It's cool that Disney can now include the X-Men in the MCU, but how exactly is that going to work? And I don't mean from a movie logic standpoint, I mean thematically. I mean, the whole point to the X-Men was that they were an (admittedly pretty bad) metaphor for racial prejudice, in which the average normal person hated them for the crime of being a mutant. But by this point, people in the MCU have gotten accustomed to genetically improved superhumans (Captain America, Spiderman, Black Panther), aliens (Skrulls), goddamn wizards, and the fact that apparently the one true faith is Norse Paganism and whatever the hell Wakandan's worship (like, an Egyptian goddess I think?). For shit's sake, this is a world where the Hulk, a gamma-radiation monster that can suplex a skyscraper to dust, can walk into a diner and not only will nobody care, they'll approach him for a selfie. And you expect me to believe the straw that'll break the camel's back for them is a slightly higher percentage of people who can do weird shit? I mean, are you really telling me that after seeing Thor fighting a bunch of Dark Elves in London during whatever the fuck the Convergence was, the thing that'll really put some random dude off is a disabled telepath in a wheelchair?