Mirror's Edge 2 and Additions


Now I want ma...!
Aug 26, 2009
With the possibility of it being in development there is some additions I would think would be cool to have.

More acrobatic abilities:

Make it so that you can do flips and such in the air, running on a wall but then turning and grabbing the ledge above (if one), and etc?

Open Hub World:

Allow players to explore city in-between missions. Do mini-missions, races with AI, and possibly with the addition of More Acrobatics, a recorder to allow you in game record awesome stunts similar to that of Just Cause 2 on PS3 which had this feature.

Less Linearity:

Don?t get me wrong, I don?t mind linearity at all, in most cases I prefer it but I think that if there was way more paths in Mirror?s Edge 2, not just more ways to get to one ledge, but more ways to get to the objective.


I know with this some are ready to not read this and just skip it but hear me out. Not traditional Multi but different modes:

Capture the Flag: I think in Mirror?s Edge this could be unique, imagine trying to capture a player (two hand touch to get them out) who has the flag and that player trading the flag off.

Racing: Simple, race to the finish who ever makes it there first, wins.

HORSE: If you ever played Tony Hawk, at least the older games, there was a mode called HORSE, now if you don?t know what it is: Basically first player does a trick and the second player must do the same thing to not get a letter. A failure would be getting the first letter, if you spell out HORSE, you lose.

Probably some more I can?t think of.


To compliment the Multiplayer, allow us to make our own runners, maybe not as extensive as Brink?s, but some customization.

Lastly: A longer game:

I liked Mirror?s Edge, but after getting a controller on my PC, I noticed how short the game is. Maybe 3 hours long? I would love to see the length doubled if not tripled. Though I would more like to see what the first game had this was Quality over quantity.



Apr 8, 2011
I thought EA told DICE to can Mirror's Edge 2 for the time being, in favour of BF 3?

About To Crash

New member
Apr 24, 2009
Flips in the air just seems like it would only serve to disorient the player, and I don't know that there would be any practical application for it. I think in a game like Mirror's Edge, you really have to think about how the players will be seeing things first, and how cool it is second. That was probably the biggest problem I had with the first Mirror's Edge, is the in ability to really see around me. First person view, strangely enough, is not how a real person sees, it's quite limited by comparison. An actual field of vision is closer to a third person perspective.

I agree on the points regarding linearity, and a HORSE game in multiplayer sounds fun enough, I just don't know that it would get played that often. Also, I really like the idea of a hub world, but it would have to be a big hub to really feel like it was worth exploring.