Mass Effect 3's Ending Was Intended To Polarize


New member
Mar 6, 2012
Adam Jensen said:
Hey guys, check this out:

I hope this is true. It comes from the same guy that discovered the future MP DLC characters. I highly doubt it will be free though.

I love the new captcha system: baked in a pie

I love pies.
Already proven to be fake, but really the last line should of given it away. EA gives nothing away for Free.


New member
Jul 9, 2010
I see it clearly now. This was what they intended all along.

It's a marketing gambit, cash on the collective backslash as free media buzz.It's like an abusive relationship: The abuser keeps on abusing as long as there's some promise of a change for the better, and the abused keeps making excuses for the abuser as long as there's a modicum of kindness (DLC).

Do you think there would be petitions, facebook groups, donations to child's play to celebrate a satisfying conclussion to the Mass Effect trilogy? I think not. They may be justified, as someone on the facebook group linked to Bioware's stock value report: It's been tanking for a year. Still, this shrewd manipulation is unnaceptable.


New member
May 26, 2010
Okay, so I just finished it, and I am definitely in the unsatisfying ending crowd. But it feels as though all the theories about it being a dream/hallucination, or that Shepard was indoctrinated have loads of merit after reading that article. I mean, the conspiracies about them definitely are dividing fans. I would hate for this all to be a ploy to get people to buy DLC for the real ending, and yes it sets a bad precedent, but goddamn I want to see what the hell really happens >_>
Sep 14, 2009
irequirefood said:
Okay, so I just finished it, and I am definitely in the unsatisfying ending crowd. But it feels as though all the theories about it being a dream/hallucination, or that Shepard was indoctrinated have loads of merit after reading that article. I mean, the conspiracies about them definitely are dividing fans. I would hate for this all to be a ploy to get people to buy DLC for the real ending, and yes it sets a bad precedent, but goddamn I want to see what the hell really happens >_>
good thing is that if they implemented a real ending, that shit would be blasted all over youtube/any other site like it, so you could just check it out there without having to give money to the inevitable cash grab that EA will try and make it out to be.


New member
Jan 22, 2011
Anyone who considers the 'ending haters' to be ignorant or closeminded or whatever, watch this.

It highlights every reason why the ending is a disappointment.
I've always liked Bioware. I've claimed I liked every game they've made (aside from the older titles, and Dragon Age II.) KOTOR was amazing in my childhood, I treasured it as it was my first experience with RPGs. I watched my cousin play Mass Effect 1 and I later played the crap out of it and it became my favourite story game...thing.

Anyways I knew after Mass Effect 2 they couldn't screw up ME3. Ever since the moment I beat ME2 I eagerly awaited the arrival of ME3, because based on the first 2 games it would not disappoint.

But really Casey Hudson and/or the Bioware editors somehow managed to screw up their franchise that was doing SO well. It would have been extremely easy to give fans the ending they wanted. It was the stupidest thing they could have done and it's enraging.
I was fine with the day 1 DLC, thats just EA's fault (I hope) and I don't buy DLC often, but ruining my memories of the game? Its ridiculous.

They completly betrayed their old and true fanbase to make the game "accesible to a larger crowd"
That being said I'm ignorant to what is happening inside their company and I did hear somewhere that the original ME1 writer quit at the start of ME2 because of what they were doing.

Nonetheless, they butchered my "star wars of this generation" and tainted it in the eyes of every true fan.

PS: I played through ME1 again and had a blast. After ME3 I could really see the difference, ME1 has more RPG elements and such, and seems to have a greater focus on squad member conversation. Like I spent half an hour legitimatly talking to every person on the Normandy. after every mission.


New member
Feb 5, 2012
Grey Carter said:
Mass Effect 3's Ending Was Intended To Polarize

Mass Effect 3's director didn't want the game to be forgettable, particularly the ending.
"Retake Mass Effect,"[/url] a movement asking for new, more palatable endings for the game, is using donations to popular nerdling charity Child's Play to make its point. Thus far it has just over 10,000 supporters who've collectively donated more than $27,000.

WHAT?!? ARE YOU PEOPLE KIDDING ME?! I don't pay attention to the boards (first post) but honestly, I couldn't hold back this time. People are actually protesting and RAISING MONEY to CHANGE the ending of a story? SERIOUSLY? I'm floored. What's next, raising money against the BBC to change a news story? Phoning Da Vinci and telling him to give the Mona Lisa a prettier smile? (I only played the first Mass Effect, I doubt this one is on par with the Mona Lisa, I know, I know)

I don't care how crappy the ending is. Demanding to change it may be the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.


