Mind fucks


New member
Jun 26, 2009
There's a giant thread on one of the biggest mind fucks around, time travel. What others can people think of?

Only example I have, stolen from a friend -

Hypothetically, if we made this mirror, an immensely massive massive mirror, and stuck it out in space, light years away and somehow managed to fix it there, when we looked into the sky and into that mirror, what would we see?


New member
Feb 28, 2008
You CAN jump two conductors! [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WpR3PWXEqBs]
I love that guy... So weird...


New member
May 9, 2008
I am guessing that we'd probably see the Earth as it was from the day that mirror was launched. I'm assuming that the light would still be able to reach the mirror, and so the light, err...reflected? from the Earth the day it was launched would arrive...

Wait, actually I have no idea.

If you stuck some babies/children on some island, isolated from all human contact, and they somehow survived and prospered, would they come up with the idea of God?


New member
Jan 21, 2009
How big is this massively massive mirror???

i think we would see us looking into it, good way to see whats is on the other side of earth in space lol

here are a few wierd arse questions

If you try to fail and succeed, what have
you done?

How is it one careless match can start a
forest fire, but it takes a whole box to
start a campfire?

Why is the time when the traffic is slowest
called rush-hour?

What's the speed of dark?

What happens when you get scared
half-to-death twice?

Can a blind person feel blue?

How can a house burn up when it burns

Are you telling the truth when you lie in

If your vacuum cleaner really sucks, is it a
bad thing?

How do you know when a Smurf

Despite the cost of living, why does it
remain so popular?

If a word in a dictionary is misspelled, how
would you know?

In Chinese why are the words for crisis
and opportunity the same?

Why does X stand for a kiss?

Why does O stand for a hug?

Why is the alphabet in that order?

How does skating on thin ice get you into
hot water?

Why are they called stands when there
made for sitting?

Doesn't expecting the unexpected make
the unexpected expected?

Why are a wise-man and a wise-guy

If work is so terrific how come they have
to pay you to do it?

Should crematoriums give discounts for
those who died in fires?

If the #2 pencil the most popular, why is it
still #2?

Do tea makers have coffee breaks?

Can fat people go skinny-dipping?

Why do they announce power shortages
on TV?

Why do you press harder on the
remote-control when you know the
battery is dead?

If its zero degrees tonight, and tomorrow
its meant to be twice as cold, how cold
will it be?

Why are buildings called buildings when
there finished? Shouldn't they be called

Why is abbreviated such a long word?

Why is it that when you tell a man there
are 400 billion stars he will believe you, but
when you tell him there's wet paint he has
to touch it?

Who's cruel idea was it to put a 'S' in 'lisp'?

Do you find it unnerving that what doctors
do is called 'practice'?

If a turtle doesn't have a shell is it
homeless or naked?

Why do they sterilize needles for lethal

Feel free to answer ^.^


New member
Feb 26, 2009
maybe the rays from the sun reflecting off this mirror will do alot more than simply "mind fuck" us


New member
Jun 13, 2009
The-King-Of-Spades said:
Only example I have, stolen from a friend -

Hypothetically, if we made this mirror, an immensely massive massive mirror, and stuck it out in space, light years away and somehow managed to fix it there, when we looked into the sky and into that mirror, what would we see?
Er... nothing?

Or, assuming you have telescopic vision and can see said light years away, then you'd probably see the distant past.

Gooble said:
Wait, actually I have no idea.

If you stuck some babies/children on some island, isolated from all human contact, and they somehow survived and prospered, would they come up with the idea of God?
I was too affected by the Lord of the Flies, I'd just assume they'd all go off killing each other for food/domination.


New member
Jun 26, 2009
Gooble said:
If you stuck some babies/children on some island, isolated from all human contact, and they somehow survived and prospered, would they come up with the idea of God?
I'm not sure ... I mean, you got those ancient tribes in the jungle and stuff, I reckon they'd come up with their own ideas on how things were created.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Gooble said:
I am guessing that we'd probably see the Earth as it was from the day that mirror was launched. I'm assuming that the light would still be able to reach the mirror, and so the light, err...reflected? from the Earth the day it was launched would arrive...

Wait, actually I have no idea.

If you stuck some babies/children on some island, isolated from all human contact, and they somehow survived and prospered, would they come up with the idea of God?
i'm gonna say yes. and perhaps multiple gods. because, if they were somehow on the island,then i'm sure they'd have faint,faint,faint memories of who put them there. right?

Disaster Button

Elite Member
Feb 18, 2009
Dooly95 said:
Gooble said:
If you stuck some babies/children on some island, isolated from all human contact, and they somehow survived and prospered, would they come up with the idea of God?
I was too affected by the Lord of the Flies, I'd just assume they'd all go off killing each other for food/domination.
So glad I wasn't the only one that thought of that. Actually spekaing of it, Lord of the Flies was a bit of a mindfuck


New member
Jul 14, 2009
Haha well maybe in that case they'd be devils - no one wants to be left on an island...


New member
Jul 17, 2008
Chribbdizzle said:
The speed of dark is just a little bit more than the speed of light :)
Terry Pratchett.
No matter how fast Light thinks it is, it always arrives to find Darkness was there first.

With regards to the space mirror, what you would see would depend entirely on how far away it was, and how quickly you got there. The general belief, I think, would be if you travelled at the speed of light to get to where you were going, the earliest possible image being reflected would be of Earth at the time the mirror was installed, because the light from Earth would have travelled along with the craft sent to set it up.

However, it would take many years for that light to reflect back to Earth, so from our point of view, looking up in the space it should be, all you'd see is emptiness for several years. Then eventually you'd see the crew from years back installing the mirror...and then you'd see Earth as it was then.


New member
Mar 25, 2008
also, for the mirror thing, u will see the past 2xDistance(in Light Years) Cuz u nid light to travel there and pass back.

Assuming u can see the dam thing