Most annoying things about school


New member
May 28, 2010
Basically, just say what you found most annoying about your school or school in general. College too

Me I want to kick the guy in the nuts who thought having math class in the morning was a good idea. I never did well in math class, more so in the morning, in fact in college I had morning math class, took me 2 years to beat Geometry...ugh not a good time for me.


Your friendly local nihilist
Dec 6, 2010
I hate group projects. Every time I get paired up with people who do absolutely nothing and I get stuck with the full project. Glad they have become quite rare in college.

Overly tedious projects annoy the hell out of me as well. This one teacher my Junior year of Highschool loved these. He gave us two projects that were just so tedious and pointless. For one we had to plan a one-week vacation on about 3,000 dollars, which if you had to fly was nigh impossible. We had to eat at a different restaurant for every meal and couldn't visit sites that other students were near. I eventually said fuck it and skipped out on it. Still passed with a B.


New member
May 28, 2010
Elfgore said:
I hate group projects. Every time I get paired up with people who do absolutely nothing and I get stuck with the full project. Glad they have become quite rare in college.

Overly tedious projects annoy the hell out of me as well. This one teacher my Junior year of Highschool loved these. He gave us two projects that were just so tedious and pointless. For one we had to plan a one-week vacation on about 3,000 dollars, which if you had to fly was nigh impossible. We had to eat at a different restaurant for every meal and couldn't visit sites that other students were near. I eventually said fuck it and skipped out on it. Still passed with a B.
Ugh I know what you mean, I hated kids who made me do all the work...

Jamieson 90

New member
Mar 29, 2010
Having double P.E last thing on a Friday and still having to get changed back into your uniform to go home in, never made sense and it would have been so much quicker to just let us go as we were.

Not being allowed to wear your coat inside the school. Okay in lessons I can understand since it would be rude, but in the corridors? I wouldn't have minded if it was actually warm enough but our heating system was ancient and it was freezing.

Group projects, there was always some dickhead who just wanted to F about and never did any of the work, yet you had to pick up the slack or else you all got a bad grade, the annoying thing is they knew it too.

Punishing an entire class for one student's misdeeds. I get that the teacher was trying to divide and conquer and all that jazz but it was just fucking annoying and didn't work. I didn't get annoyed at the miscreant I resented the teacher for punishing everyone instead of punishing the one offender.

And yeah just the dicks in general, we all knew who they were, you know the ones that just blatantly didn't want to be there. Thankfully there was less in college and even fewer in university.


New member
Feb 15, 2011
Motherfucking textbooks. I hate whoever realized that they can charge whatever they want for textbooks, and students will still buy them because they don't have a choice. And I hate professors that don't bother looking up the prices for textbooks before making them required for the course, or just don't care. I had one professor try to tell me that they don't have access to the price of the books when they're choosing which books to use for the class. Which is complete horseshit, because they could just look the book up on Amazon to see what it costs.

Now, it's one thing to spend a lot of money on a well written textbook where I actually use the information frequently throughout the semester, but it's completely different when the textbook gets used maybe twice. My education is expensive enough as it is, there's no reason to make us spend even more on shit we never use.

Jamieson 90

New member
Mar 29, 2010
ohnoitsabear said:
Motherfucking textbooks. I hate whoever realized that they can charge whatever they want for textbooks, and students will still buy them because they don't have a choice. And I hate professors that don't bother looking up the prices for textbooks before making them required for the course, or just don't care. I had one professor try to tell me that they don't have access to the price of the books when they're choosing which books to use for the class. Which is complete horseshit, because they could just look the book up on Amazon to see what it costs.

Now, it's one thing to spend a lot of money on a well written textbook where I actually use the information frequently throughout the semester, but it's completely different when the textbook gets used maybe twice. My education is expensive enough as it is, there's no reason to make us spend even more on shit we never use.
I can go one better, back when I was in university one of my professors actually listed one of their own books as required reading, and the book cost a cool £29.99 and was barely more than 200 pages, seriously I'm not fucking joking. Okay it was a good book and he was one of the best and obviously knew his stuff, but still shamelessly plugging your own book like that....

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009

In most if not all other classes I could easily avoid all those people who would eat me for lunch, but in Gym I was forced to mingle with them.

Aris Khandr

New member
Oct 6, 2010
I'd rather be left to do all the work on a group project than to end up with people who want to help, but aren't up to my standard. I'm carrying a 4.0 GPA, doing all of the extra credit assignments that I can, and am currently sitting at a better than perfect score in three of my five classes this semester. I can see the class average for pretty much every test, assignment, or overall attendance, and the class as a whole isn't even managing a B. Very much a group of people who only do what they have to to get by. And then they expect me to work with these people? The best case scenario is that I end up doing all of the work. Because then at least I know that I'll maintain my grades. Gods help me if those slackers actually start trying to contribute.

