Mini Ninjas Stealthily Attack In September


New member
Apr 15, 2009
about the only danish game developer worth any thing and they still choose to launch their games first in America and then in Denmark when ever they feel like our money are good enough for them, what is the point of all this, does America get games first because they have the most nuclear bombs? did Europe promise them that after they fled from us we would make up for not being good enough hosts that we would give them first picks?.

stupid IO, stay true to your roots.


Senior Member
Mar 19, 2009
I think Im the only one slightly irked by the Incorrect pluralization of ninja. There are no pluralization for words of jap. origin.

It irks me slightly more than knowing everyone is saying nenjuhs instead of Ninja (Knee-n-Ja(as in JOck)) I'll let that slide since you all never took lessons.
Played the demo, I like the concept but there are AAA titles vying for my hard earned $59.99+7.75%tax.
If I can get it used for 7.99 3 yrs from now I'll pick it up.