Max Payne 3 Review

Mike Kayatta

Minister of Secrets
Aug 2, 2011
Max Payne 3 Review

Drunken time manipulation has never been so fun.

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New member
Nov 8, 2010
Video seems to be acting up. It is loading, it's just taking forever about it.

On topic: Huh. Sounds fun. I might try it out sometime this summer. And heck - any excuse to combine popcorn and video games is a good excuse, right?


New member
Apr 11, 2010
This game wasn't perfect, but it was nearly everything it could be in regards to a long John Woo daydream.

The only problem I had was the pointless movie reel scratches that kept blinking and stuttering around the screen. Shit was annoying.

I would gripe about the loss of the graphic novel strips too, but I'll let other posters do it for me since I know it's gonna come up eventually.


New member
Mar 28, 2010
I like how there's little mention in regards to the plot and more into the game mechanics and graphics.

Is this a Max payne story or cliché 101 copy and paste?

Also, realism in Max payne? The dream/drug sequences were trippy and in most cases broke the 4th wall.

Mike Kayatta

Minister of Secrets
Aug 2, 2011
mad825 said:
I like how there's little mention in regards to the plot and more into the game mechanics and graphics.

Is this a Max payne story or cliché 101 copy and paste?

Also, realism in Max payne? The dream/drug sequences were trippy and in most cases broke the 4th wall.
The story is pretty simple. That's not to say it's bad, just that there isn't enough there to talk about any of it without inadvertently spoiling something that's best left for your own experience. As far as it being "a Max Payne story," I'd say it's fairly different then the others. Rockstar's whole idea was to start "a new chapter in Max's life," and I'd say that, for better or worse, they have.


New member
Jun 20, 2009
It is good to see it wasn't the failure that many predicted it would be. I will definitely try it out, I loved the first games.

Although I do very much miss the...

hooksashands said:
I would gripe about the loss of the graphic novel strips too, but I'll let other posters do it for me since I know it's gonna come up eventually.
...damn it.


Apr 28, 2008
Well, if it's not noir style it's just not for me. Quite frankly, those cut-scenes look abysmal.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
AC10 said:
Well, if it's not noir style it's just not for me. Quite frankly, those cut-scenes look abysmal.
And you know the best thing about them? YOU CAN'T SKIP THEM!!! The game loads at a snail's pace, and by the time you can finally skip the cutscene it would've only lasted a few more seconds anyway.

This game is just badly made, it's an absolute mess. I've heard one reviewer say it's basically GTA with Bullet Time, and that's about right, including the bad controls and bad cover mechanics.

Rockstar should be ashamed of themselves for putting something this broken on the market.


Apr 28, 2008
Casual Shinji said:
AC10 said:
Well, if it's not noir style it's just not for me. Quite frankly, those cut-scenes look abysmal.
And you know the best thing about them? YOU CAN'T SKIP THEM!!! The game loads at a snail's pace, and by the time you can finally skip the cutscene it would've only lasted a few more seconds anyway.

This game is just badly made, it's an absolute mess. I've heard one reviewer say it's basically GTA with Bullet Time, and that's about right, including the bad controls and bad cover mechanics.

Rockstar should be ashamed of themselves for putting something this broken on the market.
You know, i was kind of worried about this myself. IMO Rockstar has never really nailed the shooting mechanics in any game they've made, so I was incredibly wary of MP3. Thanks for confirming my fears! I'll probably stay well clear of this one.

The Lugz

New member
Apr 23, 2011
Mike Kayatta said:
Drunken time manipulation
you know this game's awesome when it comes with a line like that
seriously, say it one more time.. for luck :)

AC10 said:
Well, if it's not noir style it's just not for me. Quite frankly, those cut-scenes look abysmal.
the weird cut-scenes bother me a little too, it just seems over the top but i suppose they wanted to hammer home it was an effect not a bug
and i cant even imagine how it would look in stereo gaming

ill still pick it up though, ive been in need of a good shooter for a while
ive been on a fantasy trip recently

Dominic Burchnall

New member
Jun 13, 2011
Mike Kayatta said:
mad825 said:
I like how there's little mention in regards to the plot and more into the game mechanics and graphics.

Is this a Max payne story or cliché 101 copy and paste?

Also, realism in Max payne? The dream/drug sequences were trippy and in most cases broke the 4th wall.
The story is pretty simple. That's not to say it's bad, just that there isn't enough there to talk about any of it without inadvertently spoiling something that's best left for your own experience. As far as it being "a Max Payne story," I'd say it's fairly different then the others. Rockstar's whole idea was to start "a new chapter in Max's life," and I'd say that, for better or worse, they have.
Although one thing that can be said without spoiling two much is the way the story humanises the people that you spend your whole time plugging bullets at, rather than just making everyone mindless foot soldiers for you to plough your way through, and two of the main villains in particular. By the end of their inclusion in the story, you actually feel some emotions that you rarely feel for antagonists; pity, and respect. There's not many games I know will do that.

Also, while I realise I might well be in the minority here, I actually liked the warped camera views, 24 style transitions, and keyword highlights. The trick to it is to look to an area that won't give you a headache, and that's usually where the developers have put something important to the story.


New member
Nov 25, 2008
Mike Kayatta said:
Rockstar's whole idea was to start "a new chapter in Max's life," and I'd say that, for better or worse, they have.
Spoiler for Max Payne 2:

The way the second game ends it wouldn't really have made much sense if he kept dwelling on his family's deaths. It just would have made it obvious that the original writers weren't involved.

End spoiler.

AC10 said:
Casual Shinji said:
AC10 said:
Well, if it's not noir style it's just not for me. Quite frankly, those cut-scenes look abysmal.
And you know the best thing about them? YOU CAN'T SKIP THEM!!! The game loads at a snail's pace, and by the time you can finally skip the cutscene it would've only lasted a few more seconds anyway.

This game is just badly made, it's an absolute mess. I've heard one reviewer say it's basically GTA with Bullet Time, and that's about right, including the bad controls and bad cover mechanics.

Rockstar should be ashamed of themselves for putting something this broken on the market.
You know, i was kind of worried about this myself. IMO Rockstar has never really nailed the shooting mechanics in any game they've made, so I was incredibly wary of MP3. Thanks for confirming my fears! I'll probably stay well clear of this one.
It seemed to me like it played about as well as the average shooter. It's not as easy to aim perhaps as some of the other FPS/TPS's out there, but still not Cain & Lynch or Operation Racoon City bad. I'm not partial to the visual style of the cutscenes myself, and making them unskippable to hide loading screens makes Score attack and New York Minute a chore. I'd still say it's worth at least a rental, even if you're not a fan of the series.


New member
Dec 16, 2010
I think the shooting sections are really spot on and I enjoyed the challenge. I didn't mind how the cut scenes were presented and I liked the the style better in this game then in Max Payne 2.
I will say it did have some pacing issues in a few chapters but really those just nit picks.

I'm currently in the last third of the game and plan on trying out the multi player soon.


New member
Jan 15, 2009
the cut scene part do look annoying in a way. still have to wait to the 2nd of june for the pc version. :(
i do miss the comic cut scenes, they have made the previous games a bit special as well but at least the game play is still fun and thats the main thing. im pretty sure i will miss some other things from the previous games but as long it does feel im playing MP, i think i can accept it.
still few weeks for me to go before i can buy it.