May Game Retail Figures Slump

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
WaysideMaze said:
Retail slumped by 28%, and the number of games released was 27% less than last year.

There's a pattern here...
It's almost as though...decreasing the selection in gaming decreases the demand.
What a shocking development!

In all seriousness, this is to be expected when publishers have tried as hard as they could to force as much of the AAA gaming market to comply with the console model...then the consoles become outdated and the hardware market saturated.

Worse for them: the Big Three continue to pussyfoot around making half-hearted commitments (if any) to supporting/creating new hardware.

Result: A decline in sales.

"Maybe PC can save us!"

I don't think it will.
Not unless the AAA Publishers start announcing more PC games that aren't ports.
If they had such intentions I suspect they would have announced them at E3.

PC will continue to "tread water" as it has for ~7 years now; but I concede that it stands to become more relevant if either Sony or Microsoft doesn't announce a new console.

"But Steam--!"

Even Steam is (in part) subject to this since a significant number of their AAA offerings are still just ports. Steam has stability due to the booming Indie Game scene and PC's small trove of niche' markets (RTS), but said scene isn't on the level of the entirety of AAA gaming.
Not yet.

"But Diablo 3--!"

One game does not solve the problem of Diversity in Offerings, and that is what is causing sales to slump. You will see a spike in sales from D3, but the long-term problem will remain in spite of D3's success.

(and this assumes D3 continues to be as successful as it was on launch; which for once, might actually be questionable due to the negative backlash I see online.

For once, I have to question if said backlash represents a larger proportion of the "Vocal Minority" than I've come to expect. If nothing else, it's hard to ignore overt action like South Korea completely shitting on Blizzard for D3's poor service.)

Come back a year later; everything may look much brighter for the Publishers assuming...

1)..Sony or Microsoft announce the ACTUAL next-gen consoles (and let Nintendo continue acting as gaming's equivalent of Fisher Price)
2)..That more of said publishers haven't merged or otherwise gone out of business.

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I filled out the captcha and it still slings this shit at me. Annoying.


New member
Oct 14, 2010
Shock and awe!

They didn't blame it on used games and piracy, but on something real instead!


New member
Sep 13, 2010
I'm betting the lackluster hardware sales can be attributed to the fact that this far into this gen, anyone who wants hardware already has it. I'm surprised that diablo 3 didn't pull the game sales numbers up a good bit. That means to me that sale of everything that wasn't Diablo sold even more poorly than it appears.


Elite Member
Nov 9, 2008
I'm really surprised that retail is still going with the huge number of digital outlets for games right now.


New member
Oct 5, 2009
Perhaps also, the advent of very draconian DRM on nearly every new game had something to do with it? Maybe the predatory practice of day one and on disc DLC? Perhaps the price of games might be involved - when you can download many Apps for $.99? I know, there might be some connection between the promises made to customers with regards to games, then having said promises broken (a la ME3)?

I'm just saying, perhaps the game industry should take a look at their current practices of looking at their customers as walking piggy banks, and instead try to rebuild the relationships? Maybe stop treating legit customers as pirates? Drop prices a bit? Just some ideas they'll probably ignore.


New member
Jul 16, 2010
gmaverick019 said:

they seem to be forgetting about steam's summer sale.
Well, steam doesn't count as retail.

Generally speaking, digital distributors tend not to release sales figures except little snippets such as "when your game goes on sale, be prepared to make several times the profit!"

Some publishers will talk though, usually when the figures are high, in order to drum up even more sales.


The Crazy One
Feb 26, 2010
Mygaffer said:
medv4380 said:
This is a consequence of the Tsunami last year. The developers practically shutdown to deal with the crisis. There was going to be a supply bottle neck from that sooner or later.
Unlikely to have played any significant part in this sales dip.
Actually very likely. Read the details and you'll see the dip is caused by the lack of game releases. 27% fewer titles and 28% fewer sales. If game developers were shutdown for 3 months dealing with a disaster then a year later when those titles are released they will all be delayed causing a shortage, and unlike regular markets a shortage isn't going to raise prices.


New member
Dec 28, 2010
Well it's summer this always happens game dev's are so focused on competing with each other that they all release there games at the same time (end and beginning of the year) leaving very little for the middle. Theres also Steam and co who steal all the pc gamers sales because stores offer very little to the pc gamer.
Sep 14, 2009
Danceofmasks said:
gmaverick019 said:

they seem to be forgetting about steam's summer sale.
Well, steam doesn't count as retail.

Generally speaking, digital distributors tend not to release sales figures except little snippets such as "when your game goes on sale, be prepared to make several times the profit!"

Some publishers will talk though, usually when the figures are high, in order to drum up even more sales.
oh yeah I saw that, my post was just kind of a sarcastic/steam loving post.


Aug 25, 2008
j-e-f-f-e-r-s said:
Dunno if it's a major factor, but here in the UK at least, we're back in recession. Meaning people have less money to spend on luxury items like... well, games. The rest of Europe isn't looking so hot right now either. I can't imagine people are that keen on buying games when they're currently out of work, and it looks like their currency may well be taking the drubbing of a lifetime...
Plus Game got into a bad patch, so they would of lost sales due to shops closing, and considering in quite a few towns, Game was the major store to sell games, it would of affected them even more.

But still if there were 27% fewer new titles released, and Retail slumped by sounds about right.


New member
Nov 15, 2009
You mean the summer gaming drought happened again this summer and people weren't buying cause there wasn't anything to buy? SHOCKING NEWS!


New member
Feb 8, 2008
Boo hoo!

We made 200 million fewer dollars. That means we still made over 600 million even though we didn't do as much as last year. Waaaaaaa!

No one is buying another console. Quick. Hurry. Make sure all next gen consoles automatically die within 13 to 16 months of first use.


The Crazy One
Feb 26, 2010
Sylveria said:
You mean the summer gaming drought happened again this summer and people weren't buying cause there wasn't anything to buy? SHOCKING NEWS!
It's not the Summer Slump that is the issue. If you bothered to read the data it clearly says
"over the same period the previous year"
Which means that this is a slump compared to last years slump.