Most Comfortable Place You've Ever Slept...


New member
Apr 29, 2009
I'm getting a new bed delivered later this week, I'm excited, that's about it.

Where/what is the most comfortable place/surface you've ever slept on/in?

For added flavor, rate the place on a scale of iron spikes to orgasmic, then just add water.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Hmm... It's a toss up between a floor (I have a bad back so the flat surface is quite comfortable for me, that and it was a really soft carpet) and my sisters bed (She was out and I stayed in her bed for the night) which had a fluffy blanket under the sheets so it was really soft.

Reading that back to myself it makes me seem weird that I find the floor as comfortable as an actual bed...


This is the most wittiest title
Oct 26, 2009
Eggsnham, I'm getting awfully tired counting the enchantingly peeling sheep!

It is an interesting question though, and for that, I'll give my response with a hint of silly comprehensively thorough matter sprinkled on the top.

Once I begin to think of the most comfortable sleeping place, it's nearly impossible to not take in count the context of those places and times that come first in to mind.

Was it the hotel bed after a 100h work week and a 19h physically very demanding work day, even though I only had time to sleep for a couple of hours, before having to sign out and begin the journey back home?

Was it the bed after a rough two-week manouever in freezing Lapland in the deepest winter during military service, when I slept for 20 hours straight on a moving train. On a very thin foamy "matress", cocooned in a sleeping bag, quite sleep deprived being an understatement?

Was it the bed, when I shut my eyes in my then-girlfriend's slightly-too-small-for-both-of-us bed, trying to keep my portion of the blanket, when we were the most madly in love with each other?

Those beds felt extravagant to say the least, even though they wouldn't seem like such more objectively. Now they might even be uncomfortable or awful, but they're the first that came to mind.

On another note, it is truly strange how little attention we often give, how little investments we usually make, for the places we spend about a third of our lives in, and a proper sleep and rest being such a huge factor in the quality of our daily lives.


Fuhuhzucking hellcocks I'm good
Mar 17, 2010
Next to your mum. BOOM.

Or maybe an ex of mine's bed, she had one of those mould-to-fit-you jobbies.


New member
May 9, 2010
Went to a place with those fancy Tempur-Pedic mattresses. Had trouble sleeping when I got home, it was so comfy.


Reinventing the Spiel
Feb 2, 2012
After a busy night wandering around Glastonbury festival partaking in the sights and sounds (early morning unlicensed soundsystems ftw!) feeling somewhat worse for wear, without the benefit of shelter as we'd paid a fiver for someone to rip and hold open a metal fence panel to let us in and a tent wouldn't fit through... in what we (myself and partner) thought was a quiet field relatively near one of the aforementioned all-night rave centres. Damn, did we sleep well snuggled up to each other. Only at about 11 o'clock did I arise to find a good few thousand people all tramping about stepping over and around us - like an island in a storm - as we'd somehow ended up crashing out in front of one of the main stages. Oops.

Don't think the magic is there any more, the new fence means that instead of the unofficial 200,000+ people it's now around the 100,000 figure with health and safety ruling all. Other comfy places I've slept include a bare concrete floor in a warehouse and a beautiful beach in Sri Lanka - not forgetting home with the family!


Reinventing the Spiel
Feb 2, 2012
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
Think she will be mad at me if I write her a PM on Facebook asking her where she got it? :p
Depends if you had your wicked way with her sister on said couch or some other messy breakup.

Give us all a heads up if you do though, can't beat a comfy couch.

Zack Alklazaris

New member
Oct 6, 2011
In my wife's bed, covered in a thick warm fuzzy blanket, and wrapped in her arms. There really isn't a better way to sleep to me.

Yes, it was orgasmic.

Worse place (not asked but my most comfortable place just seemed... normal) was a cave... it sucked. Caves are fun to explore, really crappy to sleep in. I honestly don't know how our ancestors did it.

Damp, humid, and getting slowly soaked from your feet to your head. Yea it was like a bed of nails.

Tuesday Night Fever

New member
Jun 7, 2011
For senior year at my university my roommates and I decided to shell out some extra cash to get into the school's nicest residence hall.

Each suite had four single-person rooms, two full bathrooms, a full kitchen complete with appliances, and a living room. Each dorm room had its own queen size bed with one of those ridiculously comfortable posturepedic mattresses. Got myself some comfy flannel sheets and have never slept better in my entire life than I did in that bed.

I briefly considered stealing it after graduation.


New member
Jul 9, 2011
I have this porn-star red, cloth covered couch that I got second-hand. It's sooooooooooo comfortable. It's broken in enough that you just sink right into it.


New member
May 23, 2010
My mother's womb, I guess.
I won't say it was orgasmic though. That'd be gross.