Michael Jackson fans now commiting suicide.


New member
Mar 19, 2008
Hehe, I liked Jesse Jackson's wording in the article.
'Do not self-destruct'
He is aware this isn't Futurama...?


New member
Apr 29, 2009
I love when people hear about the deaths of others and make smug references to natural selection. What makes them think they're somehow pinnacles of evolutionary fitness, eminently worthy of passing on their genes, isn't exactly clear.


New member
Mar 1, 2009
I think he killed himself. The timing says it all. He dies just when he hired (or bought or whatever) a nice, big, lonely villa in whatever city there was, and suddenly just drops dead. I think that he took one too many pills on purpose. But he was already dead inside. The real MJ that everyone loved and adored has been gone for years.

But why would people follow him to death? Were they hoping to meet him in heaven? Would they enjoy a nice cup of tea accompanied by lovely ladies giving them blowjobs (and possibly a little child for MJ if the allegations were true, which I don't believe)? MJ wouldn't want to bring company to heaven, he just wanted to, or did accidentally, die. He isn't the reason to live. He isn't the source of the Lifestream (FFVII reference). Think this way, if you like his music, you can't listen to it when you're dead. You never met Jackson in real life, you didn't kill yourself then (or maybe you did meet him).


New member
Mar 18, 2009
People need to grow up. The man's dead and that's the end of it.

Sure, he was a wonderful man, a fantastic singer, an accomplished dancer, and a man who rose above the whole kid-fiddling thing, but he is now probably decomposing in the ground somewhere. That's no reason commit suicide or, may the gods forbid, commit a mass suicide.

Come on, people! What are the first three letters of the word "Funeral"? We shouldn't actually be sad for the fact the man's dead, but we should be happy for the things he did while he was alive. He did Thriller and we imitated the Moonwalk.

Or you can not give a rat's ass about the whole thing, like me.


New member
Apr 24, 2009
I care not about 'MJ' and his death/murder/suicide/sacrifice... now Billy mays, that is another matter entirely. Gmod just wont be the same without his lilting tones.
Get on the Ball


New member
Sep 14, 2008
Well, I would say that Darwin 1, Humanity 0... but..

Rajin Cajun said:
Brilliant the gene pool was in need of culling at least these dumbasses are doing it voluntarily.
That's pretty good too.


New member
Mar 4, 2009
If they're dumb enough to kill themselves over a celebrity's death, let em, I don't want people like that having kids and making the world even worse. Guess natural selection hasn't disappeared completely.


New member
Jan 26, 2009
Good. Less idiots in the gene pool. I hope more do so.

Are you having suicidal thoughts due to the death of a singer? Do it, you're an idiot. if you decide to keep on living pls submit to spay or neudering* immediately.


New member
Oct 5, 2008
i was actually pretty upset when he died, even though i was born in 1991 i was introduced to him at a very young age and bought thriller, bad and dangerous on cassette before I was 8 years old. i have since bought them on cd and listen to bad and thriller pretty often (i'm not a big dangerous fan). when he announced those shows i was really pleased, i thought my first real music idol was gonna get back on his feet (i tried to get tickets but was too late, luckily enough) so when i found he died i was pretty crushed but not nearly enough for suicide for christ's sake, and it only lasted for a day or two. it was more of a sense of disappointment than real sadness

the weird thing is, though, that i downloaded Off the Wall the day before he died and had spent the thursday listening to it two or three times. it was a strange coincidence that i spent the day before he unexpectedly died listening to his music on pretty much a continuous loop.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Oh, dear. People are dropping the Darwin Bomb.

It's all "improving the gene pool" this and "natural selection" that and "no more dumb offspring" the other thing.

Why not present mature statements?
If these people are fanatical enough to kill themselves over this whole thing, then I'm not going on a crusade to stop them, but these people could have been productive, intelligent human beings. And don't forget, they're not only destroying their own lives, but they have families and friends who will not be getting griefless sleep for the next few days.
Feb 13, 2008
Eclectic Dreck said:
He was the king of pop. People still do wacky things over Elvis, who died nearly three decades ago. I can't wait for the MJ impersonators, but early and late period.
Like the seven people who committed suicide because the LHC was going to be turned on...

People can be ...reality challenged at times.


New member
Mar 25, 2009
martin said:
I do not quite understand why people care so much.
Same here, I've heard so much about it, my brain can't absorb much more bullshit.


New member
Mar 2, 2009
Oolinthu said:
I love when people hear about the deaths of others and make smug references to natural selection. What makes them think they're somehow pinnacles of evolutionary fitness, eminently worthy of passing on their genes, isn't exactly clear.
I am not sure if I am the pinnacle of evolutionary fitness, but the fact that they killed themselves makes me far more worthy/capable of passing on my genes. And the reason why they did it makes me believe the gene pool and society in general will be better of now.

Captain Pancake

New member
May 20, 2009
well, i heard they had suicide hotlines about when Take That split up... don't know if anybody actually killed themselves, but if so the joke's on them, because the band's back together now...

Captain Bobbossa

New member
Jun 1, 2009
What the fuck?

I don't think he's acctually dead.
It's a ploy to get out of his massive amounts of dept and earn shit loads from the album sales increase.

Plus everyone hated him not that long ago, why does everyone suddenly love him?