New member
Sep 30, 2009
I can't *&^%ing believe this.

Look, I was among the first to defend Bioware, back when the shtick with the Prothean content first surfaced. Then I canceled my pre-order for a few days, based on reasoning I can't remember off-hand, but then I re-pre-ordered, based on the simple logic that what I get would still be a fun game, Prothean or no Prothean. I mean, hey, this is freakin' Bioware! On their worst day, what they crank out is merely average.

But then I hear that the game itself isn't all that great, and the ending kinda sucks, and the content that drove the initial outrage was in fact inside the disc the whole time.
Now Bioware is trying to say the crappy ending was made intentionally crappy.

*&^% you, Bioware. You're lucky my checking account was charged and the disc shipped before I heard of all this. Now you have my money, and all I get is a game that I can play while you point and laugh at me. It's going to take something godly - and cheap, though free is preferred - from you guys to make up for this kick in the wallet. Otherwise, I'm not sure I can ever allow myself to buy another Bioware game.


New member
Aug 29, 2010
Mafoobula said:
I can't *&^%ing believe this.

Look, I was among the first to defend Bioware, back when the shtick with the Prothean content first surfaced. Then I canceled my pre-order for a few days, based on reasoning I can't remember off-hand, but then I re-pre-ordered, based on the simple logic that what I get would still be a fun game, Prothean or no Prothean. I mean, hey, this is freakin' Bioware! On their worst day, what they crank out is merely average.

But then I hear that the game itself isn't all that great, and the ending kinda sucks, and the content that drove the initial outrage was in fact inside the disc the whole time.
Now Bioware is trying to say the crappy ending was made intentionally crappy.

*&^% you, Bioware. You're lucky my checking account was charged and the disc shipped before I heard of all this. Now you have my money, and all I get is a game that I can play while you point and laugh at me. It's going to take something godly - and cheap, though free is preferred - from you guys to make up for this kick in the wallet. Otherwise, I'm not sure I can ever allow myself to buy another Bioware game.
Game itself isn't great? Universal praise, more than 90% in all reviews.


New member
Nov 5, 2008

What I got from this article is Bioware falling down just before the finish line and saying "I meant to do that."


New member
Jan 22, 2011
Also plot holes.

To quote

"in The Arrival, it was firmly established that the destruction of a Mass Relay would result in an explosion resembling a supernova, destroying the relay?s star system. In Mass Effect 3′s ending, the Mass Relays are destroyed in explosions so massive that they?re depicted as being visible from a perspective that resembles the Normandy?s Galaxy Map. Which means that Shepard has probably killed more life forms than the Reapers could on their best cycle."

Also no matter what, there is the majority of every species fleet orbiting about earth. Probably 90% of them die, maybe some survive and crash land on earth. Too bad earth in ruined and can't sustain any population. Every krogan down there would just eat everyone.

"They're fools, you should eat them."

Shepard dies to kill the reapers...and everyone else in the galaxy. We don't even know what planet "stargazer" and the kid are on, probably the one joker crashlanded on. I don't even know how they built up from there because I only saw Joker and EDI walk out.


New member
Sep 14, 2008
Kroxile said:
Its just a bunch of people who have a sad that Shepard actually fucking dies at the end of her trilogy.

Sorry not everything is shit rainbows and vomit skittles in magic fairy wonderland, but sometimes shit just doesn't end that way.

That said; they ought to at least put something in to detail the outcome of the player's choices throughout the game. Other than that the endings were good; leave them alone.
You are an idiot.

People aren't sad because Shepard dies. He doesn't die in Destruction ending if you have over 5k war assets.


Space magic, Catalyst, Normandy teleporting people from Earth onto it, then using Mass Relay exactly when the Citadel was exploding. WHY? And Mass Relays explode with the power of a supernova, so Earth was probably destroyed. Even if this was "speshul" explosion, almost every alien on Earth is going to die, because the planet is too damaged and wrecked to sustain several hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of aliens that had to land on it.

No closure with what happened after, what your choices made, what happened to your team or galactic civilizations.

There's not one good thing that came from the endings. And they are hardly dividing the community - at least 90% of the community hates them.

