Mass Effect 3 "Change The Ending" Petition (almost certainly spoilers)

Teh Jammah

New member
Nov 13, 2010
So, before I finished the game I'd heard that the endings were disappointing and I'd seen this 'change the end' petition and honestly I'd put it down to unpleasable rabid Bioware fanboys being unpleasable, divatastic Bioware fanboys. I was fine with the 'Tali stock photo' stuff, I begrudgingly bought From Ashes and, while I think it was overpriced Javik was interesting enough that I'd overlook it. I was even tolerant of the fact that the multi-player was the ONLY way to get galactic readiness up. Barely.

I'd played through the game loving every minute of it. Even all the ME2 guys being back for the dead or reduced to cameos was fine. The game itself was awesome and one of the best I'd played. Everything seemed to be coming together for one awesome finale...

Then I got to the ending.

Anti-climactic, disappointing, made everything I'd done over the past 3 games seem pointless (for the record i picked the integration ending). A grunt rush segment, followed by a lot of talking and three choices, none of which seemed all that appealing and was ultimately unsatisfying. No big boss battle (like with Mecha-Saren in 1 or the Human Reaper in 2). No golden ending, no matter how hard you work, all downers, one way or another (and from the research I've done now that i don't need to worry about spoilers, the other 2 endings are effectively the same as the one I picked).

Maybe this is fine for some people, but after having invested £120 of my money, plus extra for DLC and more hours than I care to count in this franchise I expected more and I expected better. Call me entitled if you want, but I want a damn better ending.

Because, and this is the telling thing, I'm one of those guys who likes to replay their games. I played ME1 to death, I have something like 6 shepard variants, all of which I took through Mass Effect 2. More to the point, usually after finishing one the first thing I do is start up/import a new character, just to see what doing things different is like. I did it for ME1, for 2, for Dragon Age, hell I even did it for 2, controversial as that was.

I honestly can't find the motivation to do the same for ME3. And that's sad.

Honestly, unless something happens to change my mind, i think I'm done with Bioware. I was willing to forgive Dragon Age 2, but this... this I don't know about.


New member
Feb 3, 2010
Mahha said:
Think about this for a minute. Do you really think it's a good idea to force the developer to re-write the game? What king of message would we as a community be sending out?
Sure it wasn't the best ending, but by this point I really don't think any variation on the ending would do. It's not even about that. It's about forcing an artist to change his work because some of you think that they owe you something. They don't owe you anything. This would only set up a premise that insane amounts of whining can change an already finished product that whining can force an artist to change his work.
I know some are passionate about this, but let's face it: What's done, is done.
There'd be no need to re-write anything. If you've read any of the numerous threads on Indoctrination theory, including the 450 page one on Bioware's forums, you'd know there's plenty of ground for them to just carry on with what they have, if that wasn't their intention from the get-go.

Barring that, they could simply release some kind of coda or epilogue, and barring that, they could simply sack up and explain a bunch of the confusing inconsistencies and logical anomalies that pepper the last 10-15 minutes.

There's plenty they can do without retconning everything and saying "Faked ya out! Here's how it REALLY ends!".


New member
May 20, 2009
That's actually not a bad idea. Yeah, I see how that could work and I would really love to see some sort of explanation. Even though I defend the artists here I still didn't fancy the endings (especially when I tried the other two options).


New member
Jan 25, 2010
Yeah, the ending kind of sucked. But at least it resolved the main point of conflict and the cycle that's gone on for millions of years has been broken.

If I was writing the ending I'd just have one ending where the reapers are destroyed when they fire the crucible, and then the choices you made through the series would reveal their end results in a series of short epilogues detailing how the different races would move on after the reaper war. That would have been perfect IMHO.

I'd just like some closure as to the state of all the races in the galaxy after the reaper war. I mean, Return of the King had like almost a half hour of epilogues to about 12 hours of film. The Mass Effect trilogy easily spans more than 100 hours so a quickie two-minute ending sequence after choosing which ending button to push is GUARANTEED to be a disappointment.


