Microsoft Accidentally Charges $800 for Arcade Game


New member
Nov 8, 2008
Epic Fail much? This made my day though, I'm having a boring day and this lighten the mood, still an epic fail on MS's fault, though.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
pignoli said:
Which is why they should just use money. It works for Steam.
The whole MSfunBuxx!! thing always seemed a bit off to me - surely there is a cost in using some stupid arbitrary exchange system that could be avoided by using real money. That is unless, of course, they think that the extra income from a customer confusion factor produced by using nonsensical currencies outweighs this cost. Which would seem to be the case.
Its not so much the confusion factor, as the cost for points is quite clear. Rather, it makes it so people buy a pack of points, which leaves a remainder after the purchase. An unused resource bothers people, so naturally they will want to buy more points so they can use some of those remaining points. When something else they really want comes along, they might need to buy more points, with another remainder, and continue indefinitely. Also, it encourages buying a large pack of points for cheaper, which encourages more sales. I'm actually unsure if they offer larger pack of points for cheaper, but if they did, it would work to improve sales.

Basically, buying and useing points in an optimal manner is kind of like a mini game all on it's own. And something tells me that their market enjoys playing games.

Steam is an interesting comparison. True, they just charge real money, but they also have weekend deals, eventual game packs, and price changes. Optimizing purchases over time is another mini game, and when we play that game, Steam makes money. True, I think we get good deals, but it is still money in their wallets.


New member
Apr 25, 2009
Polar Panic Lead Developer: So uhh, we've finished the game, Sir.

Live Arcade Price Manager: Okay, so what's the price tag going to be.

Polar Panic Lead Developer: 800.

Live Arcade Price Managaer: Alrighty then, 800 Microsoft Poin--

Polar Panic Lead Developer: No, dollars. 800 Dollars.

Live Arcade Price Manager: Hmmkay.


New member
Jun 24, 2009
CantFaketheFunk said:
emwhite123 said:
wow epic fail.
i thought they couldnt be any stupider
Oh come on, like you've never made a typo :p
She just did actually.
Her I isn't in caps.
She spelled couldn't wrong.
And, while this is not a typo, she wrote stupider, which isn't really the correct term. It's supposed to be dumber.
Damn ninja'd.


The British Paladin
Jul 14, 2009
Gildan Bladeborn said:
Now all Microsoft needs to do is release a gold-plated 360 to match their $800 games, it's a perfect fit!
lol, Talk about pimping ya console!


Forgot to Remember
Jul 23, 2009
Chances are someone will buy it at that price, considering that said person has the points.
Could be worse could be in spanish doubloons.


New member
Jan 29, 2009
Armored Prayer said:
Also, for some reason the image is not appearing for me.
Me neither, which is a shame. I was hoping to see the screenshot. :)

Whole lotta Microsoft hate in this thread, though. It's an amusing goof. It wouldn't be the first time an error in pricing has occurred on Marketplace, and they do tend to credit accounts when this happens. There's no evil conspiracy in play here. Point, chuckle, and move on.


New member
Sep 1, 2007
I see MS is still havign a wet dream over trying to make points= dollars...... as in 1:1 ratio....


Elite Member
Feb 20, 2008
Slycne said:
Maybe this will be a nice push to finally stop using space credits and just let us see, and purchase, real currency amounts.
So they can learn from the PS3 and make a bunch of crap for 0.50 a pop. No thanks. At least with "space points" they gotta make semi decent stuff. I do wish they would allow us to buy different intervals of points though so I can spend that last 120 points I have somehow managed to keep forever.


Elite Member
Feb 20, 2008
s69-5 said:
squid5580 said:
Slycne said:
Maybe this will be a nice push to finally stop using space credits and just let us see, and purchase, real currency amounts.
So they can learn from the PS3 and make a bunch of crap for 0.50 a pop. No thanks. At least with "space points" they gotta make semi decent stuff. I do wish they would allow us to buy different intervals of points though so I can spend that last 120 points I have somehow managed to keep forever.
I see no relation between using proper dollar values and quality of offered merchandise. I think you're probably just a fanboy... You know how you spend different intervals of points? Use dollar amounts as Slycne has suggested.
Nope not a fanboy I got both consoles. I just went through Home and every store has a ton of 50 cent crap (well 49 cents to be exact) forcing me to sift through it looking for something half assed decent. Although the MS marketplace has spoiled me with it's easy to use interface. PSN is a brute to navigate in comparison. Especially with Home thrown in the mix.


Elite Member
Feb 20, 2008
s69-5 said:
squid5580 said:
s69-5 said:
squid5580 said:
Slycne said:
Maybe this will be a nice push to finally stop using space credits and just let us see, and purchase, real currency amounts.
So they can learn from the PS3 and make a bunch of crap for 0.50 a pop. No thanks. At least with "space points" they gotta make semi decent stuff. I do wish they would allow us to buy different intervals of points though so I can spend that last 120 points I have somehow managed to keep forever.
I see no relation between using proper dollar values and quality of offered merchandise. I think you're probably just a fanboy... You know how you spend different intervals of points? Use dollar amounts as Slycne has suggested.
Nope not a fanboy I got both consoles. I just went through Home and every store has a ton of 50 cent crap (well 49 cents to be exact) forcing me to sift through it looking for something half assed decent. Although the MS marketplace has spoiled me with it's easy to use interface. PSN is a brute to navigate in comparison. Especially with Home thrown in the mix.
Why are you going through Home? Protip: Stay out of Home.
Just go directly to the easy to navigate PSN store. It even labels things (New Release, Demos, PS3 Games, PSP Games, Media, etc) for ease of use. Never had a problem with PSN myself.

Again, just don't use Second Lif-*cough* Home.
I just got it and wanted to see everything the console had to offer (I rescued her from Gamestop not more than a week ago). And since Home was heavily hyped back in the day (before launch) I thought it would be worth checking out. I figured out pretty quick it is just a way for Sony to separate gamers from their money 50 cents at a time. In the store they should have separate sections for PS3 and PSP. Completely separate. Instead of clicking new release you get both or go into themes and get both. I am worried I am gonna buy a PSP thing when I don't have one.

My big issue is with tax. I bought a $20 card for PSN because Trine was 19.99. But Trine is 22.50 so I either have to spend another $20 to get it or I can use my prepaid CC (since I can't use debit) and get dinged $3.75 in fees to spend $2.50. Lucky for me R & C Quest for Booty cost just enough that I can now buy Trine and break even with the second card. At least with points I can say well X costs Y points and be done with it.

Oh and I'm Canadian that is why I got hit with taxes although I don't pay the taxes to buy the card. Which I would rather do than get home and be disappointed.

You know it would be optimal to have both. The game costs either X$ or Y points to appease both sides. Those who want to use CC and those who want cards and points.