Tanis said:
Slow news day?
OR is it just that people need to get a damn backbone and stop screaming 'I'M A VICTIM BECAUSE I NOT A WHITE MALE IN AMERICA!'?
This will never happen.
Because we are all Mitt Romneys and everyone else is Starving because of us.
Or at least that's the impression I tend to be given when people complain to me. "You wouldn't understand, you've lived an incredibly privileged life being white." Which may be true, just hard to believe when he went to college for free and I'm 30 grand in debt >_>. And I had the better grades in College.
But that's just me being grumpy, back to my tea. *pops out pinky*
aPod said:
I for one applaud Microsoft and it's handling of this delicate situation. Most people will probably say that Microsoft should have been hand-off those B16B00B5 controversy. I too would have gripped the situation in a similar manner.
I love you.
In a platonic sense, but still. This made my night.