New member
Sep 13, 2010
Teh Jammah said:
So, before I finished the game I'd heard that the endings were disappointing and I'd seen this 'change the end' petition and honestly I'd put it down to unpleasable rabid Bioware fanboys being unpleasable, divatastic Bioware fanboys. I was fine with the 'Tali stock photo' stuff, I begrudgingly bought From Ashes and, while I think it was overpriced Javik was interesting enough that I'd overlook it. I was even tolerant of the fact that the multi-player was the ONLY way to get galactic readiness up. Barely.

I'd played through the game loving every minute of it. Even all the ME2 guys being back for the dead or reduced to cameos was fine. The game itself was awesome and one of the best I'd played. Everything seemed to be coming together for one awesome finale...

Then I got to the ending.

Anti-climactic, disappointing, made everything I'd done over the past 3 games seem pointless (for the record i picked the integration ending). A grunt rush segment, followed by a lot of talking and three choices, none of which seemed all that appealing and was ultimately unsatisfying. No big boss battle (like with Mecha-Saren in 1 or the Human Reaper in 2). No golden ending, no matter how hard you work, all downers, one way or another (and from the research I've done now that i don't need to worry about spoilers, the other 2 endings are effectively the same as the one I picked).

Maybe this is fine for some people, but after having invested £120 of my money, plus extra for DLC and more hours than I care to count in this franchise I expected more and I expected better. Call me entitled if you want, but I want a damn better ending.

Because, and this is the telling thing, I'm one of those guys who likes to replay their games. I played ME1 to death, I have something like 6 shepard variants, all of which I took through Mass Effect 2. More to the point, usually after finishing one the first thing I do is start up/import a new character, just to see what doing things different is like. I did it for ME1, for 2, for Dragon Age, hell I even did it for 2, controversial as that was.

I honestly can't find the motivation to do the same for ME3. And that's sad.

Honestly, unless something happens to change my mind, i think I'm done with Bioware. I was willing to forgive Dragon Age 2, but this... this I don't know about.
Same here, i had 4 different Sheps brought over from ME1, I was looking forward how each of their stories would pan out in ME3, but after finishing the game with the First one, I saw no point in replaying anything anymore. Since you basically get the same ending no matter what choices you take, and you get no Epilogue that details how your decisions even matter after the end.


New member
Oct 31, 2008
I'm not mad that the ending was sad or bittersweet. I can deal with that. Hell, I was expecting it. But the endings are quite simply an illogical mess. None of my choices in the games had ANY bearings on the final result and the game willfully ignores my actions so the reaper kid can tell me that synthetics and organically can't live together.

Meanwhile, I had brokered a geth/quarian peace and helped EDI find love and her own humanity. And to make things worse, every ending we pick results in the total collapse of galactic civilization. And you know what, I'm fine with this! But why make this our only choice? Why can't the decisions we made in the past 100 hours of game time spread through 3 games make any impact on our ending? That's what we were led to believe and that's why so many of us are disappointed in the ending.


New member
Apr 5, 2011
I've quite literally never been so disappointed in an ending of a series of anything in my entire life. This is coming from a reasonably big fan of the Mass Effect series.

Even though I wanted a happy ending, it's not a big reason why I hate the ending. The entire series makes you feel like you're in control the outcome and the events that play out. Like Shepard always says, there's always another way. For the most part, every game in the series plays out that aspect of player control very well. But then the ending to ME3 comes along (SPOILERS NEXT). Shepard has to die (he arguably lives in the renegade ending), the mass relays have to be destroyed, meaning the end of galactic civilization and everyone you cared about is either dead or stranded with no closure what-so-ever. All the while beforehand Shepard doesn't bother to question if there might be another way like he usually does.

Why? After everything you accomplish in the series and no matter how much you do to prepare for the end, that's it? Even if you try to be the best person ever and completely prepare for the Reapers, all you get is a metaphorical kick in the balls. Don't even get me started on the plot holes and illogical inconsistencies of the ending sequence.

