Seems this guy still doesn't know why many people have a problem with the XBOXone online policies, the main reason being (as the last Jimquisition title said so nicely) "the death of ownership."
I like the internet. I like online. I don't like a company forcing me to be online just to play a game that doesn't necessarily require it. I can understand if it is MMO's we are talking about or online multiplayer. Those services need online to function. But with offline/single player games? I shouldn't be forced to need to connect my console to play a game that doesn't need a connection in the first place. All it does is make me feel like Microsoft doesn't trust me and needs to check up on me to make sure I am not doing anything naughty. Not to mention that to me it feels like Microsoft wants to control my every action and empty my wallet while they are at it. I mean, for instance, if this console somehow became popular, what's them to stop from further breaking down the remaining rights we have to what is now called a "license?" What's there to guarantee that Microsoft won't just arbitrarily decide that "we don't need the XBOXone servers anymore, let's shut them down?" Sure, they went on the record to say that would not be the case, but I cannot really trust a company that, back in 2008, invalidated countless licenses because they decided to cancel a certain music service.
Not to mention their worrisome region lock system, which (according to the information available right now) actually seems to further the concept of region locking by locking content down on a per country basis; which will be particularly big "screw you" to, at least, European consumers.