MCU's Black Panther Looks Downright Comic Book in Official Art - Update


Geekdad News Writer
Jan 5, 2013
MCU's Black Panther Looks Downright Comic Book in Official Art - Update

Marvel has wasted no time in revealing its cinematic universe's take on the hero Black Panther.

Update: Some additional details have emerged from today's event. In brief:

Kevin Feige strongly hinted that Andy Serkis is indeed playing Klaw, a longstanding Black Panther villain in Avengers: Age of Ultron, Badass Digest reports [].
Related to that, it's been confirmed that Wakanda is a setting in Avengers 2.
Feige also confirmed that Black Panther will be a significant part of Captain America: Civil War.

Original Story: <a href=>Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige pulled the lid clean off of the company's big jar of secrets today, unveiling a slew of new movies that will make up the Marvel cinematic universe's <a href=>third phase of films. The lineup included a number of new titles, among which will be a new franchise starring the Wakandan superhero Black Panther.

Simply titled, Black Panther, the film, according to Marvel, will star actor <a href=>Chadwick Boseman in the titular role of T'Challa, aka: the Black Panther. Boseman previously earned acclaim for his portrayal of baseball player Jackie Robinson in the sports biopic 42. He's also performed in recent films like Draft Day and Get On Up.

As for Black Panther himself, there's little telling yet exactly how closely Marvel intends to follow the character's comic book history. Hailing from Wakanda, a fictional, resource-rich African nation in which "vibranium" is mined, Black Panther is the alter ego of T'Challa, king and guardian of the country. If this poster is any indication however, the film will at least be extremely faithful to his costume.

Source: <a href=>Marvel



Your friendly local nihilist
Dec 6, 2010
I was never that big of a fan of Black Panther, he was always Marvel's Batman in my eyes. Due to a lack of interest, I never learned his allies, enemies, and story. So I'm looking forward to this. I'm looking a lot more towards Captain Marvel though.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
Elfgore said:
I was never that big of a fan of Black Panther, he was always Marvel's Batman in my eyes. Due to a lack of interest, I never learned his allies, enemies, and story. So I'm looking forward to this. I'm looking a lot more towards Captain Marvel though.
You should definitely got to watched the Black Panther miniseries. I mean I used to have little respect for him since I only knew him from his cameo from the Fantastic Four animated series. Seriously even the intro is badass!

OT- I really want to know how they will handle this since the premier that Wakanda is a utopia located in Africa but it is isolated to everyone could upset some africans out there.


New member
May 10, 2011
Silentpony said:
Yup. That certainly looks like an African Batman.
Did somebody say African Batman?

Elfgore said:
I was never that big of a fan of Black Panther, he was always Marvel's Batman in my eyes. Due to a lack of interest, I never learned his allies, enemies, and story. So I'm looking forward to this. I'm looking a lot more towards Captain Marvel though.
I'd actually argue that Marvel's Batman isn't Black Panther. It's Moon Knight.

Mr. Q

New member
Apr 30, 2013
Damn, that costume looks sick. =D Surprised to hear they already cast the lead role. I saw 42 and Chadwick Boseman was great in it. Glad to hear Andy Serkis is confirmed as Klaw. Hope his final look will be just as cool.


Enjoy the Silence
Jul 11, 2013
The costume looks great, but it makes me wonder, would people like the uniform if it was in the comic books? All those recent MCU costumes feel really in the same "new 52" take DC is using in the comics, and people mostly hate the designs there.
Maybe fans just don't like extra texture on costumes in comic books.
Jan 12, 2012
Scarim Coral said:
OT- I really want to know how they will handle this since the premier that Wakanda is a utopia located in Africa but it is isolated to everyone could upset some africans out there.
I think they can probably handle it; if it seems touchy, they might use that "other realms" stuff that they are leaning on to have the country pop back into reality after X years in an alternate dimension, where they invented their advanced technology with an abudant supply of alien metals. But from the African people I know who read comics, they're just glad that the continent isn't only treated as a Third-World hellhole ruled by dictators and child soldiers. They do have some pulpy "Dark Heart of Africa" stuff going on, but personally I like that so while it might bother others, I'm fine with it.

If people are upset that it's an imaginary isolated utopia rather than a real country... well, about half of Marvel's Africa is made up countries, so they'll have to deal at some point.

OT: I really hope that suit is made of vantablack, to confuse and nauseate his enemies.


New member
Sep 23, 2010
Nope Trishbot Black Panther IS Marvel's Batman. He's the Jack of all trades, good at everything, get's hyped up to be better at everything than every other superhero and can win every battle with Prep time.

;) I love him anyway.


Needs more Dakka
Sep 7, 2008
Black Panther is the marvel hero I know the least about, but that costume looks badass. I have a feeling I'll enjoy learning about him in the time leading up to the release of the movie.