I know everyone didn't feel the same about the ending, that's fine. But if they're really are a lot of people who played it and were disappointed, why not just give us an alternative ending? It is really that much to ask for? It's not re-writing the ending, anyone who was satisfied with the ending as it was don't have to play the alternative. Anyone who hated it, like me, can pay for a "Broken Steel" type of DLC.

It might be fan entitlement if there wasn't so much emphasis on freedom of choice in the series. Granted it's not true freedom, but they did a great job of essentially faking it. But the ending just takes that feeling of freedom away. That is my biggest gripe.

Up until the last 20 minutes or so, the game was fantastic, a true roller coaster ride of emotions. Just as good as I was hoping, if not more so, I just wish it left me in a better state of mind at the end.

Turing '88

New member
Feb 24, 2011
I like the recurring theme in a lot of this thread that you're allowed to not like the ending, but don't you dare ask Bioware to change it. Why the fuck can't we ask Bioware to change it? If people were forcing Bioware to change their game, via threats of violence or whatever, I'd say that's out of order.

What's actually happening however is people are letting Bioware know we would rather they rewrote the ending, and it's up to Bioware to decide for themselves if they do that. They might come back and say "Nope, this is our story, this is how we wanted to end it. Deal with it bitches.", which they are well within their rights to do; I'm well within my rights to *****, moan and never buy another Bioware product.

I make software for a living, if I made a program people had problems with I'd much rather them tell me. It's the same here, people always harp on that "Bioware is a business, stop crying they're adding multiplayer to make a few £££'s" yet now it's all "Bioware are making their artistic dream, how dare you tarnish that dream!". I'm sure Bioware are glad 50,000 people have said they hate the ending, rather than 50,000 people (and these are just the people like us who use forums) not buying/being less likely to buy Bioware products. I know I would be.

I'll also add, the ending doesn't bother me. I didn't like it, and if they don't fix it I won't buy another Bioware game, but from reading Bioware forum posts I wasn't as emotionally invested in the series as most.

Anyone who wants to argue against any of that, please do. I can't see anything unreasonable in what I've just said. I'd also add, I don't give two shits about whether the ending is good or bad, the point is about people having the right to complain and ask for something changed.


New member
Sep 22, 2010
You know guys...

(Some sort of spoilers here if you haven't played or you haven't finished Dragon Age: Origins)

I think Bioware is going Dragon Age: Origins with Mass Effect 3, near the end of Dragon Age: Origins you could do a ritual with someone to just before you defeated the main antagonist and after that you became the hero. But if you didn't performed the ritual, you die after defeating the main antagonist or you send that guy to kill the antagonist for you and survive that encounter.

What I'm trying to say is... We better wait for a "Closure" DLC or in the case of DA:O an expasion pack (a term that has been lost), I read somewhere that Bioware is defending their ending... But are we really seeing the "ending" of Mass Effect 3?

If not... Then we'll get a spin-off with one of the main characters, most likely with that annoying and useless James Vega or with Garrus Vakarian which would make a decent spin-off.


New member
Apr 8, 2011
Turing said:
I like the recurring theme in a lot of this thread that you're allowed to not like the ending, but don't you dare ask Bioware to change it. Why the fuck can't we ask Bioware to change it? If people were forcing Bioware to change their game, via threats of violence or whatever, I'd say that's out of order.

What's actually happening however is people are letting Bioware know we would rather they rewrote the ending, and it's up to Bioware to decide for themselves if they do that. They might come back and say "Nope, this is our story, this is how we wanted to end it. Deal with it bitches.", which they are well within their rights to do; I'm well within my rights to *****, moan and never buy another Bioware product.
You pretty much answered your own question.

It is their story, you have no say in how it is written. That is how it should be. If you don't like it, don't buy it from them anymore. That is the only thing you are entitled to do as a consumer. Asking for anything above and beyond that is just selfish whining.


