Moments of pure and utter brilliance in works you otherwise thought were bad.


Oct 5, 2011
United States
There's a fascinating phenomenon with the way a work can be put together. So many variables are put in and it can be beyond complicated to make them all work together. Usually the overall quality of these variables reflect the quality of their work, and its not a huge surprise that most of the time, overall crappy works have overall crappy variables. But still, its possible to find something you think is pure and utter crap that have moments that make you say "I-what!? Where did that come from? How did this pull that off? Why the Hell isn't in this moment in something better?"

For me, I think I'd have to say...huh...I honestly have a hard time thinking of anything. That's depressing. I suppose I could say the "For me it was Tuesday" moment from Street Fighter the movie, but that's kinda cheating considering I never watched it. Aw well, I'll put it up there. Well, I am looking forward to everything else everyone will share.

Queen Michael

has read 4,010 manga books
Jun 9, 2009
Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi might have been an okay show at best, but the opening theme still rocks.



Not actually a Japanese pop star
May 26, 2011
Can I just say all of the visuals from Final Fantasy XIII? Or is that too broad?

I don't really know, I tend to forget things I think are expressly "bad" unless I was just recently exposed to it or it was bad enough to actually leave an impact. And at that point I'm not really one to remember the redeeming moments.

Little Woodsman

New member
Nov 11, 2012
The movie House 2, the second story is awful. Not even 'so bad it's good', just bad. But there's a fifteen minute segment in the middle--starting with when the electrician arrives at the front door and ending when he leaves and there's the close up on his business card--that is sheer *brilliance*. I honestly recommend people rent the movie and just skip to that part, and watch nothing else from the movie.


Elite Member
Dec 21, 2010
I really liked the "Happy Birthday Ada Wong" video that someone left laying around in Resident Evil 6. What do you do when you need a special agent to ruin Leon's day? You vat grow one and let it loose. It also explains how she is able to throw a rocket launcher at you at the end of 2 when she appears to have died earlier in the game. Of course this may be Capcom tying threads together rather than any actual planning.

Also, I like the title of the video. I like to think that every time that she is "born" the people gathered around just stand there going "did you enjoy your birthday? Man you were so wasted last night, by the way, I'm not cleaning up all this mess."

Other than that, the game is so utterly irredeemably shit that I cannot bring myself to play it any further than I have. Thankfully I didn't spend a penny on this crap, I borrowed it from a friend.

The Wykydtron

"Emotions are very important!"
Sep 23, 2010
Umm, I suppose Beyond: Two Souls counts. The entire thing makes no sense but the bit where Jodie goes around raising money when homeless is pretty much the highlight of the whole game. Then David Cage ruins it by having you escape a burning building for literally no reason other than he didn't know how to transition into the next scene properly.

Seriously, the entire game is terrible but it's also a trainwreck that you can't look away from. Exactly how bad is the next scene going to be? How much more can David Cage fail to grasp In Medias Res as a storytelling device? When's the next creepy "almost got raped but saved by ghost powers" scene? How hard can Willem Dafoe and Ellen Page's really strong acting talent carry this terrible excuse for a script? What's the next thing David Cage copy pasted wholesale into his game? How badly can he contrive failing all important QTEs yet still advance the plot regardless?

"Game overs are a failure of the game designer."


New member
May 24, 2009
A lot of the jetpack flying segments of Dark Void were fun fun as hell. Unfortunately, the rest of the game consists of the most generic sort of cover-based shooting and platforming, the plot commits the cardinal sin of being stupid but not over-the-top enough to justify its stupidness, it's glitchy, and the protagonist is played by Nolan North at his worst. And, for the record, I have actually enjoyed Nolan North as a voice actor, particularly in Portal 2, as Deadpool, and as one of the Boss voices in Saints Row IV. Basically, he's good when he's playing over-the-top characters, not when he's in the everyman knobhead mode which he employs in full force in Dark Void.


New member
Dec 7, 2011
As a longtime Guild Wars player and fan, I've struggled with GW2 and the many ways it has and continues to be developed. However, the Super Adventure Box platformer game is five different strokes of genius.

Too bad the game is modeled on a "Living Story", which basically means instead of expansion packs they have a release-and-yank practice of rotating and disposable content, so even when you like something you'll be disappointed when it's taken down.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
erttheking said:
For me, I think I'd have to say...huh...I honestly have a hard time thinking of anything. That's depressing. I suppose I could say the "For me it was Tuesday" moment from Street Fighter the movie, but that's kinda cheating considering I never watched it. Aw well, I'll put it up there. Well, I am looking forward to everything else everyone will share.
I got another Street Fighter moment for ya, though it is from the animated movie; The Chun Li/Vega fight.

Now I wouldn't say the movie is terrible, but it is pretty darn stupid. That one fight however makes it all worth it. It's seriously one of the best fights ever.

Sarah Kerrigan

New member
Jan 17, 2010
I'd say in I Frankenstein that movie was just so terrible..but Aaron Echart as Adam was pretty damn cool. He played the part pretty good and had me hooked through the whole thing.


