True, there’s just more of everything now. Eventually it will come to a head and the cycle will continue with few lessons learned, because technology and the way games are delivered in the marketplace will change enough for execs to think, “Hey, clean slate for more bs!”Sturgeon's Law: If 90% of modern games are bad, that's because 90% of all games are bad. It's just that, from the really old generations, nobody except the people who record every single game that's ever existed even remember the bad games exist, so it seems like there are only good games from those generations. And if you think I'm lying, watch a few episodes of The Angry Video Game Nerd (aim for around 2007), and see how many of the games on that list you've heard of outside of that context.
Bad games have always existed, and good games continue to exist. Anyone who says otherwise is selling something, whether they know it or not.
Interesting.PRESENTATION: The State of Video Gaming in 2025 —
A 220-page presentation on the past, present and potential future of the video game
It's a very lengthy read, often a bit dry, often a bit buzzword-y, but otherwise an interesting analysis of the state of the industry
90% is just an off-the-cuff placeholder number for something that, basically, can't actually be qualified due to it being entirely subjective. It's basically a refutation of survivorship bias, the "this were better before, when there weren't bad <x>, only good <x>".I'm gonna need some documentation on this Sturgeon's Law, because I keep hearing that '90% of all movies/shows/games are bad' but it never goes beyond assumptions. Like, what are the parameters exactly?