DarthCoercis said:
Other than Thor, Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch are the only ones I can think of. Captain Marvel probably counts, since her new canon is that she's always been half-Kree but didn't get access to her powers until her time as a Kree Warrior awoke them (or something like that?).
In the MCU Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch aren't mutants. They got their powers from Hydra experiments with an Infinity Stone. Iirc, Captain Marvel was also a regular human until an Infinity Stone-powered engine exploded in her face.
Near as I can tell, the only innately superhuman characters are the ones that plain weren't human to begin with, so Thor and the other Asgardians, Drax, Groot, Mantis and Loki. Not sure about Gamora, Nebula and Rocket, cuz they got turned into cyborgs. Probably also all the alien villains who aren't mooks or comedic relief i.e. Jeff Goldblum, so that's Ego, Ronan (pre Power Stone), Malekith, Thanos and Hela.