Most Annoying in-Game Enemy.


New member
Sep 21, 2008
those stupid mine things from oblivion!

i dont know why, but i never see them and even if i do, im not a ranger and i dont know bolt magic so i cant blow them up, and there allways placed in frount of the goddam door!!!!

ditto from pokomon

here i am, traning one of my pokemon from the vary beginning, having him learn moves, and making him more powerfull, putting all sorts of time and work into him, and then a little pink blob comes along and mooches all my hard work, and to make it worse, he uses all my hard work to fight me. I HATE THAT LITTLE BLOB AND ALL HE STANDS FOR!!!

last one i can think of is tonbarry.

one simple resin. you cant kill him without extreem mesures, and he kills you in one hit.

cheap ass.

A random person

New member
Apr 20, 2009
NeutralDrow said:
Pretty much everything in <url=>these <url=>two entries.
Hello my fellow troper.


New member
May 9, 2008
the crackdown guys with guided rocketlaunchers, I hate those cunts, you are just about to make a jump onto a building, and you get a unaivoidable rocket shot at you.


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Mar 29, 2009
Those dark eco guys in Jak 3 that, no matter what weapon you use (except the Super Nova), alwaus split into more and more annoying creeps. I mean seriusly, I just used that grenade launcher weapon and shot it straight into it's face and it's still able to split into 2 other guys.


New member
Mar 5, 2008
Acid Armageddon said:
Mirelurks from Fallout 3. You have to use VATS to shoot em in the face, and when they get close, they deal tons of damage real quick!
What I hate about them is that they hunch over before attacking you, hiding their faces. So you either have to shoot them in the face at medium range OR after he's already hit you.

But I found out shooting their limbs is just as effective. Im pretty sure only their torso has 50% damage reduction. Even though the tip in the loading screen says otherwise.

Some monsters in early final fantasies were designed to be death traps. Though there were usually ways to avoid encountering them, many times I prayed before every random battle. And if you did encounter one or more, you can bet your ass escaping fails untill its game over.


New member
May 16, 2009
Those wierd little chimera (or however you spell that) in Resistance 1. They would hatch from their weird sacks and chase after you. I never died from one, but I would waste all of my goddamn ammo on those little fuckers


New member
Apr 23, 2009
I hate cliffracers (From Morrowind)
By themselves they are not that bad, but I can't walk one @#$@# foot without another one attacking me.
St. Jiub became my patron saint when he banished them from Morrowind between Morrowind and Oblivion. Just wish he would have done that before I spent my entire time in Morrowind defending myself from them...


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May 24, 2008
fu6azi said:
Chrysalids from the original Xcom.

Oh yeah. Agreed. I was trying to think of the most annoying one, and that takes the cake. Funny thing is, I'm actually playing X-Com again, but haven't run into them yet.

Only thing worse is the Chrysalid equivalent in Terror From the Deep, the Tentatulat. It's basically the Chrysalid, but in water levels it can also swim to any level, not just walk on the bottom. Ethereals are also a hot contender for most annoying. Suck my blaster bomb you mind-controlling assholes!

j0z said:
I hate cliffracers (From Morrowind)
By themselves they are not that bad, but I can't walk one @#$@# foot without another one attacking me.
St. Jiub became my patron saint when he banished them from Morrowind between Morrowind and Oblivion. Just wish he would have done that before I spent my entire time in Morrowind defending myself from them...
These guys were pretty annoying. They didn't do any real damage once you had decent armor, I just remember many treks across the world suddenly to see "you have contracted suchandsuch disease!" and THEN see the cliff racer trying to bite my head.

Acid Armageddon said:
Mirelurks from Fallout 3. You have to use VATS to shoot em in the face, and when they get close, they deal tons of damage real quick!
I actually had no problems with the mirelurks after the first one or two. The Nukalurks, however, hold a special place in the hatred center of my heart. They are responsible for 3 out of 6 deaths I had, playing the game through twice (two of the others are for stupidly using cars as cover...). And they only appear in one section of the game... They seem to hit 2-3 times as hard as a mirelurk, though I might be mistaken (they're no more durable though).


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May 5, 2009
All enemies on CoD5 Veteran. The second you stop moving they throw a precision cooked grenade up your nose from the other side of the map (and so do all of their mates).


New member
Feb 28, 2009
Most enemy AI'S because they will always have the advantage over you. Especially in RTS games, because they can individually move each unit in that group of over 100 men.

But if I had to pick one enemy in particular it would be the Bloodmounts from Gears 2. They're a right pain especially on insane where it is vital that you stay in cover, but they offer you two solutions sit there and die, or run away and die.


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Feb 28, 2009
llewgriff said:
the poison antlions HL:2, dear Science they were soooo annoying
Really? they were never a problem for me, their aim was awful even when I was standing still they would still miss.


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Feb 12, 2009
Spirit_Of_Fire said:
llewgriff said:
the poison antlions HL:2, dear Science they were soooo annoying
Really? they were never a problem for me, their aim was awful even when I was standing still they would still miss.
They always seemed to hit me, perhaps I have terrible reactions and they seemed to soak up a load of damage too.


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Jul 7, 2008
Curtmiester said:
Any enemy wearing that unstoppable, bullshit armour on everything but that one spot on their back. WTF is up with that?
I can do that one better. The enemies with the indestructible bullshit riot shields from Black who also somehow possess the same abilities as a jedi and can spin around instantly to stop an attack from behind.


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Jan 25, 2009
Helghast heavies - the epitome of bullshit invincibility armour except for the small bit on their backs


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Apr 15, 2009
The cacoes from Doom 1 and 2. Can't do anything to them when ur in a small room against 5 cacoes and only having a pistol.x(


New member
May 21, 2009
The dead babies (Aka Lurkers) in Dead Space. One of the few enemies in the entire game with a ranged attack, ridiculously tiny and hard to hit, and even when hit they're considerably more durable than most basic Necromorphs. And they come in pairs or packs. I was quite fond of them though as they were the only enemy to really pose a viable threat, so I don't know if they do fit into the 'Most Annoying' category wholeheartedly.

Although just purely annoying would have to be the Grans from Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight that came with Thermal detonators and just stood there, lobbing them at you en masse. They also appeared in Jedi Outcast and Academy for bonus bullshit.


New member
May 28, 2008
I always hated the Hammer guys in the orginal Super Mario. Could never quite figure those little sods out and they kept switching between platforms throwing their hammers at me.