faspxina said:
TelHybrid said:
1. Hardware - Literally putting the processor from the previous console iteration into the new console, thus making it bulkier, more expensive to produce, and essentially the same end result as keeping your old console.
2. Emulation - I doubt emulating games for cell processor on x86-64 is even possible especially with PS4's hardware, and X360's Power PC architecture wouldn't be much easier. I've seen high end i7 PCs struggle to emulate the Nintendo Wii! Heck even PS2 emulation hasn't been achieved very well.
Remember when everyone was complaining about not being able to play their NES games on their SNES? No? me neither...
Just because things always sucked doesn't make it any more acceptable that they continue to suck, we just conform ourselves to it.
Spending resources creating a console that's backwards compatible would be much more respectful to gaming culture than including a button for social networking on your controller.
Oh I love the sense of self entitlement I see on these forums. Always makes me smile.
I guess next all of our blu-ray players should be compatible with video cassettes.
I get it. It sucks that there's a lack of backwards compatibility. It's inconvenient. I also get that the statement by the Microsoft Executive is really ignorant and a bad PR move.
Implementing BC just is not feasible. You know how I said that it would increase costs of production? Due to time spent either coding the appropriate emulator or adding additional hardware. Consoles are already sold at a loss upon release. It would be absolutely stupid for a business to then cut their profits further. They would most likely need to charge more for the console.
Remember the last time a company tried this? Sony's Playstation 3 1st release. $600. Look how well that did.
And what would it accomplish? to run a bunch of games that are no longer in production.
Seriously, never start up your own business. You'll end up financially screwed.