Most disturbing thing you've ever seen in real life?


New member
Dec 10, 2012
An ex once cut her throat open to try and convince me to come back, never seen that much blood at one time before. She lived and I hope that she was institutionalized now, once she was stabilized I got the hell out of there at the first opportunity and haven't looked back.


New member
Sep 4, 2009
After reading all those posts I'm grateful the worst I've seen is roadkill squirrels. If my dad was writing this, he'd have stuff to say that could make anyone depressed.

One particularly disturbing thing I saw was a giant turtle next to the sea, rotting, with a massive egg half hanging out. Not sure waht species it was but it was huge and round, maybe 2 metres long and 1.5 wide and tall, with a 50cm-ish egg kind just, half sticking out... Turtles aren't supposed to be on that half of the island either. They're known for laying eggs in North Cyprus, not a rocky area in the south.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2008
WWmelb said:
TehCookie said:
Living animals with rotten flesh and maggots. That is sick and disgusting and any owner who lets their pet get infected in maggots needs to face some animal abuse charges. I've seen my dad die of cancer, my brother attempt suicide by cutting, but maggots is still the worst. It's like a moving corpse just waiting til time runs out.
Having spent a good portion of my childhood on a medium sized sheep farm, i can attest to the fact that this is very disturbing indeed.

I agree with your comment about pets, but just so you are aware (if you aren't already) a sheep becoming fly blown can happen so fast that it is almost impossible to catch every potential case in amongst thousands of sheep. It can literally happen within hours especially in lambing season.

It is horrible, disturbing and depressing, and unfortunately very rarely treatable. It more often than not ends in the poor animal being destroyed.
If you catch it early enough it is treatable, you just have to spend hours picking out maggots and cutting off the dead flesh. I work at a vets office which is where I see all the cases, and taking care of one or two pets is completely different from a farm full of sheep.


New member
Sep 7, 2011
TehCookie said:
WWmelb said:
TehCookie said:
Living animals with rotten flesh and maggots. That is sick and disgusting and any owner who lets their pet get infected in maggots needs to face some animal abuse charges. I've seen my dad die of cancer, my brother attempt suicide by cutting, but maggots is still the worst. It's like a moving corpse just waiting til time runs out.
Having spent a good portion of my childhood on a medium sized sheep farm, i can attest to the fact that this is very disturbing indeed.

I agree with your comment about pets, but just so you are aware (if you aren't already) a sheep becoming fly blown can happen so fast that it is almost impossible to catch every potential case in amongst thousands of sheep. It can literally happen within hours especially in lambing season.

It is horrible, disturbing and depressing, and unfortunately very rarely treatable. It more often than not ends in the poor animal being destroyed.
If you catch it early enough it is treatable, you just have to spend hours picking out maggots and cutting off the dead flesh. I work at a vets office which is where I see all the cases, and taking care of one or two pets is completely different from a farm full of sheep.
Very true, very true. Out of curiosity, whereabouts are you geographically? I'm in australia, and our summers are notorious breeding grounds for this type of thing >< The only thing i really don't miss about farm life really.


New member
Apr 12, 2012
Most disturbing thing I have ever seen was a pencil that had gone about half an inch into my hand without realising it at school,had me on edge that I might seriously hurt myself without realising it for weeks.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
adamsaccount said:
I saw an old lady get hit by a car. Seeing someone so frail get thrown about like that really fkd me up and reminded me how fragile life can be. No idea if she was ok but my guess is not.
old ladies are made of rubber. i saw then bounce cars away and leaving without a scrach. true story.

a cat decided to die by my door. but me not leaving the house every day only noticed it when half of it was made of maggots. fun job to clean that up i tell you.


I'd like to purchase an alcohol!
Jul 7, 2010
I saw a woman jump off of bridge into the path of an oncoming train
... I didn't sleep for weeks

I saw a pigeon get run over by a wagon
... I never ate pigeon pie again


Elite Member
Nov 29, 2009
triggrhappy94 said:
I've gotten some texts from a (then) girlfriend and then as an ex that caused full blown panic attacks.
Relationship stuff like that is a real big trigger for my anxiety.
Edit: I know it doesn't seem like much, but anyone who gets bad anxiety attacks knows how bad it can get.

This one girl I was "talking to" once sent me a link to Truegore. Fucking disgusting.
I second the relationship stuff, that's the stuff that f*cked me up the most.
I had anxiety attack for more than a year afterwards and I still sometimes get them.
Not pretty.