New member
Sep 23, 2010
Elader said:
Black Panther is the marvel hero I know the least about, but that costume looks badass. I have a feeling I'll enjoy learning about him in the time leading up to the release of the movie.
Like Some writers do with Batman he tends to get hyped up more than he should. I've seen people dumb down other characters around him to make him seem better instead of just writing him as amazing as he should be.

But even without Blackpanther wank he's
As about as Smart as Reed Richards and Doctor Doom
As about as good a fighter as Captain America.
Far richer than Tony Stark.


New member
Jan 12, 2011
Way over sexualized. You can clearly see the form of every muscle of his entire body. Nobody would wear armor that looked like that. Clearly trying to sell copies via sex appeal. When is sexist stuff like this going to go away?

Oh ya its a dude so no one cares, nvm carry on its badass to be sexist with male characters
Sep 24, 2008
Winnosh said:
Elader said:
Black Panther is the marvel hero I know the least about, but that costume looks badass. I have a feeling I'll enjoy learning about him in the time leading up to the release of the movie.
Like Some writers do with Batman he tends to get hyped up more than he should. I've seen people dumb down other characters around him to make him seem better instead of just writing him as amazing as he should be.

But even without Blackpanther wank he's
As about as Smart as Reed Richards and Doctor Doom
As about as good a fighter as Captain America.
Far richer than Tony Stark.
This is actually my problem with the idea of him being brought into the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

He's going to seem like even more of a token than he originally would have been being the only differently raced person of the field.

The leader of one of the richest and most technically advanced nations on earth, genius, in touch with mystical Gods, basically the same power list as Cap with bonuses in senses, an advanced suit made of the most incredible material on earth, claws that Wolverine would think twice about... And that's not to say what version of Black Panther it would be. If it is the different God Black Panther, people are going to whine that "Of course they had to use the STRONGER Black Panther... PC idiots"

Where is he going to shine? Will they just make him the lone wolf of the team? Are they going to write a huge link with Wakanda just to add him along? Because again, fanboys will rage.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
I think the key question to ask is: why should we care about Black Panther? He's clearly B-list, and he's never been a major player in any main story arc. At least the Guardians participated in some crazy s***, making small contributions that would have far reaching consequences (in the comics, I'm talking about).

Falcon and War Machine already feel token enough as is. Sure, they have cool backstories, but where are their crippling character flaws? Honestly, the only way I think a black character can thrive in this kind of film (and any film for that matter) is if he is treated like the white characters as opposed to this delicate snowflake (blackflake? :p ) that can't have anything fundamentally wrong with him (or her).

Hulk, Iron Man, Cap, Thor, and even Hawkeye are great because they overcome their flaws. And no, PTSD is not a flaw. You know what would have been more interesting? If Falcon had to leave the military because he was fundamentally a coward but had to overcome that and rise to the occasion to help Cap et al in the final scene of Winter Soldier.

Heroes with flaws are relatable, because we can put ourselves in their shoes. Make Black Panther a f*** up, and maybe he'll have some actual character.

Just don't make his flaw stereotypically "black" and we'll be good.


New member
May 19, 2013
ObsidianJones said:
Winnosh said:
Elader said:
Black Panther is the marvel hero I know the least about, but that costume looks badass. I have a feeling I'll enjoy learning about him in the time leading up to the release of the movie.
Like Some writers do with Batman he tends to get hyped up more than he should. I've seen people dumb down other characters around him to make him seem better instead of just writing him as amazing as he should be.

But even without Blackpanther wank he's
As about as Smart as Reed Richards and Doctor Doom
As about as good a fighter as Captain America.
Far richer than Tony Stark.
This is actually my problem with the idea of him being brought into the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

He's going to seem like even more of a token than he originally would have been being the only differently raced person of the field.

The leader of one of the richest and most technically advanced nations on earth, genius, in touch with mystical Gods, basically the same power list as Cap with bonuses in senses, an advanced suit made of the most incredible material on earth, claws that Wolverine would think twice about... And that's not to say what version of Black Panther it would be. If it is the different God Black Panther, people are going to whine that "Of course they had to use the STRONGER Black Panther... PC idiots"

Where is he going to shine? Will they just make him the lone wolf of the team? Are they going to write a huge link with Wakanda just to add him along? Because again, fanboys will rage.
You say that like it would be hard. Based on his interactions with the Avengers in the comics he already has a connection to the team. Any "fanboys" that rage just don't know their comics, and probably need to do some soul searching for assuming that he's being tokenized.

