This page is from their first issue after they found and subdued a human trafficker, who attempted to kill the people he trapped in efforts to save himself... and the crowd that surrounded them calling for the newly formed champions to kill him.At least Miles is getting his own game. I wish for Kahn to have her own after Avengers. I'm not sure about Nova as I nothing about him (or the Champions version in this case). Granted, the only reason I know of Nov was because of MvC3. I would not mind a Champions game from reading what I've seen from your description and the wiki page.
I just bought their three book bundle on Google Play. If you look up "Champions, Because The World Still Needs Heroes" there, they'll let you sample 16 pages. Your milage may vary, but at the end of that sample, I went and got a Google play card 40 minutes after.
They are shaping Nova, Spider-Man, and Ms. Marvel to be the new Marvel Trinity. I don't hate it. They have chemistry that we just wish for in Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman.