Meatbag and Co: A Visit to Jerry's


Elite Member
Mar 25, 2010
>mfw watching this-

Really, just talking about random things is not funny. That's all this is. Both these episodes are just riding off the fact that oh woah, they're talking about things people don't normally talk about, isn't that so random guys?

The easiest way to make something like this work is contrast. Right now, it's just straight randomness for the sake of randomness, with literally nothing else there. It's like trying to paint something with one color.

*sigh. I'll give it another chance next week, but you're really not helping your case so far...


New member
May 12, 2010
Initially I said I wouldn't watch a second episode if one came out, but for fairness sake I watched it. Now I understand the expression "go with your gut feeling".

At least in this episode you had a couple punchlines, although they were not funny. Each scene drags far to long, and is not a funny situation to begin with. I get the feeling there are inside jokes involved, but inside jokes don't make for good entertainment.

Honestly the most clever scene was the end when the thunder sounded and the Storm King yelled his name, but even this didn't even get a smirk from me. It was way to predictable.

Another complaint I have is the robot itself. Why are you using such a human sounding voice for a robot to begin with? Secondly his 'jokes' are just long winded speeches that don't have any punchlines at all, where is the cynicism he subtly claims to have? Sorry but this show just does not deliver in any category.

Combustion Kevin

New member
Nov 17, 2011
Fayathon said:
Not loving it, not hating it...

I'd like to see this grow into something akin to The Legend of Hobo in terms of hilarity, but so far I'm unimpressed. At least it's leaps and bounds better than Game Dogs ever was.
I thought the russian ones were kinda funny though.
that said, it all ended pretty ugly.

very, VERY ugly.


New member
Feb 19, 2011
Cosplay Horatio said:
Better than episode 2!
Uh, buddy... That was episode 2.

This one actually got a reaction from me. It was kind of the beginning of the process of a laugh, but a reaction none the less. Still, this is pretty base.

I think the issue is at the root of the show: it's Minecraft. I've found that physical movements can really add, enhance, or emphasize humor, and that's near impossible to do with a video game. That's why I don't find Red vs. Blue funny: because they can't move outside of the preset animations.

Here's what I mean by physicality enhancing comedy:
See how he acts out and pantomimes everything? The facial expressions, too.


New member
Oct 19, 2010
Sorry to say but I couldn't stand watching / listening (especially listening) to this longer then 5 seconds. The voice acting was just terrible. There was no real need for special 'voice', but the natrual voice just doesn't carry well on a video. It's just a torture to listen to. I'm sure that if I'd have a face-to-face conversation it would not bother me that much, but without any bodylanguage, I just can't stand listening to you.


New member
Oct 11, 2010
haha, made me laugh so i liked it, think it needs another regular, but probably not enough time per ep. also ignore all the hate, happens everytime a new show rocks up. just look up that jimquestion or whatever its called, people were making threads to say how shit he was