They will probably just have Cap's new shield be made of Vibranium, or possibly remade of Vibranium(since it showed some of the metal's properties in the Avengers movie). There is only one place on Marvel's earth with Vibranium and that's Wakanda. Its been written in for some time now that T'Challa's father gave some Vibranium to the U.S. as a gift and they used that to make Cap's shield. All they have to do is reference that part of the comics. They may also have BP create a new set of wings for the Falcon, since in the comics it was T'Challa who designed them in the first place. So done and done.

The connection was always there, maybe if the movie writers didn't feel the need to have the Starks invent everything then it would be easier to fit new characters within the wider Marvel cinematic universe. They may have similar issues with Ant Man since they decided to have Tony invent Ultron instead of Hank Pym. As well as skipping Hank's tenure as Ant Man to go straight to Scott Lang.


New member
Apr 22, 2010
When Wonder Woman was announced, the Escapist threw up banners and flags claiming that DC had finally "one upped" Marvel:

This was because we had at long last had a female lead in comic book films... despite there being Catwoman, Elektra, Supergirl and suchlike before her. Still, it's the first female lead in this generation, amirite?

Now Marvel have announced their female led film, but also will beat DC to the punch for black/non-America based lead character, and we get nothing? I live in the UK, and have quite a few Nigerian nerd friends... they love Black Panther. He's THE African badass. C'mon Escapist, show some more love for BP.

OT This lineup redeems Marvel for their shoddy Avengers 2 trailer in my books. Well played, Marvel, well played.


New member
Mar 27, 2011
They didn't really beat DC to the punch on black heroes, Verlander. DC announced Cyborg before Marvel announced Panther. And Marvel already made a non-American hero - Thor, who is either Scandinavian or an Alien, depending on how you want to look at it. Also, Marvel announced the Luke Cage series ages ago.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
Scarim Coral said:
Elfgore said:
I was never that big of a fan of Black Panther, he was always Marvel's Batman in my eyes. Due to a lack of interest, I never learned his allies, enemies, and story. So I'm looking forward to this. I'm looking a lot more towards Captain Marvel though.
You should definitely got to watched the Black Panther miniseries. I mean I used to have little respect for him since I only knew him from his cameo from the Fantastic Four animated series. Seriously even the intro is badass!

OT- I really want to know how they will handle this since the premier that Wakanda is a utopia located in Africa but it is isolated to everyone could upset some africans out there.
It goes back to the old ideas of "Lost Cities" in Africa, sort of like with Tarzan. Wakanda isn't a utopia, it's actually a backwards, barbaric, land, that has simply become more progressive under T'challa wanting to have it deal more with the outside world. The Black Panther was introduced when he invited The Fantastic Four to Wakanda so he could fight them, to see if he could protect his nation against the superhumans that were common elsewhere (he beat the FF but then was defeated by Wyatt Wingfoot). The thing with Wakanda is that we've seen what happens to it when T'challa loses his mantle and someone else takes over as the leader. We've seen him replaced by elements of his own government (backed by Doctor Doom) and I believe he's lost the kingship to Man-Ape at least once. Wakanda will pretty much snap into line under whomever the royals are.

As far as it upsetting people, probably not, there is more of a danger in them trying to turn this into more of a "Black Power" concept than it should be (which was in my mind part of the problem with the BET series) though there are definite Wakandan racists. It should also be noted that Wakanda also isolated itself from the rest of Africa though, so it remains much like we're familiar with.

On some levels you can say Black Panther has some similarities to Wonder Woman.

As far as Black Panther goes, he's kind of his own thing, I always saw "Moon Knight" as being a lot more like Batman than Black Panther, in part because Black Panther isn't concerned with crime or general events, he mostly gets involved in "big picture" type situations but otherwise mostly acts reactively for his country. "Moon Knight" on the other hand is an insane avatar of vengeance who actually gets a more realistic reaction to it than Batman does. I seem to remember Captain America pretty much said Moon Knight was a guy that could make him reconsider the whole "Registration" thing since he represents everything Tony and company were talking about all in one package. Moon Knight is basically what happens if instead of just having dead parents Batman was given a literal mission from god (well a god in Moon Knight's case) to punish the forces of evil. :)

My biggest concern with Black Panther is that they are going to do like all the other super hero movies and find tons of excuses for him to run around with his mask off, which ruins the whole point of Black Panther in particular.

Also, that BET cartoon was just painful to me, the political analogies, US bashing, and the guys they had Black Panther beat (not to mention how they did it). I mean Batroc couldn't handle his bodyguards... and really, if Juggernaut was that easily beaten the X-men would have had a much easier time of things. Don't even get me started on how they did "The Black Knight". Basically in the comics if that group of dudes came after Black Panther pretty much the first thing he'd do was call in other heroes... but nope, we'll turn down the X-men except for Storm for obvious reasons, not that he didn't have it more or less under control at that point. :p

At any rate, if they keep Black Panther in costume properly I'll probably be happy.