Other complaints would include the fact that I am going to a small school, so my class options are very limited. There is no testing out of History because there are only a few options to fulfill the requirements of my degree. So I'm sitting in Civilization I with people who think Cleopatra built the pyramids and that Rome and Greece were the same place. They listen to the lectures (as far as I can tell), but never do the reading outside of class, so the discussion portion tends to be myself and the professor. I'm not necessarily against that, but I read history books for pleasure. So it becomes very tedious to limit our discussions to an introductory course level when the rest of them just don't care. I wouldn't be nearly so upset about this, but there are no more specific courses offered at this school, so it isn't like I can suffer through this and then go take a course on Ancient Egypt later. This is as good as it gets, at least until I transfer in two years.

If I were to try to condense my complaints, it is basically that I hate other students. I hate that they come to class and sit there like lumps, offering nothing productive to the class but more than happy to grumble about the fact that I am showing them up. I hate that I spent a week of class time on peer review for my first paper in Composition I, had not one single bit of constructive criticism from any of my classmates, and eventually had to go to the tutoring center to improve it after being told "this is perfect" over and over and over. I hate that they all complain that I'm making them look bad because I actually do the assignments (even when they aren't for a grade), but are more than happy to copy down my work. I'm actually curious to see how many of my classmates learn that plagiarism doesn't just apply to published works with this paper.

I want to be surrounded by people who really want to learn, who are passionate about the subjects they're taking. Not more of the dullards I went to secondary school with, who don't care and are only here because they have to be. This is university, no one has to be here anymore. If you'd rather be somewhere else, go be there. Or get with the bloody program.


New member
Apr 14, 2013
ohnoitsabear said:
Motherfucking textbooks. I hate whoever realized that they can charge whatever they want for textbooks, and students will still buy them because they don't have a choice.
It's not just textbooks. It's actually a common pricing scheme to charge a lot for items that are guaranteed to reach only a very limited audience, especially if that audience has few, if any, alternatives. Since textbooks fall under that category, they are subject to that pricing model. I still don't like it, but it isn't exclusive to textbooks.


Group projects. It is far too easy for some asshole to slack off and leave everyone else to do the work. Not to mention, even among those doing the work, if someone has trouble with their assignment, then it can become very hard to work around their problems and generally leaves the others doing their work as well. Thankfully, the last couple professors I've had give these assignments gave us ways to deal with difficult students. Basically, we could inform them that the student wasn't doing any work, and that student wouldn't get any credit. We also gave reviews on partner involvement, which made sure everyone would at least try to give equal work.

Restrictive papers. Writing papers is hard (and boring) enough. Not having any freedom to do what you want is even worse. I understand that professors are really just trying to let students know the standards they have to meet, but it would be really nice if those of us writing on a higher level than they expect to be given a little more freedom to do what we want. Thankfully, most professors do allow this, but have had one that didn't.


New member
Apr 23, 2013
The thing that bothered me in high school the most, were group assignements where the students could choose the group themselves. It always turned out to be an assignement with the same people over and over. Not that I didn't like the members of my group, but a bit of variation would have been better.

Besides that: professors who keep talking about unimportant subjects. If I go to class, I actually want to learn something useful. There's this one professor that just keeps talking about the countries he visited or in which Board of Directors he's a member of. One time he even talked about his trip to Brasil where he met an old student who was working in the porn industry... (although that story was quite amusing to hear :p)

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
Jamieson 90 said:
having to get changed back into your uniform to go home in, never made sense and it would have been so much quicker to just let us go as we were.
I feel your annoyances, same thing at the High School I was in.

What annoyed me the most was back in High School and I end up having to hang out everyone their exercise books. Ok this wasn't a problem if it was my classroom forms mates only as I know all of them but this was the year when all year forms are mixed together in level of their intelligent (good at the subject or not) who I didn't know all of their names (I was abit of a loner at High School). I always feel embrasses for being slow and resorting to asking a mate for whose book is who.

Oh and there also not fully understanding on the subject at hand and needing help but the teacher attention is diverted elsewhere thanks to the whinning ***** in the classroom who think she need the help above all others.


New member
Aug 31, 2012
Having to learn about bullshit you don't care or you don't have use for. Like Language for example. By the end it was so fucking useless I wondered why we even had it.

Before you start ask "why did you take it if you don't have any use for it", I'm not fucking american, so we had a fixed curriculum our entire school life.

