More on Halo: Reach


Better than Vash!
Oct 20, 2009
To be fair to the fanboys who decree that this game is great. What you say is a passable game, is tantamount to getting a 5/5 for a game to any fanboy whom been following your rants all this time! I mean one can count how many times you have praised a game with the fingers of one hand.

I found myself shocked that the review was more on the middle ground than your usual one sided take on games. The main reason fanboys love this game so much is the details. [] Story is secondary if you get the details right ^-^


New member
Mar 20, 2009
Rooster Cogburn said:
Not everybody likes single player games. I don't play single player at all, ever. Therefore, all games must be judged on their multiplayer experience alone.
And not everybody plays multiplayer. In fact I'm willing to say that more people play single player. However, I believe the games should be reviewed based on both, as people that don't have the ability to play online multiplayer would want to know about single player.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
I'm currently playing through Enslaved and I like it a lot. Its nice knowing that a good single player campaign can still get made today when publishers think all we want is more Call of Duty.

You know what the worst part of in Enslaved is? Shooting things.

I like shooters but there are way too many out there right now and they all focus too much on multiplayer. I read a review for Medal of Honor claiming that the campaign was about 5 hours. 5 hours for 60 bucks? That's fucking outrageous, yet they can do it because multiplayer is the main focus. I like multiplayer and I like that there are games that specialize in it but we need some kick ass campaigns too.


New member
Jan 17, 2009
Its likely been said, but fuck it, i'm to lazy to read and i have a full English dinner awaiting me. Jorge (the one with a mum) was actually saying "ma'am". I had to turn on the subtitles to notice this.

Now onto the bangers and mash.

Rooster Cogburn

New member
May 24, 2008
yankeefan19 said:
Rooster Cogburn said:
Not everybody likes single player games. I don't play single player at all, ever. Therefore, all games must be judged on their multiplayer experience alone.
And not everybody plays multiplayer. In fact I'm willing to say that more people play single player. However, I believe the games should be reviewed based on both, as people that don't have the ability to play online multiplayer would want to know about single player.
I'm with you, actually. I was stating the inverse of Yahtzee's take on multiplayer to show how silly it sounds. I understand not taking an interest in multiplayer, but I am continually baffled by his stance of 'it's not relevant to me, therefore it's irrelevant' regarding multiplayer.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Ok, call me a fanboy, because I probably am, but he's already stated that he hasn't followed the series and this is a fan game. Bungie would've been happy not having to do another Halo if people had shut up about it. The Spartans aren't meant to be relatable, and they were trained to die if need be to give a significant advantage to their team members, all of which is covered in those wonderful little books that I'm sure Yahtzee refuses to read. I'm not saying Halo Reach was perfect, it's far from, but I think Yahtzee is letting his own personal experience(or lack thereof) and feelings get in his review. I thought Halo 3 was the pinnacle of the series and has since gone downhill. It would've been a lot better if they'd gone with ODST's or Marines, because most people I've talked with are tired of playing as Spartans. They've been predictable since before Halo 3 when the first book series came out. I hope this isn't the last in the franchise since I'd like to see something done outside the Spartan story arcs, and maybe it'll be fresher since it won't be Bungie's child anymore. Maybe something along the lines of playing a Marine from his first deployment out of boot and taking us through a career we can choose depending on what our preferred play style is.


High Priest of Haruhi
Aug 22, 2008
"Cortana was the ghost of his dead aunt."

Amusingly accurate, actually.


New member
Jun 12, 2010
Yahtzee did you actually READ that "ancillary media", because it also explains away the floaty movement feel and the first half of the book makes the whole "mum" thing completely false. Next time make use of all the facts there, just taking the ones that support your argument shows narrow-mindedness.
As for the article, I agree with you about Reach's campaign. However, the gameplay has evolved over the years, it's just that for Reach they went back to halo 1's formula with some refinements from the other games. And what is it with you and saying that every game needs a boss fight? And did you even look at Firefight? Or Forge?
Honestly though, you didn't need to write an article about this. Everyone knows how you feel about Halo (you made it abundantly clear in the Turok review) so we all know you're just trying to get traffic figures and to make us to act like little gibbering morons in the forums.


New member
May 20, 2009
Yeah, I'm not going to buy it either. I also don't like Bungie's "No idiots allowed" policy which bans achievment points from drooling imbiciles like myself who can only play on easy. Well fuck you to Halo, it's not my fault you give more than half of the bad guys greneade launchers, and I'm handed a crappy pistol and an assault rifle with poor aiming.


New member
Aug 10, 2010
qbanknight said:
Oh Halo fans, will you do anything for cultural acceptance like twisting the words of a harsh game critic to say that he enjoyed the game?
" it's basically inoffensive. It'll certainly pass the time and it even has a few fleeting impressive moments"



New member
Nov 18, 2009
In fact I don't feel like arguing but for whatever reason reading this gave me the inexplicable urge to see Christina Ricci naked.
It took me about 5 full minutes to trace back how the hell my mind wandered far enough to get to that point (longer than the google search to find her in the first place) but I just thought I'd share.
Fanboys bore me and responding to fanboys is an even greater waste of time, though I'm responding to the response with my own random ramblings so I guess I win (though to be fair I'm sick in bed so theres shit else for me to do).


New member
Feb 11, 2009
Well there is a point for multiplayer, but I do have to posit that there are some games that are worth multiplayer alone, albeit not at normal retail price. One game that I played to death, Black Hawk Down for the PS2, had a relatively uneventful single player, but the multiplayer was one of the best that I'd ever seen in an FPS, because it was so delightfully simple and basic that there was nothing to it but fun, and it really lasted for years. Though if I go on again there probably will be less than three servers running so there's no point...


New member
May 25, 2008
ZahrDalsk said:
Yahtzee should have played with subtitles on. I know Jorge pronounces it "mom" but that's just his accent - he's saying "ma'am."

Anyhoo, I guess Reach can join Half-Life 2 at the Mediocrity Table, eh?
I noticed that too, but what was Jorge's comment on "been hers half my life" about then? That would certainly imply she was his mother, or at least the person who looked after him half his life.

Interesting though, you think the pronunciation was off, while I think the subtitles are wrong :p


Media Snob
Mar 19, 2010
Brotherofwill said:
Co-op is one thing, but that's basically just single player with a ball and chain (and if you've never gotten that impression of co-op, it's because you're the ball and chain).
Can someone explain this to me? I don't get it.
None of the Halo difficulties are challenging enough that you need two people to succeed and the hardest settings tend to send you both back to the last checkpoint whenever either of you dies so it becomes a game of the superior player trying to complete the objectives before their partner wanders his uncoordinated ass right into the path of some sniper fire. The bottom line is that if you've never noticed your friend obliviously driving you both off a cliff then you're the "ball and chain" that's constantly getting in their way.


New member
Jan 16, 2010
Sennz0r said:
ZahrDalsk said:
Yahtzee should have played with subtitles on. I know Jorge pronounces it "mom" but that's just his accent - he's saying "ma'am."

Anyhoo, I guess Reach can join Half-Life 2 at the Mediocrity Table, eh?
I noticed that too, but what was Jorge's comment about "been hers half my life" about then? That would certainly imply she was his mother, or at least the person who looked after him half his life.

Interesting though, you think the pronunciation was off, while I think the subtitles are wrong :p
Jorge was a Spartan 2 and they have all spent most of their lives with her.


The Loneliest Jedi
Apr 17, 2009

and well, i agree with everything that was said from yahtzee