Most dangerous creatures you ever saw. In a zoo doesn't count. has to be wild.


El Zorro Cauto
Nov 9, 2009
kannibus said:
A pregnant woman asking the question AM I FAT?
Yikes, you win there.

But I'll throw my hat into the ring. I was snorkeling in the Florida Keys when I noticed a bull shark swimming nearby. It did swim away from me, but considering that it has the highest levels of testosterone of any animal on the planet which makes it highly aggressive, I should feel fortunate that it only saw me as a curiosity worth a temporary glance.


New member
Feb 9, 2011
The mosquito is the deadliest creature on earth in terms of body count, they can spread some really nasty diseases, and I've seen plenty of those.

I've run into bears twice, both at summer camp, though fortunately they were a fair distance away and we cleared out of that area of the forest pretty quickly.

I got bitten by a black widow last year

I have seen brown recluses in and around my school, though no one seems to listen when I tell them

And a few years back I fell off a boat into a slew of sea nettles (not actually a dangerous species, just an unpleasant one) and had to go to the hospital because I was completely covered in them and they got in my eyes and mouth, and I also accidentally swallowed a few tentacles, that SUCKED.


New member
Mar 31, 2009
a full grown bull moose
black and brown bears
tons of deer
two venomous rattlesnakes

Vermont isn't a very dangerous place, so this is all I got.


New member
Mar 31, 2009
Tiger Sora said:
Man itself. Truly the most dangerous creature to ever roam. Well if that doesn't count than.... a bald eagle is probably the most dangerous thing I've seen... or a nest of wasps about the size of my thigh. Attacking me.... wasps would probably be the ones to kill me. Could fight an eagle, but afew thousand wasps..... yeh.
Drat. I have been the victim of a ninja posting.

I was hoping to be able to say I could top all the posts so far because I've seen humans.



Anopheles aegyptii.

Nasty little things, those.

I don't think golden eagles are all that dangerous, as long as you're bigger than a two-week-old reindeer, and seals and badgers aren't likely to predate adult humans. Lionfish and stonefish I've seen, but they're not aggressive to larger animals, so they're not that much of a threat. There was a little, bright-green snake in Cambodia, but I don't know whether it was a dangerous one or not.

Hrm ... does a large, dark shadow under the water count, or do I have to have seen it clearly enough to identify the species?

Bulls a few times. They're just about bright enough to notice you and attack you, but not smart enough to stop simply because they've got barbed wire fences wrapped around their legs or you've stabbed them in the throat or something like that.

One very large buck. By "very large" I mean I've seen people riding smaller horses. He had a couple of girlfriends following him and was barking like someone throwing some kind of weird grenade. He stopped and looked at me and I stood and looked at him, and then he went on his way.

Oh, oh, I know! I've seen something even scarier than sheep []! I've seen Syrians!

Water buffalo. I'm not sure whether they're dangerous or how dangerous they are but I'm pretty sure running a canoe into one is a bad idea. I didn't. Someone else nearly did.

Rats. Ever heard of bubonic plague?

Pigeons. Seriously. Rats spread 17 human diseases, of which 7 can kill you. Pigeons spread 70, of which 37 can kill you. Rats choose a corner and shit in it. Pigeons shit everywhere.

Wild boar. Look up Milka chocolate bars. See the cows depicted on the wrappers? I was walking up an Alp and a herd of them was walking down it, single file, and right in the middle was something slightly lower at the shoulder, with a longer, heavier head and a wider snout and tusks ... Yes, they're BIG.

Alligators? Pussy-whipped.

Herbsk said:
Mackheath said:
THEY are the most horrific, terrifying, brutal animal to ever be concieved by god almighty. THEY attack in droves, seeing flesh everywhere and anywhere to bite, swarming and surrounding their prey until it is a weeping, shredded mess.

THEY even have a special news forcast for THEM.
I don't care what you say....sheep do not count!
I believe Mackheath is referring to a little grey-and-cream-banded thing like a minature mosquito with feathery antennae. It's small enough to crawl through the spaces between the teeth of the zipper on your tent, and never alone. No. It brings its family with it. Expect swarms of 500 to 10000.

General Vagueness

New member
Feb 24, 2009
Kahunaburger said:
I've probably been ninja'd multiple times, but of course we all live alongside
I've been skimming pretty quickly but I don't think it was mentioned. I was thinking more like this



New member
Jul 20, 2009
The majestic Møøse.

It is HUGE and kills people quite often. Most of the time by being in the road and pulverizing your car when you hit it, but some other times as well...


New member
May 22, 2009
Humans. Those filthy creatures have destroyed more than any other species in existence therefore making them the most dangerous. No,seriously I think that we are the most dangerous creatures I've ever seen,we kill everything for food,water,resources,and for the hell of it. And yet we don't care until the shit hits the fan,now if you excuse me,I have meat to eat.


New member
Nov 11, 2010
I saw a bear while out hunting with my uncle.
Though those damn Canadian geese can make quite a case for themselves.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Let's see here:
-Hippo (really dangerous)
-Shark(don't remember what type)
That could be it...
BTW I used to live in africa...


New member
Dec 19, 2008
Robber with a 12-gauge levelled at me.

No? Then I'd have to go with a mastiff that cornered me once, living in the UK the worst you're likely to get is an adder or weaver fish, can't compete with the Aussies.


New member
Nov 17, 2009
Well I've seen deer, which cause tons of deaths in the US every year.

I've also seen mosquitos, which are responsible for 1-3 million deaths each year, which I think takes the cake.
Jun 24, 2009
I've seen a black widow, a brown recluse, and when my friend and I were walking in a forest at night, our flashlights caught the eyes of a cougar. We didn't see it entirely, but we saw its silhouette.

Oh, and a few bears.


New member
Jun 24, 2011
Women. Dangerously deceptive creatures they are. They are beautiful to behold but I highly advise against pissing them off.

And to avoid sexism rage...

Men. Their danger does not lie in their anger nor in their potential for deception. Their potential for danger lies mainly with their intelligence, which on average, is incredibly low. See also: Darwin awards.

That just makes it even worse and less accurate considering Dawin WAS a man

Matthew Valkanov

New member
Jun 8, 2011
Horny Ico said:
Matthew Valkanov said:
Komodo dragons. Venomous bite with the patience of a bloody rock.
That's not venom. []
Actually, studies have shown that a komodo's bite IS venomous :

I know the theory was that the komodo uses bacterial infections to kill it's prey, and I was quite surprised when I learned that they are venomous after all. In fact I checked 4 differents sites, just to be sure I hadn't dreamed that fact up. Although, the komodo's mouth IS teeming with bacteria, so I guess they might possibly be using the combo for added effectiveness.


New member
May 10, 2008

Which just so happens to be the creature responisble for the most deaths in the world :D

Yes, I officailly win the thread for bearing witness to such a creature, even so much as being bitten by one before, yes, I could have died!