Spider RedNight

There are holes in my brain
Oct 8, 2011
I disliked group projects as well, but not because I was the one lumped with all the responsibility... I didn't want to have to deal with a group taking my fall if it was something I REALLY didn't want to do. And I'm not talking petty nonsense, I'm talking about, like, building a castle or being stranded on an island. Oh, I'm stuck on an island with limited supplies? Time to eat my colleagues... they didn't like that answer very much.

I also haven't gotten to college yet so I'm limited in my bitching but I REALLY hated having to study all year for some state-required test at the end of it (I live in Texas). I wanted to learn about things that could benefit me in the long run, not some nonsense about "well, we don't have time to learn about this because it's not on the test".

Also taking classes I didn't need in general; I'm an ace in English, I don't get why it's required for someone who's made amendments for the teacher herself and proofread everyone else's papers in my spare time. No P.E. - I hate changing in front of other people and using a bathroom stall was considered "selfish" or something. Art? .....Welllll yes, I loved getting high scores for virtually doing NOTHING but still, I didn't NEED it. Why do you HAVE to get some sort of fine arts credit? Not everyone likes art


New member
Oct 26, 2012
the allocation of free periods: all of mine are concentrated on a wednesday, where I have a total of 4 lessons. Each of these lessons is separated by 3 free periods, so i get to go home at 5 having done nothing for 9 hours. Its god awful.

Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
Definitely have to go with the rest of the echo chamber that is this thread and say that group projects are ass. Even when most of the people in your group actually want to do the work most of them just don't have what it takes to do the quality of work that I expect. The most annoying part about that is I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings by just flat out saying "your work isn't good enough for me, just let me do it" so in the end I'd have to compromise and spend my time fixing their work when I could much easier just write it from scratch myself. At least working with people like this gave me people skills.

I will say though, the worst experience I've ever had in college was taking a philosophy class in which the professor failed you if you missed more than 3 lectures, but never actually put any information from the lectures on any of the tests (the tests came exclusively from the readings), making going to the lectures a completely worthless waste of time. I couldn't drop the class either because it was a prerequisite for my major, a major I changed one semester later.


New member
May 28, 2010
Ok Group projects are in the lead for most annoying thing in Schools, can't disagree on that one LOL


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Elfgore said:
I hate group projects. Every time I get paired up with people who do absolutely nothing and I get stuck with the full project. Glad they have become quite rare in college.
I hated those too...working with friends, working with random class-mates, it didn't matter: those group projects were always instant failures for me.


I hated school, I hated what little time I spent in CC but dammit...what really annoys me about school is how I can't help looking back fondly on those times. I wouldn't want to go back but I can't help but think about those bygone days and think, "that wasn't so bad" or, "It would be nice to go back for a day".


New member
Mar 18, 2010
The most annoying thing about school were the people I had to share my time with when I was there, both the students and the teachers.
Nothing else came close in terms of levels of annoyance.


New member
Mar 9, 2010
Jamieson 90 said:
I can go one better, back when I was in university one of my professors actually listed one of their own books as required reading, and the book cost a cool £29.99 and was barely more than 200 pages, seriously I'm not fucking joking. Okay it was a good book and he was one of the best and obviously knew his stuff, but still shamelessly plugging your own book like that....
I'm curious why you expected him to do otherwise; do you think he should have assigned a book from one of his competitors? Writing a textbook is very, very far from trivial. There's no reason why he shouldn't assign it.

If a person is enough of an asshole to derive their greatest pleasure from intimidating and harassing people, but is too cowardly or weak to be a real thug and too stupid to use the Internet, they become a campus supervisor instead. They would stop you on the way to your class if you were 20 seconds late, and make you wait 5 minutes while they filled out a detention form for skipping class. They knew they were the real reason you were missing significant class time too, but it didn't matter. They were having their taste of power and enjoying it.

The punishments weren't really the problem; they were so outrageously and blatantly fabricated that it was easy to get them reversed. Usually all you'd have to do was approach them while they were talking with their boss, ask them why you got a detention for cutting in the lunch line at 8:00 am, and they'd cave in and tear up the form. Really it was the fact that the school hired these guys that most annoyed me.

In my experience, high school is not a worthwhile use of time. It's run like a prison where all the staff are corrupt, some of the lessons that seniors get have no place in any grade above 2nd (one of the days during my last months of English in high school was spent on capitalization), there are no consequences for failure, success in high school has little correlation with success afterwards, and if the English, math, and science illiteracy in the US is any indication (the last Smithsonian poll found that 1 in 4 Americans don't know the earth orbits the sun), none of it makes an impact at all.

I like education and wanted to be a teacher for a long time, but what happens in high school is not education.