Most evil person in history?


New member
Oct 10, 2008
Whoever decided that retaliating an attack on a military base with two nuclear attacks on civilian targets was fair. And who waited three days between the attacks, for added "fuck you" emphasis.

Alternatively, political leaders in third world countries to siphon monetary aid away from the people and build huge, lavish mosques and palaces for themselves.

Or whoever invented the Brass Bull, Iron Maiden or any other dark age torture equipment. The vileness of people is sickening.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
*Walks in*

Ah, hello there. Somebody called for ultimate evil. It's...MEEEE!


New member
Apr 28, 2010
Jegsimmons said:
LarenzoAOG said:
Sylveria said:
Saelune said:
Whoever made the Bible. That book got alot of people killed.
^What she said. Say what you will about Hitler, but that little book was at the core of what he did and millions of other deaths throughout history.
I'll tell you what I told her.

That would be dozens and dozens if not hundreds of different people, not a single guy.

Also if the Bible was never written then the people who did terrible things in the name of the Christian faith would have found another religion or ideal to justify their acts, some people are just bad people, or completleyunable to think for themselves, most are cowards who need some kind of authority to give them a yay or nay, or at least what they percieve as a yay or nay for the terrible things they do.

As much as I dislike the Bible I would never go so far as to blame it for terrible acts, instead I would blame the idiots who will do whatever the first person of authority tells them to, the assholes who are looking for a paper-thin justification for their assholeism, or those people in authority who would use something that is meant to be a guide to living in a moral manner as a tool to convince people to do bad things, and its not just the Bible, its every holy book and every doctrine.

Basically don't blame a gun for killing someone, blame the guy who shoots the gun.
You're welcome.


Elite Member
Aug 18, 2009
Saelune said:
Whoever made the Bible. That book got alot of people killed.
No one person made the bible, it is a culmination of books by many writers over thousands of years. When it was all amalgamated together, that was decided by a group of people. So do you mean all of those? Or do you just mean all the evil people that distorted and twisted the words in the bible to their own ends, like what has happened to many other holy texts?

LarenzoAOG said:
Jegsimmons said:
LarenzoAOG said:
Sylveria said:
Saelune said:
Whoever made the Bible. That book got alot of people killed.
^What she said. Say what you will about Hitler, but that little book was at the core of what he did and millions of other deaths throughout history.
I'll tell you what I told her.

That would be dozens and dozens if not hundreds of different people, not a single guy.

Also if the Bible was never written then the people who did terrible things in the name of the Christian faith would have found another religion or ideal to justify their acts, some people are just bad people, or completleyunable to think for themselves, most are cowards who need some kind of authority to give them a yay or nay, or at least what they percieve as a yay or nay for the terrible things they do.

As much as I dislike the Bible I would never go so far as to blame it for terrible acts, instead I would blame the idiots who will do whatever the first person of authority tells them to, the assholes who are looking for a paper-thin justification for their assholeism, or those people in authority who would use something that is meant to be a guide to living in a moral manner as a tool to convince people to do bad things, and its not just the Bible, its every holy book and every doctrine.

Basically don't blame a gun for killing someone, blame the guy who shoots the gun.
You're welcome.
I too would like to say thank you. That in the spoiler section was probably the single most sensible thing I've read on this forum. Genuinely.


New member
May 29, 2011
STALIN. i hate commies! i can live with marxism, but RUSSIAN NUKES? IN MY COUNTRY? burn in hell, you crimson abominations! oh and GO PLAY YOUR PINKLECHESS GAME WITH THE DEVIL, COMMIES!!!!