Mass Effect 3... Why wasn't I told?... Well I'm happy now. The Mass Effect series is one of my favourite video game series of all time. Which is a little strange given that I'm not all that into Sci-fi or well... Star Trek (which the game seems to take a whole lot of influence from). I think the series is starting to perfect its balance between RPG and Shoot, little hinges here and there but otherwise its all good. A very well thought out and extremely deep character driven game which I recommend to all
The way the story works is also very much like a table top rpg... In the way that you mostly get to make your own choices and that your choices can have lasting effects through out the games. Which is sort of neat, thought sadly it can't quite replicate a ttrpg just yet (mainly because of limitations due to it being a computer game) however its probably one of the closest games out there.
Okay, my love for the series aside... I'm happy for the release of the game on the PS3... I'll not be playing it on that platform though, I'll be users the 360 version given that I've played the other two on that console and my plot is still there.
I'm mainly happy because it gives a chance for the PS3 fanboys to go back on all that "Mass Effect is shit" stuff they've said out of pure fanboyism (you know, same things they said about Bioshock until that had its release). Though that being said, it does open up a window of opportunity for the bloody 360 fanboys to start moaning on about it not being an MS exclusive..
I'm also happy because... Well... Its a very good game and I'm happy to see others being able to experience the series regardless of console (except the Wii... Sadly, though perhaps a port... If they can get it down to a size that the Wii can handle?). Too bad about the first game, I think Bioware got screwed on the licensing on that game so its restricted to the 360... For now.