New member
Feb 3, 2010

Aeonknight said:
It is their story, you have no say in how it is written. That is how it should be. If you don't like it, don't buy it from them anymore. That is the only thing you are entitled to do as a consumer. Asking for anything above and beyond that is just selfish whining.
Hey, guess what? That's not true! I do admit the unnecessarily aggressive, insulting and authoritative tone you tried to assume made it seem briefly compelling, but then I remembered that there's absolutely no universal law that you can't ask for things. Incredible, I know!


New member
Feb 3, 2010
Aeonknight said:
You can ask all you want. And guess what? The absolute worst thing a developer can do is turn to it's fanbase for developing things.

There's user feedback, and then there's users trying to write the story as they see fit. that's what your silly petition is trying to do. The problem with the latter is, when they try to listen to all the millions of players, they may as well ask advice from an 8 year old child with ADD on a sugar rush. He'd be more consistant.

So go ahead and ask. You're still being an entitled twat who needs to get over it and move on. But whatever floats your boat.
Oh you're ABSOLUTELY right. The WORST thing a developer could EVER do is cater to its fan base. It should take as many steps as possible to enrage and alienate them, in order to drive down sales and decimate brand loyalty.

My petition? I didn't sign any petition. Do you always presume everyone you speak to has the exact same talking points and opinions?


New member
May 22, 2010
I love all the people labeling those who want a new ending as "entitled" or that they have no right to do so. Maybe I got conked on the head a while back but I was pretty sure the way it worked was if I pay for something and I'm not satisfied with what was given, I have a right to at least ask for changes to it. If it was being given for free, then it would be a completely different story but it's not. People payed for the game expecting a satisfying conclusion and they weren't given that, they have a right to ask for a change to at least meet the bare minimum of what they expected in the conclusion. Note I'm not saying that these requests must be met, but to call someone entitled just because they asked for something in a civil manner is ridiculous


New member
Mar 10, 2012
Aeonknight said:
You pretty much answered your own question.

It is their story, you have no say in how it is written. That is how it should be. If you don't like it, don't buy it from them anymore. That is the only thing you are entitled to do as a consumer. Asking for anything above and beyond that is just selfish whining.
I don't think any company would appreciate you telling their customers they don't have the right to ask for a product that company could potentially provide.

Consumers have the right to ask for whatever they want, especially if they do it in a reasonable and responsible manner. The company has just as much right to tell us no if they don't wish to fulfill the request.


New member
Apr 8, 2011
BloatedGuppy said:
Aeonknight said:
You can ask all you want. And guess what? The absolute worst thing a developer can do is turn to it's fanbase for developing things.

There's user feedback, and then there's users trying to write the story as they see fit. that's what your silly petition is trying to do. The problem with the latter is, when they try to listen to all the millions of players, they may as well ask advice from an 8 year old child with ADD on a sugar rush. He'd be more consistant.

So go ahead and ask. You're still being an entitled twat who needs to get over it and move on. But whatever floats your boat.
Oh you're ABSOLUTELY right. The WORST thing a developer could EVER do is cater to its fan base. It should take as many steps as possible to enrage and alienate them, in order to drive down sales and decimate brand loyalty.

My petition? I didn't sign any petition. Do you always presume everyone you speak to has the exact same talking points and opinions?
Meh what can I say, all the bitching tends to just blend together from time to time. You all sound the same.
Alright then. Let's discuss what makes you qualified to tell bioware how to do their job.

How many years of game development experience do you have? None? hmm alright then, any professional writing experience? no? okay... any graphic design experience? music? narrative work? cinematography?

So... what exactly makes you think you can tell Bioware to write up a new ending? Your $60? Here's the thing about your $60. It only gives you power when you choose to withhold it. They already got paid for what they delivered, their job is done. They may come to regret that decision when the next title comes out, but considering how paperthin every boycott/threat by the gaming community is... don't be surprised when they call your bluff.