And don't forget the "You can still get some content if you buy more DLC, guys!" message bullshit we get after the credits.


New member
Sep 20, 2011
Grey Carter said:
"I didn't want the game to be forgettable, and even right down to the sort of polarizing reaction that the ends have had with people-debating what the endings mean and what's going to happen next, and what situation are the characters left in", he told Digital Trends.
And Tommy Wiseau intended The Room to be dark-comedy.


New member
May 20, 2009
If it was their intent to spark a debate around what type of plate the directors head should be served on, we can safely consider this a great success.


New member
Mar 11, 2012
Kroxile said:
Its just a bunch of people who have a sad that Shepard actually fucking dies at the end of her trilogy.

Sorry not everything is shit rainbows and vomit skittles in magic fairy wonderland, but sometimes shit just doesn't end that way.

That said; they ought to at least put something in to detail the outcome of the player's choices throughout the game. Other than that the endings were good; leave them alone.
Ending. There was one ending with three different color shades on the deathbeam of death.

And lets be clear. The game ain't perfect. But it's damn good. It just doesn't differentiate the end mission AT ALL. There are missions within the game (the geth/quarian series) that are FAR FAR FAR more epic than the final mission, which literally distinguishes itself in NO WAY AT ALL. And the ending is so bad it feels like a joke. It's like they had 30-60min of the game left to finish and ran out of time/money/ideas. The problem is that I (at least) played the Mass Effect series FOR the ends. That's why I spent all that time harvesting mats and talking to idiots on the citadel about their kids I don't give two shits about... to improve the END. It's not just about the journey, the destination matters too. And in ME3, the destination was half assed so obviously that it's frustrating. When I finished I googled it to see what I HAD MESSED UP to get to such a weak end... only to find out that was the ONLY END and between 80 and 99.7% of fans are online raging over how weak it is. That's the crime. A game that repeats twenty times the theme of hope... and then ends with a whimper... three different colors of whimper.


New member
May 9, 2011
(Whistles) Wow, reading that Hudson interview, I haven't seen PR-Tap Dancing like that since Bobby Kotick in his prime. I mean, really? What I find difficult in this is, even if you're one of those who enjoyed the ending or don't think it should be changed on "artistic" principle, it's impossibly, or at least just incredibly, myopic to not admit Mass Effect's final chapter has some glaring flaws, first and foremost the ending which decimates almost every significant plot element up to that point while also robbing the player of *real* choice other then A, B, or C. Yes, that's right Escapist, I chose the "droll" analogy.

Even more frustrating is that it would be to Hudson, BioWare's, and EA's benefit to admit they FUBAR'd the ending trying to do something they saw as "complex" in regards to the narrative, and now they have a responsibility to the consumer, whom they expect to continue to purchase future products, to fix it. And for those saying that asking an artist to change what they've done because it disgusts the people who paid for said art is ludicrous, an affront, an end to art and so forth? Here's a comparable analogy to this situation:

You go to a High Price Restaurant to experience the cooking of a Top Chef (I'm talking Michelin Stars across the board) You sit down and the Chef brings out the most incredible looking dish you've ever seen...and right in the middle of it is a steaming pile of shit right from his own ass.

Now, obviously, you're going to have a problem with eating said feces. You tell the Chef as much. "But, it is part of the art to my dish. It's so you won't *ever* forget eating it." Now, would it be ridiculous, considering you already paid for said incredible meal, to make it clear to that Chef that his dish might go better *without* the steaming pile? And that, judging by the looks of disgust on the faces of others who paid for the same dinner, others would appreciate it as well?

Now, some people might enjoy shoveling said shit into their mouths; however, that doesn't mean that the desire of those who want the shit removed, and thereby have the dish changed, isn't warranted.


Elite Member
Dec 1, 2009
Yeah, unforgettable doesn't necessarily mean "good" though. I mean, it's nice to make an ending that people want to talk about and that people will spend hours upon hours debating but making it something that people actually like is better.

As it stands now, yes the ending gets people talking and thinking, but only because it came pretty much out of left field with little to no foreshadowing and an utterly insane breed of logic. And from what I've seen people are only discussing the ending because they believe that there's some hidden secret theory that proves it never happened in the first place.

That said, I still like most everything else about the ending, except for the big choice at the end and the few minutes of exposition leading up to it. That seems to be the common opinion.