Yeah, sorry about that. I've been really on edge today, so I misinterpreted your comment as sounding a little passive-aggressive.AntiChri5 said:Whoah, mate. Not trying to come at you, just stating my opinion. Even started my post with "I thought".Brian Tams said:I liked the hammerhead. Being soft wasn't a problem with the vehicle but the developers doing a half assed job with the DLC. Same with the level design.AntiChri5 said:I thought that no vehicle could match how terrible the Mako was. Then i drove the Hammerhead.Brian Tams said:Its not going to have any weight because its a hover tank.Souplex said:You mean the vehicle that burst into flames if under fire for half a second, fires homing spitballs, and has no sense of weight to it like a tank should?Brian Tams said:I liked the Mako but could understand why people disliked it. It had the mobility of a barn, and a lot of the Mako levels featured insta-kill lava that would cause the Mako to spontaneously combust if it so much as brushed it.Souplex said:*Tries to contain squee*
This pleases Souplex.
Next thing you're going to tell me they're doing away with thermal clips, and declare the ending of 3 non-canon.
Also, did anyone ever actually dislike the Mako? As far as I can tell it was five people yelling really loudly.
Honestly, they should have replaced it with the Hammerhead, which was the hover-tank thing that was featured in some Mass Effect 2 DLC. Much better mobility, awesome vehicle, shame it was just for a handful of DLC missions.
Use the Hammerhead from ME2 for exploration segments like in ME1, and you have a recipe for success.
There were also some obvious balancing issues when it came to how powerful it was or how much damage it could sustain, but that's a problem of execution, not the concept. The Mako was a lumbering elephant of a vehicle; the Hammerhead is smoother to control, and its smooth controls make it better suited for exploration.
Hammerhead > Mako
Pathetically soft, an impossibly terrible weapon and stupid platforming levels.
Stop coming at me because I like something you guys don't.
I know having an unpopular opinion can sometimes make it feel like everyone is ganging up on you (i love Dragon Age 2, after all) but that isn't the intent here.
Given that the hammerhead itself is only involved in DLC, saying that a problem with it is only because they half assed the DLC isn't much of a defence. Just out of curiosity, what difficulty do you generally play on? The Hammerhead's problems become more painful with each difficulty level.
Anyways, I beat the game on the highest difficulty but I don't remember if I did any of dlc afterwards (I was only interested in the achievement). I do remember having to strafe enemies and straight up dodging their attacks. Which is where I probably differ from most of you is that I naturally don't like taking much damage in a game no matter how much health I have.