New member
Feb 5, 2011
There's this anime called "Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere" that holds a very special place in my heart.... the show's plot was so nonsensical and weird that, even after rewatching it twice, I STILL don't understand it. It's also chalk-full of random pointless ecchi which usually turns me off of animes....

But I still can't bring myself to dislike the show. Why?

The freaking power mechanics in the show are some of the coolest I've ever seen. It includes such gems as a character that is a (and I quote) "slime with about 3 health" that can revive himself infinitely. There's also a guy contracted to the God of Commerce who can use his powers to bargain with other gods effectively making him capable of anything for the right price. Then there's the android chick who can use telekinesis to RIP UP STREETS AND TURN THEM INTO GIANT FLOATING SWORDS!!!

.....yeah. so there's that. Other than the powers, the show is god-awful. But i can't seem to dislike it.



New member
May 18, 2010
now, I don't think Blades of Time was bad, just average
that said, I found the environments variety and the aesthetics pretty good
but none of them held a candle to that fucking awesome time mechanic
that shit was fun as fuck
nothing like making an entire artillery of myself to rain down a barrage of bullets into the incoming horde of enemies

also when you gain the dragon soul thingie and on top of that fighting the demon bastard that was not only creepy as fuck but was also a real pest and haunted you throughout the game
hell, that there is exactly what lords of shadow 2 should've done
like, I stomp all over Satan's shit and stab him through the entire chest with the dull end of a broken stake, but not even 5 minutes before doing that I still can't fight the golgoth guards? not even after fighting a demigod-like who is also the incarnation of death? fucking hell


Volcano Girl
Feb 5, 2009
Kampfer is an anime that I despise the more and more I think about it but the suicide animals were amazing.The concept of them is hilariously dark and giving big name seiyu these goofy little side parts makes it even funnier.Plus they drop subtle jabs at themselves which is also pretty funny.

In tales of Earthsea,Ged has two amazing parts that are just wasted on this mess of a movie.He gets a really funny comedy bit with him screwing with a guard searching for him and then delviers this great speech near the end.Both wasted by this awful movie.


Scandinavian Jawbreaker
Jul 22, 2010
I have that feelings towards a lot of crap bands. I don't much like Korn, for instance, but I think Twisted Transistor is a great damn song. Same with Limp Bizkit and their song Counterfeit.

For games, I never really liked FEAR, but that bit in the first game where you first encounter the invisible, teleporting, silent enemies is pure brilliance. I know I have some examples for film, but I can't think of any ATM.


Not actually a Japanese pop star
May 26, 2011
The Wykydtron said:
Umm, I suppose Beyond: Two Souls counts.
Oh, that's a good one.

I've watched it streamed by LoadingReadyRun and I have to admit, for as big of a trainwreck as the entire narrative and gameplay both seem to be, it's got me really interested in seeing how it all turns out.


The Last Albino
Aug 30, 2010
The last movie's 'kill fest', that was visually pretty cool looking.

Shame the rest of the series sucks.


New member
Jun 29, 2013
erttheking said:
For me, I think I'd have to say...huh...I honestly have a hard time thinking of anything. That's depressing. I suppose I could say the "For me it was Tuesday" moment from Street Fighter the movie, but that's kinda cheating considering I never watched it.
You know, I have actually seen the movie, and I would say any scene with Raul Julia, the guy who plays M. Bison, pretty much makes the movie. I believe the movie is average, not the greatest, but it's alright. However, whenever Bison is on screen, I love it.
Also, when Zangief yells, "Quick! Change the channel!"

Now, I would say the Fateweaver power from Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning. It was a decent game, but the characters and story certainly weren't anything interesting in my mind. However, whenever I used that ability, my enemies found that instead of fighting a madwoman, that they had found a god. Forget the Shouting of the Dragonborn, I would take that anyday.


New member
Jan 31, 2012
In Batman: Arkham Origins (which, for the record, wasn't bad, per se, just uninspired and not as good as City) the little touch of making the Joker's leitmotif be a modified version of the Carol of the Bells was a very delightful touch (the game takes place on Christmas Eve). Also, playing a psychedelic level through the perspective of the Joker while he does a terrific monologue in the background was pretty great too.


New member
Feb 25, 2010
Brutal Legend.

I love everything ABOUT the game, without actually loving the game itself. I love Jack Black. I love the metal-themed world. I love the art style and the music. I love how they weave being really, really metal into EVERYTHING in the game. I love all the celebrity cameos they squeezed in the game.

You know what I don't like? EVERYTHING ELSE. The combat is way too simple, the RTS is way too simple and sucks, the overworld isn't great, the comedy starts falling flat after a few hours, the side quests are repetitive, and the game just straight up doesn't explain itself very well at ALL.

If they had taken the idea of Brutal Legend and attached it to a better game (and worked on making the comedy more consistently funny), I would probably loved the game to death.