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Mar 7, 2012
Yep, reading the thing about Jennifer Hepler makes me fully understand that Bob doesn't really have enough information to comment or grasp the situation.

I'll give you a hint: It has nothing to do with Jennifer Hepler.


New member
Aug 6, 2008
In regards to the Jennifer Hepler thing: If we as gamers cant be bothered to speak up against what is occurring in our name, then we have no right to say that the 'vocal minority' aren't speaking for us. If you are to lazy to to tell the 'vocal minority' to STFU? Then I don't want to hear you come crawling in after the fact, saying that you don't agree with them.

If you let them say what they say and do what they do in your name (because you call yourself a gamer and they say they speak for gamers) and don't speak up, then they do speak for you.


New member
Dec 5, 2008
Why do you think that talented actors are willing to put their time and effort into bad movies when they are talented enough to do more?

Had to chime in on this for a sec.

There's a quite wonderful extra on the DVD for Runaway Jury featuring a conversation with Dustin Hoffman and Gene Hackman.

In it, the two men basically say that every movie they make they wonder if they'll ever work again; if the roles will finally just dry up completely and their agents will stop calling.

That was eye-opening.

My visceral response (and I hope many other peoples') was: Holy shit, you're Dustin Hoffman and Gene Hackman!! You helped define cinema for a couple of generations! Why aren't there people beating down your doors with telephone-book like piles of scripts and briefcases full of money?!

Sometimes, well, talent isn't enough. And acting in movies is a job; like many other jobs, you have to keep working, or the people looking at your resume start to wonder why you haven't been, and why they should take the chance of being the one to break the pattern.


New member
Nov 15, 2010
I would agree that Shore Leave and The Alchemist are fantastic characters, and the overall positive representation of gay characters in Venture Bros. is nothing short of astounding for an Adult Swim program. The Rusty Venture gag from "Operation P.R.O.M.," though disgusting (especially when uncensored), showed just how many gay characters they had in their roster, and it seemed like they were in on the joke more than just the punchline.


New member
May 7, 2009
Re: Miller's 9/11 Batman project:

Actually, Batman: Holy Terror was a completely different project, published years before and not written by Miller, involving Batman as a member of some kind of Templar-type organization.

Miller's project was going to be titled Holy Terror, Batman!

...yeah. That almost happened.