their own thing. Either out of ignroance or selective obliviousness/blind fandom). Sure, there more colors than Man of Steel or Batman V. Superman, but that was only by comparison. When Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Shazam, Harley Quinn/Birds of Prey, and even freaking Joker has more unique color and lightning, the generic looks really starts to age bad. I am just glad other Marvel fans are actually calling out the generic and not good looking aesthetics, and not playing double standards. Also, can we please get a Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Shazam, or Harley Quinn/Birds of Prey? I wanna see more games of DC characters other than Bats or Supes, and I don't want Marvel ruling the entire comic based games market either.

I would kill for a Spider-verse game. I am surprised that they never thought of doing one based off either the films or the comics. Sony and Marvel would make a killing off an awesome idea.
Last edited:


Elite Member
Apr 29, 2020
United States
Which is not inherently bad, but is my main problem. They're just going after people who watch the MCU and not much else. Even right down to the generic look for most of the MCU films. Say what you will about Ultimate Alliance 3, but it had color, better details, more accurate looking costumes or faces (for the comics and cartoons anyway), and you had all of the Marvel Characters; X-men included. Spiderman (PS4) and the upcoming Miles Morale have way more colors and a distinct look compared to Avengers. Another problem is Avengers looks grind heavy similar to UA3 (In fact, it can be grind heavy too as it orginally was suppose to have DLC, only to get removed at the near last second). Except now you have the standard, shitty microtransX. You're letting me down SE and Marvel.
So, yeah, this is it. This is the perfect summation of what's happening.

"You love anything Avengers, right? Here. Have at"

Even to the usual "Yeah, we saved the world and we entrusted each other with our lives. But our egos are so huge that no matter how many times we shown to be the only people who can save the world, we can't fully co-exist with one another".

Like almost every movie there is.

There's no new ground to tread.

This is again why I push the Champions. Miles, Khan, and Nova WERE actually Avengers. And they split because of the heavy handed "Let's punch and destroy and then leave when the job is done" tactics.

They are learning what it is to be superheroes in a world where Superheroism is a problem. Where their petty disputes are harming people just as much as the super villains. They are dealing with a world that is made harder for them because the Avengers exist. That's compelling. Having these abilities and this desire to help, but fear of doing so because you don't want to get caught up in the backlash or taking sides in the superhero world.

But no. Iron Man and Cap butt heads. Hulk Smashes. Black Widow is still becoming the Batman of Marvel (Not unhappy with that sentence, now that I typed it out)...

We Continue To Make Same Product, You Continue To Consume The Same Product.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
This is again why I push the Champions. Miles, Khan, and Nova WERE actually Avengers. And they split because of the heavy handed "Let's punch and destroy and then leave when the job is done" tactics.
At least Miles is getting his own game. I wish for Kahn to have her own after Avengers. I'm not sure about Nova as I nothing about him (or the Champions version in this case). Granted, the only reason I know of Nov was because of MvC3. I would not mind a Champions game from reading what I've seen from your description and the wiki page.