As for straight out violent and disturbing:
I saw a men get robbed in a street at knife-point when I was a child and could do nothing to help him.

I worked in a hospital for a while on a station with a great many senile patients.
We had patients who came with extremely bad injuries and some who came in such sorry states that the nurses refused to touch them without gloves.

For the more faint, it might also be worth mentioning, that, as a med student, I had to dissect a human body already and the process of transforming what once was a human being into nothing but mangled remains barely recognizable anymore might also be disturbing to some.

And the absolute worst thing I ever saw/experienced I will not share openly, mainly because it is just way too fucked up.

Scars Unseen

^ ^ v v < > < > B A
May 7, 2009
When I was 6 years old, we went boating on the 4th of July(on a large lake). On our way back, we saw an explosion come from another boat off in the distance(turns out that sparklers are poor substitutes for flashlights when working near fuel tanks). After we landed, I saw the bodies being taken ashore(there were survivors, but I didn't see them). The corpses were covered in burns and were pretty nasty to look at. Not a great way to go.


New member
Jul 12, 2009
Not sure...
But I'll be going to an autopsy in 3 weeks
So guess that'll be it...


New member
Aug 8, 2008
I must have been 15 years old at the time, and was in Montreal waiting for the metro to arrive. As the train approached, the man beside me decided today was the day he was going to jump in front of it.

At the ripe age of 16, I threw my first alcohol-infused party. My girlfriend at the time, who had gotten plastered, thought it a good idea to put on some heels and walk around the house. She fell and twisted her knee so that the kneecap was on the side of her leg.

When I was somewhere around 17 years old, a fight broke out on my street. Two guys were drunk and fighting, and there was a crowd of some 20 people standing around. One guy whips out a knife and stabs the other buddy twice.

I attended a party a few years back; a pool party to be exact. A friend thought it would be a good idea to jump from the house balcony in to the pool. Snapped his neck in the process.

This past thanksgiving (canadian thanksgiving), I woke up fairly early and stepped outside. From the porch, I was able to see over the fence and in to my neighbors backyard. It was then that I noticed that my neighbor had hung himself from a tree.

The first one was probably the most disturbing to see.


New member
Feb 14, 2011
God, the worst I have seen IRL is dead animals hit by cars. I absolutely hate seeing (Most) animals suffering, those people who were talking about seeing cats who had been hit but not dead, I would absolutely hate that. But then there are people who have seen suicides or worst. God, I never want to see any of that stuff....


New member
Sep 29, 2010
I saw a wolf spider in my room. It was rather...what's the word...oh yeah, disturbing.


New member
Dec 24, 2012
This one guy threw a spanner at an innocent monkey's head and I shit you not, it's head exploded.

And this happend when I was like 7 so it messed me up pretty good.


New member
Mar 5, 2012
Jesus, you pepole have seen some terrible things. Ugh.

OT: Well, a motorcycle and its driver literally exploded in front of my home after hitting a fence. The accident itself wasn't that disturbing, though. All the bystanders gathering around the corpse and taking pictures of it like it was a local attraction were disturbing.


New member
Apr 26, 2011
Rawne1980 said:
Probably during a UN peacekeeping tour in Cambodia.

Some of the local forces were forcing some of the local children into prostitution.

You had roughly 20 British troops from the Para's, Royal Marines and Coldstream Guards and a gang of locals trying to pimp off a group of kids to us ...... it didn't end well for the locals.

Disturbed me how casual they approached us and brought it up.

Funnily enough, none of the British troops were brought up on charges for the ensuing violence.
That's... sort of funny, actually. I have two that topped it to me. One I won't discuss here, but the other was an artillery piece failed spectacularly, and blew one of the gunners to kibble. The disturbing bit was that I got offered one of the guy's fingers as a souvenir by one of the squad.


New member
Dec 27, 2009
When i was around 12 years old two of my classmates managed to break an arm and a leg while playing with swings, it was on a school trip so we had to drive for a while until we reached a hospital, and i was sitting close to the one who broke his leg, he was kinda fat so there was a lot of meat and blood, i'm not sure how i managed not to vomit. And a 3 yo kid got run over by two cars next to my house, not sure how i forgot that..


*Insert Funny Title*
Feb 16, 2011
My dad's brain hemorrhage:
Seeing my father in the hospital in the hospital when he was able to receive visitors with a tube in his neck and him making a horrifying sound as he attempted to breathe and the beeping of the hospital equipment was traumatizing.
He survived but it has traumatized me for live.