GoaThief said:
well they deal with pain because its the easiest kind of stimuli. they know how to easily induce it and can be induced at anytime. also it is easily remembered . quickly think of the sensation you have when you touch some say fabric. now think of the pain when someone punched you in the jaw. yeah the pain is way more easily remembered. and it can be used in anyway. why not use sight or sound you may ask. well because sight can not be always used. what if the mouse shuts it's eyes? and sound is not remembered easily at all. also im sure it wasn't like to shock them with say 100k kilowatts. it was just a little shock to make sure the mice remembered.
this might sound really selfish but the purpose of these animals is to be tested. they are special bred they are specially cared for and they live in special environment.
OT: its just the first steps but im already excited for this. yeah its highly abuse-able. but its really good! now we can only make them react to the light. tomorrow we can produce complete fake memories and a month later we have complete control over memories! a criminal was caught? delete everything about his hard life and make him a pacifist budhist monk. we would have no more prisons. no more rehabs. the future is really bright!
EDIT: if i have any grammatical or spelling errors im sorry. im fasting and right now im too thirsty and hungry to focus.
(also google chrome's spell check refuses to work properly