"Massive" Social Gaming Layoffs Predicted For 2012


Swamp Weather Balloon Gas
Apr 11, 2011
At the end of the day, I hope that there is a shining light that says "we have a game that has actual content and you can play it with friends everywhere and we aren't going to shake you down hard for cash like a dealer, but instead hypnotize you into giving it to us with sex appeal"....

and then I look over and there's tf2

but seriously, something that's not a shooter or rts, please

Not G. Ivingname

New member
Nov 18, 2009
Scrumpmonkey said:
Not G. Ivingname said:
Scrumpmonkey said:
Well the entire Escapist community collectivly fucking called it. We don't need analyists to see the fucking blindingly obvious.

Alow me to quote myself from quite a few months back;

Scrumpmonkey said:
All it takes is a small shift in usership or advertising confidence and a million dollar prized cow can turn out to be a dog-turd. This isn't even going into mismanagement, small companies that make it big quick have a nasty habit on not being able to deal with it or making terrible decisions. Recently Zynga has decided to hoover up a sum total of 15 companies with its new found (if ethically and creatively dubious) wealth. Fast, forward to today and profits have fallen 90%, news with has been delayed since June due to the "Tough market conditions" leaving me with the tentative feeling that the news has been released over a more favorable range to their original numbers.

Take the dot.com boom for example, a lot of clueless investors throw their money behind Internet companies because they seem to be magic money makers. Many of the paper millionaires we saw were just that and the value of most of these companies, and consequently their shares, dropped to a big fat sum of zero. Social and in a slightly different way mobile games have also done this; massive investment in something that is seen as a new, bottomless money spinner.

The shit will only really hit the fan when said investors get a whiff that their particular horse in this race might be horribly overvalued. When investor pull out (like so many panicing boyfriends) in the sector starts i have a feeling it may not stop, speculators (especially when it comes to the fast world of tech) are ruthlessly fickle and jumpy as coked-up Meerkats. Here's hoping that a lot of good people don't get squeezed out of the industry all together as the workforces of these new factory-famed games become suddenly and jarringly jobless, especially considering that a social company may have provided a lot of 1st time gaming jobs.

Well done me. I do have some forsight. Social gaming will come crashing to earth as quickly as it rose and 99% of those lauding it will have no idea why it failed or even why it even rose in the first place. The pundits and culeless 'experts' can go eat a dick; they have consistantly been shown to not know shit over the bildingly obvious in the short term. Socail gaming is already failing, it is in a death spiral.

Wow, that is right on the nail, and HOW long ago was that posted?

Tell us more of your future knowledge!

I want to win the lottery!
A good six months ago, maybe more. That Exact text is taken from an old blog post from.... june-ish i think. I actually tried pitching it as an article to a few sites but they weren't biting and then i got busy with college/work/life you know the drill, but i've been posting the same points on the forums pretty much since the fuckwits started calling it "The future of gaming".

I will find whoever and whatever analyist hyped the shit out of the social gaming scene and punch them in the fucking SOUL for being so stupid. Its obviously going to be a bubble then fail in a septacualr burst leaving the smug likes to Zynga to gape and stare at their own pure lack of talent and forsight. Acedemic valuing, nebulous and ill definded products, abused and "playing out of bordem" userbases and just plain irredeemable content.
It wasn't an anal (ha ha ha) yist, it was Zynga's billion dollars it made off the dirt cheapest game ever made. It was just a new wave of casual games, along side the Wii and Iphone, gaming was ready to reach out to a wider audience. Social gaming has a place and a future in the industry, it just isn't a fourth as big as everybody thinks it is.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
ipods used to be "some lame emo object" then it went into fashion. then it went out of fashion.
iphone and social games are currently in their "in fashion" stage. but for how long?
thing is, social games are boring. people who are new to gaming get sucked into it easily, but gradually most of them progress to more "Hardcore" games. as mroe and more people progress, theres nothing left for social gaming to suck in (lets face it, anyone who wanted fagbook profile already has one). It will gradually fade away, like msot games do.
thing is, people aready made billions on them.