Modern Warfare 3 Dedicated Servers Leave Out the Leveling Up.

Jimi Bove

New member
Jan 29, 2011
I'd like to thank those retards for making my cold turkey CoD quit very easy. And I really have trouble following their logic here. Anti-cheat programs never significantly help hacking/cheating issues, and the best defense has always been for server admins to kick cheaters out. So, to make sure people can always rank up without cheaters, they disable ranking up outside of P2P, where there are no server admins. What. Since when are dedi servers less qualified for ranking up cheat-free, anyway? It seems to work fine in Black Ops; I haven't seen any ranked servers that have all the guns unlocked or something.

The only explanation I can come up with is that Activision and InfinityWard honestly believe all server admins ever will kick random people out for no reason, so they make sure ranking up is undisturbed by that. Which STILL isn't a reason to disable ranking up in servers; people who get kicked out for no good reason (which rarely happens unless they're the rare breed of not-annoying little kids) can choose to only do P2P.


Elite Member
Nov 9, 2008
I'm consistently surprised that people find this surprising. Were any of us going to buy this anyway? I for one, am just going to youtube the campaign to see what happens.

Evil Top Hat

New member
May 21, 2011
Mumorpuger said:
Evil Top Hat said:
I'd like to know what idiot at infinity ward looked at all those people boycotting MW2 for it's lack of dedicated servers and said "You know what? Those guys that like dedicated servers? let's shit on them again!"

Seriously, what is it with game developers and restricting the player's freedom. It's been happening more and more recently.
Well part of the problem is the majority of "boycotters" were caught playing MW2 on launch day, completely taking any sort of legitamacy they had and crapping all over it.
Well, I suppose that's true. However, they did still piss off a lot of people, and I have to wonder how long they can keep doing that for before it begins to hurt their income. All the evil and hated publishers like activision and EA haven't been hated for long, so it's easy to say that the boycotts haven't worked, so therefore never will, however, think about what'll happen if they keep pulling this stuff for the next 10 years. That's when real action might be taken.

Hell, look at valve. They are an extremely successful dev and publisher despite the fact that they only develop for PC. It's because people like them, they have a good reputation, and in the long run, that is a far better strategy than pissing off your customers for short term gain.


New member
Oct 13, 2009
WTf...this has gotten me depressed. I am so SICK of game companies including Infinity Ward who just screw us over. You don't even get a full game anymore. What happened to that?! Why do they do this?! They knew what we wanted when we SCREAMED for dedicated servers back. I did not know this until after i bought it. The single player is great and the spec ops has been bumped up but I wanted my multiplayer to be awesome: Dedicated RANKED servers, 32 players, gun blazing action. NO! no. This is just...just wrong. Nothing good will come of me returning this game. but im not going to sit back and get pounded in my ass just cause Infinity Ward hates PC gamers. Something must be done. God damnit. I'm sorry but this may just kill my gaming hobby as a whole. -sigh-


New member
Apr 9, 2008
Wait a second...

Call of Duty is (With granted imperfection), trying to listen to its community by providing dedicated servers and a work around for its unranked nature, is focusing on design instead of a fancy new engine with cutting edge graphics, it a bit less brown-grey in color scheme, and generally is being pretty friendly.

Battlefield 3 is straddling its players with battlelog, a mandatory service that is functionally spyware, giving a sleazy excuse and then not going to Steam, focuses on the zenith of graphics while being more grey brown, has a crappy single player, and there advertising is rather crude, base, and aggressive towards CoD.

When did we enter the Bizzaro universe?

I bought CoD, but I think I would prefer Battlefield. But I'm not getting it unless they stop with the tomfoolery and bring the game to Steam. In the Meantime, CoD is a lot of fun and is certainly an ample substitute.