Microsoft Ends its E3 Presser By Announcing Yet Another New Console - Project Scorpio


I am a meat popsicle
Oct 24, 2013
Microsoft Ends its E3 Presser By Announcing Yet Another New Console - Project Scorpio

// when you thought Microsoft's press conference was over, they announced their second console of the day.

As Microsoft's E3 press conference drew to a close, it seemed as though we'd seen all the company had to offer, including the new Xbox One S []. But before Phil Spencer walked off the stage, he dropped another new Xbox on the crowd: Project Scorpio.

The console had been rumored in previous weeks, and as was thought, it's a performance-focused console. It features a GPU that offers six teraflops of power, which is slightly better than a GTX 980, but slightly less than the GTX Titan. It's still a whopping 33% less than the new GTX 1080. Scorpio will also feature an eight-core CPU, and Microsoft says it will support 4K gaming at 60 frames per second, as well as VR.

There's no word on what VR headsets Scorpio will support, but with Fallout 4 and DOOM heading to HTC Vive [], it wouldn't be a surprise to hear that Scorpio would support it.

Microsoft was quick to say that all games and peripherals that work on Xbox One and Xbox One S would be fully compatible with Project Scorpio. Spencer touted this new machine as "gaming beyond generations," and said it would be the beginning of hardware improvements that don't mean getting rid of your gaming library.

Scorpio looks like it will be a pretty solid piece of hardware, but you have to wonder what its announcement will mean to the sales of the Xbox One S, the other console announced today.



Beloved Tyrant
Mar 15, 2008
For fuck sake Microsoft! I JUST [] gave you mad props (kids still say that nowadays, right? I'm cool!) for not going "NEW 3DS" bullshit on us and then you go "NEW 3DS" bullshit on us.


New member
Mar 29, 2011
Those are actually decent specs. Question is how are they going to sell it to people for a reasonable price. If I wanted to spend what I'd spend on a computer, I'd buy a computer. Seeing how poorly every system that's tried to sell for $500+ has done until they drop the price to something people are willing to pay, history says this secondary console is probably going to have the winds taken out of its sails relatively quickly.


Elite Member
Jun 17, 2009
ffronw said:
It features a GPU that offers six teraflops of power, which is slightly better than a GTX 980, but slightly less than the GTX Titan. It's still a whopping 33% less than the new GTX 1080. Scorpio will also feature an eight-core CPU, and will support 4K gaming at 60 frames per second, as well as VR.
I've got some bad news for Microsoft. Slightly better than a GTX 980 is not going to give you 4k 60fps.

Pirate Of PC Master race

Rambles about half of the time
Jun 14, 2013
Don't be surprised... It's not even its final form!

That being said I wonder how those new "XboneS exclusive games" thing plays out.
ffronw said:
Spencer touted this new machine as "gaming beyond generations," and said it would be the beginning of hardware improvements that don't mean getting rid of your gaming library.
We all know what which machine we are thinking about. *wink wink nudge nudge*


Elite Member
Nov 29, 2009
I can see console sales slowing drastically now that the Neo and Scorpio are on the way. Who in hell is going to buy a PS4 or a One when they can wait and get the updated versions.

Microsoft especially seem vulnerable to this, as they already had the least selling console, is the Slim version of the One going to hit wanted sales figures? I might have been interested in changing my current Xbox One to a Slim but don't see the point now, I'll just wait and upgrade to the Scorpio. Save money now to spend it later.


I am a meat popsicle
Oct 24, 2013
ffronw said:
It features a GPU that offers six teraflops of power, which is slightly better than a GTX 980, but slightly less than the GTX Titan. It's still a whopping 33% less than the new GTX 1080. Scorpio will also feature an eight-core CPU, and will support 4K gaming at 60 frames per second, as well as VR.
I've got some bad news for Microsoft. Slightly better than a GTX 980 is not going to give you 4k 60fps.
This is so true that I added a couple of words to make it clear that they claimed it, and not that I was agreeing with it.
Apr 5, 2008
So XBone owners are already obsolete? This generation is effectively over after...2ish years, but at least the *new* generation this time *is* backwards compatible.

Leg End

Romans 12:18
Oct 24, 2010
United States

That along with the fact that basically everything they were showing was also coming to Windows 10, on top of the new system likely being over $600 easy, means there is absolutely zero reason to buy an Xbone unless you hate Windows 10.

Which I do but that's not my point!


New member
Feb 25, 2008
KingsGambit said:
So XBone owners are already obsolete? This generation is effectively over after...2ish years, but at least the *new* generation this time *is* backwards compatible.
That these consoles would have very short lifespans should have been obvious when they announced and revealed to be based on downgrades of budget GPUs from 2011.

Rather sucks for the early adopters, we'll see what kind of hardware the new update consoles have and see if they're about to repeat this very short cycle.

Neurotic Void Melody

Bound to escape
Jul 15, 2013
Jacked Assassin said:
Xsjadoblayde said:
Scorpio? Is that some comic book character or a band or film or something?
I'm pretty certain its a professional wrestler from WWF's Attitude Era.
Ahh, that would be I felt a cold chill of shame run up the spine from the name.
Nov 28, 2007
I know Sony is doing something similar to the Xbone S, but jeez, announcing two new home consoles in one day? That's going a bit too far.

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
fix-the-spade said:
Rather sucks for the early adopters, we'll see what kind of hardware the new update consoles have and see if they're about to repeat this very short cycle.
The new GPU will most likely be based on AMD's new RX 480. It's supposed to be slightly ahead of the GTX 980 at a $200 price point. There were some rumors floating around a few months ago that seem to all but confirm it.
And there's definitely no chance in hell that it will be able to play 4k at 60fps unless we're talking about some 2d platformer and maybe, just maybe a fighting game.


New member
Feb 25, 2008
Adam Jensen said:
The new GPU will most likely be based on AMD's new RX 480. It's supposed to be slightly ahead of the GTX 980 at a $200 price point. There were some rumors floating around a few months ago that seem to all but confirm it.
And there's definitely no chance in hell that it will be able to play 4k at 60fps unless we're talking about some 2d platformer and maybe, just maybe a fighting game.
I wouldn't expect 4k/60 since that takes a $600 graphics card in of itself. There aren't enough people using 4k screens for that to be a big issue, especially not at the console end of the market.

I would expect games to both look equivalent to high PC settings and run at 1080p/60 for the next couple of years. If it sees an end to fuzzy up-scaling and choppy almost 30fps that will be a pretty big jump to a lot of people.


What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets.
Jul 15, 2009
I wonder how this will go down, 4k televisions are not something that are in most peoples homes. I don't know much about the hardware that will be in the machine, but it seems like it won't be powerful enough to run games remotely well at 4k. Current hardware on consoles have trouble getting a smooth 30fps at 1080, if I'm not mistaken, 4k is around 4 times bigger a resolution, so odds of that going well are... Well, not good.

Then there's the price... How expensive are these going to be? Will people gladly replace their current machines with these ones en mass? Who knows. It's going to be interesting.