And finally, what about those who liked it? Assuming bioware listens and writes up a new ending and puts it in DLC (lawl), what happens to the people who liked it? Who are you to take that experience away from them? What makes your opinion more important than theirs?
Mar 9, 2012
fluxy100 said:
I love all the people labeling those who want a new ending as "entitled" or that they have no right to do so. Maybe I got conked on the head a while back but I was pretty sure the way it worked was if I pay for something and I'm not satisfied with what was given, I have a right to at least ask for changes to it. If it was being given for free, then it would be a completely different story but it's not. People payed for the game expecting a satisfying conclusion and they weren't given that, they have a right to ask for a change to at least meet the bare minimum of what they expected in the conclusion. Note I'm not saying that these requests must be met, but to call someone entitled just because they asked for something in a civil manner is ridiculous
I feel like chiming in here, because I disagree somewhat with that. With all entertainment, free or not, you always make a decision to invest some of your time in it, so the least you can demand of a work is that does not waste your time, and if you feel it fails to live up to that, I would argue that you are in your full right to criticize it (as long as it is at least somewhat informed criticism). Even more so with paid for entertainment, because then you will not only have wasted your time sitting through it, but also the time you spend gathering the money to buy it.

And that is why I and so many others find Mass Effect 3's ending so damnable. 3 games, hundreds of units of currency and hours, plus the time spend waiting for it, and then your are told at the very end that your choices throughout the series really doesn't matter in any meaningful way. If there is any more effective way of making you feel like you have wasted your time, I don't know what it is.
Mar 9, 2012
Aeonknight said:
And finally, what about those who liked it? Assuming bioware listens and writes up a new ending and puts it in DLC (lawl), what happens to the people who liked it? Who are you to take that experience away from them? What makes your opinion more important than theirs?
And it is here I got ask: In what possible way would you feel hurt or cheated if a new ending was added or the current one was altered through some purely optional DLC? Exactly how would it sour your experience?


New member
Apr 8, 2011
Blachman201 said:
Aeonknight said:
And finally, what about those who liked it? Assuming bioware listens and writes up a new ending and puts it in DLC (lawl), what happens to the people who liked it? Who are you to take that experience away from them? What makes your opinion more important than theirs?
And it is here I got ask: In what possible way would you feel hurt or cheated if a new ending was added or the current one was altered through some purely optional DLC? Exactly how would it sour your experience?
Because it becomes an issue of what's canon, or better yet, having to buy the true ending ala FF13-2.

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
Aeonknight said:
And finally, what about those who liked it? Assuming bioware listens and writes up a new ending and puts it in DLC (lawl), what happens to the people who liked it? Who are you to take that experience away from them? What makes your opinion more important than theirs?
Well obviously DLC isn't mandatory. If you're satisfied with the ending don't buy the DLC. But if the LARGE MAJORITY wants something, Bioware should listen to that majority.
Besides, the only people who liked the ending are the ones who don't understand why it didn't make sense at all. When you realize how dumb the ending was, there's not much to like besides all the shiny colors and the epic music.


This place still alive?
Apr 23, 2009
Adam Jensen said:
Aeonknight said:
And finally, what about those who liked it? Assuming bioware listens and writes up a new ending and puts it in DLC (lawl), what happens to the people who liked it? Who are you to take that experience away from them? What makes your opinion more important than theirs?
Well obviously DLC isn't mandatory. If you're satisfied with the ending don't buy the DLC. But if the LARGE MAJORITY wants something, Bioware should listen to that majority.
Besides, the only people who liked the ending are the ones who don't understand why it didn't make sense at all. When you realize how dumb the ending was, there's not much to like besides all the shiny colors and the epic music.
Im still yet to see this large majority, unless you refer to that poll 5000 people voted on, or to that Charity about 50.000 people used (which was quite cheap) Or metacritic (Which were 300 people voting 1 because of the last 5 minutes to give ammunition to others) I really dont see where this large majority of people are. I really dont, neither on escapist (More like a loud minority) Nor on any other reviewsites, heck. Not even a lot of Mass Effect 1/2 related sites that I sometimes visit. The only place I really see them is through the 30 or so complaint threads made by Zeel and a few likeminded individuals, threads made to defend the ending. And the Bioware forums.

And the -Everyone who doesnt want it changed is just dumb and doesnt understand- Is just as stupid an arguement as -Everyone who wants it changed are just too dumb to understand-